Why Do We Maintain Odd Habits?

  • Thread starter Danger
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In summary: I have proper bread then it makes perfect sense. I don't eat the last bite of a sandwich. I always drive with my window opened just a crack. I put both shoes on, and then tie them, verses one at a time.If you have proper bread then it makes perfect sense.
  • #1
Gold Member
Anybody else have any habits or rituals that have a logical basis, but appear really screwy to other people? For instance, I always give the second piece of toast a half-turn before buttering. It goes back 45 years. My family could only afford day-old bread at the bakery, and often it was a bit squished. To make a sandwich, I had to turn one piece around so the shape matched. It makes no sense now, but I can't shake the habit.
I have to leave for a few hours. I expect to see at least 10 pages of responses when I return. (I know that Evo and Hypatia are good for 2 pages each.)
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  • #2
Hahaha, I turn the bread too, when I make grilled cheese. And I can not break the habit, even when the bread is perfectly even. I guess I just hate it when the cheese hangs off on one edge and gets metled on to the grille, so I always have to turn. I also put the butter in the microwave for about 20 seconds and then slice it up with a knife to make it nice and smooth.
  • #3
I'm really not understanding this one. How does turning the bread make it line up better? Even on squished bread, wouldn't it be easiest just to use two adjacent slices from the loaf?
  • #4
Moonbear said:
I'm really not understanding this one. How does turning the bread make it line up better?
Probably some theorem from discrete mathematics, I suppose..
  • #5
arildno said:
Probably some theorem from discrete mathematics, I suppose..

:smile: Could be. :-p
  • #6
If you have proper bread then it makes perfect sense.
  • #7
I don't eat the last bite of a sandwich. I always drive with my window opened just a crack. I put both shoes on, and then tie them, verses one at a time.
  • #8
brewnog said:
If you have proper bread then it makes perfect sense.

How? Every bread I've ever had or made has a flat bottom side and a rounded top side. How does turning one slice halfway make it so the flat side lines up with the rounded side better than the flat side lines up with the flat side and the rounded side with the rounded side?
  • #9
No you are misunderstanding, or maybe I am. I flip a piece of bread over. ie, if the bread looked like this /-/ it would then look like this \-\
  • #10
when i have chips and dip, i eat all the small crumbs first so that i can dip them in the container while the dip is still near the top. Then i save all the whole chips for the end for when i have too scrape the container.

Also when i eat mashed potatoes, i always make a little hole in the center and pour the gravy in. Then i eat around the hole and just dip a little into the gravy as i go. I make sure not to spill any gravy on my plate, and as the gravy lessens, i can eat the walls of the hole, then eventually eat the bottom of the hole which has just the right amount of gravy left. In a family of 6, there was never enough gravy, so i had to make sure i'd have enough to last till my last bite.

Another thing i used to do was balance water bottles on my head and walk so i could keep good posture. I started doing it when i sat at my computer and now, my roommate laughs everytime she walks through the door, cause i almost never surf the web unless i have a bottle on my head.
  • #11
mattmns said:
No you are misunderstanding, or maybe I am. I flip a piece of bread over. ie, if the bread looked like this /-/ it would then look like this \-\

:confused: I can't believe we're arguing over proper alignment of slices of bread, but I guess neither of us has much of a life. :biggrin:

So, if I understand your diagram right, you're talking about squished bread where the sides are tilted on an angle, right? So your bread looks more like a parallelogram without any right angles? Sort of? If I understood right this far, how does taking two slices out of the bag, that look like this /-/ and flipping one over to look like this \-\ give you a properly aligned sandwich? Doesn't that give you a sandwich that looks like this X-X instead of this /-/? Doesn't it make the most sense just to keep the bread oriented the same way it was in the bag, so that the sides that were facing each other stay facing each other instead of flipping one over?

Well, except sometimes when I toast bread and it comes out somewhat bowed in the middle...convex if you will. Then I keep the convex sides on the outside so I can fit more in the middle of the bread.

Am I missing something?
  • #12
I always eat the parts of food that I like least first and then leave the best for last.

I will eat the broken pieces of chips, nuts or crackers first, but I have no logic behind it.
  • #13
Evo said:
I always eat the parts of food that I like least first and then leave the best for last.

I will eat the broken pieces of chips, nuts or crackers first, but I have no logic behind it.
What's weird about this?
I always eat my broccolis and carrots first, then my steak..
  • #14
Evo said:
I always eat the parts of food that I like least first and then leave the best for last.

I do that with cake. If it has good frosting, I'll eat all the cake and leave the frosting, then eat the frosting last, especially if it's homemade chocolate buttercream frosting. :approve:
  • #15
arildno said:
What's weird about this?
I always eat my broccolis and carrots first, then my steak..
Everyone I know eats what they like first, after all these years of thinking I was weird, you mean it's "ok". :smile:

I don't like real sweet stuff, so I will eat the cake and leave the frosting. I scrape the hideous white gunk off of oreos into the trash and only eat the cookie. The only way I will eat something like a twinky or other cream filled horror is to gut the cream out, leaving only the cake part.
  • #16
Moonbear said:
:confused: I can't believe we're arguing over proper alignment of slices of bread, but I guess neither of us has much of a life. :biggrin:

Or, we could be just a little ANAL! :biggrin:

That's okay, I'm just as bad. I might have mentioned this once...but the question of proper bathroom etiquette is worthy of consideration; especially if we're talking about parties, meetings, family gatherings and other events. Should one spray before or after washing one's hands? If you spray first, then you risk contaminating the spray can for the next person. If you wash first, the last person may have been less considerate. I finally decided that the solution is to always use only one hand for personal duties, and keep the other hand untouched for spraying; then wash. QED. :biggrin:

The funny thing is, I was making fun of myself a bit and told my sister about this. It turns out that she has often thought about this! :smile:

Also, in public bathrooms, I never touch anything if I can help it. I use a paper towel. When I traveled a lot, the airport bathroom scene could get pretty ugly in places like NY, Boston, Chicago, and the other big cities. There is just too much traffic to keep them clean.
  • #17
That sounds a little OCD ish Ivan.

MB I am talking about grilled cheese sandwiches, which you have to put button on one side. So, if you were to leave the bread alone and butter the bread as it came out, you would end up having to flip it. Maybe I should make a video or something to show you what I am talking about. 1 second, going to whip out a picture
  • #18
Moonbear said:
Doesn't it make the most sense just to keep the bread oriented the same way it was in the bag, so that the sides that were facing each other stay facing each other instead of flipping one over?
That's the net effect. If you just took them both out and buttered them, then aligning them as they were in the bag will put the butter on the outside of one of them. :approve:
  • #19
Danger said:
That's the net effect. If you just took them both out and buttered them, then aligning them as they were in the bag will put the butter on the outside of one of them. :approve:

  • #20
Evo said:
Everyone I know eats what they like first, after all these years of thinking I was weird, you mean it's "ok". :smile:
Of course it's okay! Moreover, it's logical. Save the best for last. Why would you scrub away the taste of a good steak with brocolli? (Then again, why would you have broccoli at all?)

You have my address, right? Feel free to send any unused icing. :biggrin:

Where's your other page and a half? You and Hypatia are not participating a prolifically as I'd expected. I counted on you to set a bad example for others. :wink:
  • #21
I, too, hate frosting on a cake. It is just way too sweet, as Evo said.
  • #22
Originally Posted by Danger
That's the net effect. If you just took them both out and buttered them, then aligning them as they were in the bag will put the butter on the outside of one of them.

mattmns said:

That's what you mean. I couldn't figure out what you guys were talking about. That's NORMAL, it's just common sense. You butter opposite sides so that the buttered sides face out, but still match up. I always do that.

I mean, only an ABNORMAL person wouldn't. :biggrin:
  • #23
Evo said:
Originally Posted by Danger
That's the net effect. If you just took them both out and buttered them, then aligning them as they were in the bag will put the butter on the outside of one of them.

That's what you mean. I couldn't figure out what you guys were talking about. That's NORMAL, it's just common sense. You butter opposite sides so that the buttered sides face out, but still match up. I always do that.

I mean, only an ABNORMAL person wouldn't. :biggrin:

Hmmm, well I guess I am normal then. I always thought I was using common sense, since it only takes a few seconds to flip the bread over, but my parents often looked at me weird when I would do it.
  • #24
Evo said:
I mean, only an ABNORMAL person wouldn't. :biggrin:
Wait a minute... that can't be right. I do it, so that would imply that I'm not abnormal... and we both know better than that. :wink:
  • #25
-I can sleep in most of the positions; sitting etc.

-I always have to cover myself with a blanket when i sleep whether it is cold or warm. :rolleyes:

-I like eating the ouside layer of the bread.

- When i like a song, movies etc i do listen to it repeatedly till i get bored of it-within 2-3 days. :-p

- I can't dance.

- I don't like attention. :cool:

- I take shower 2-3 times a day. :approve:
  • #26
mattmns said:


Oh, LOL! Pictures are worth a thousand words! (Though I was really trying for the thousand words. :frown:) I guess we were all talking about the same thing. To me, that's not flipping the bread, that's buttering the inside without flipping it, but I guess you have to flip it to butter it, but then you flip it right back, so the end result isn't a half flip different from the start, it's right back how the bread started. I don't think that's strange at all, it's the ONLY way to make a sandwich. You want your bread lined up. :-p

Edit: BTW, the first time I read the description, I wasn't thinking about flipping the bread, but thought you meant rotating the bread, like clockwise/counterclockwise 180 degrees. :smile:
Last edited:
  • #27
mattmns said:
I, too, hate frosting on a cake. It is just way too sweet, as Evo said.

That's a sacrilege, I'm sure! Well, it depends on the cake. I don't like frostings on store bought cakes. Then again, I don't usually like store bought cakes either. I prefer very rich frostings with lots of unsweetened chocolate or cocoa powder added, so the sugar just sweetens the chocolate. :approve:
  • #28
Moonbear said:
Edit: BTW, the first time I read the description, I wasn't thinking about flipping the bread, but thought you meant rotating the bread, like clockwise/counterclockwise 180 degrees. :smile:
No way! I only do that with Peaches.
  • #29
Danger said:
No way! I only do that with Peaches.

:smile: If I get an apple that still has a stem attached, I have to twist it off, I can't just eat the apple with the stem still there even though I'd never bite anywhere near it. (It's an old habit from when we were kids and would recite the alphabet while twisting off the stem to find out the letter our next boyfriend's name would start with...silly girl games).

Working in labs has made me a bit OCD when it comes to rinsing handwashed dishes. Since in the lab we rinse everything 5 times with distilled water to ensure it's fully rinsed of residues, I find myself always counting to five as I rinse dishes at home too.

Someone else mentioned always sleeping with blankets. I do that too. I need to have a heavy quilt on the bed all year, no matter how hot it is. I can't sleep with just a light blanket or sheet. It has nothing to do with warmth, I just need to feel the weight on top of me or I can't get comfortable.
  • #30
Hmm, I need a blanket too sleep as well, and I also twist off the stem of an apple before eating it. I am beginning to think that we are all normal.
  • #31
mattmns said:
Hmm, I need a blanket too sleep as well, and I also twist off the stem of an apple before eating it. I am beginning to think that we are all normal.

That, or PF has an unusually high population of abnormal people. :-p
  • #32
mattmns said:
Hmm, I need a blanket too sleep as well, and I also twist off the stem of an apple before eating it. I am beginning to think that we are all normal.
Me too. Well, if it's hot, perhaps just a sheet, but I need some kind of cover (but not my feet!).
  • #33
Moonbear said:
I just need to feel the weight on top of me or I can't get comfortable.
How about a nice warm doggie instead...? :devil: :wink:
  • #34
Evo said:
I need some kind of cover (but not my feet!).
See the above. :devil: (Oh, wait... we already... hmmmm...)
  • #35
Danger said:
How about a nice warm doggie instead...? :devil: :wink:
Don't fall for it Moonbear!

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