Why do we need to convert to a diagonal matrix?

In summary, diagonalizing a matrix has many practical applications, with the main one being simplifying matrix powers. This is especially useful in solving differential equations with constant matrices. Additionally, multiplying and calculating determinants of diagonal matrices is much simpler and requires less computational effort compared to non-diagonal matrices. However, not all matrices can be diagonalized, but they can be semi-diagonalized into a diagonal and nilpotent matrix. Understanding nilpotent linear transformations is important in understanding non-diagonalizable matrices. Furthermore, diagonalizing a matrix makes computing matrix functions, such as exponentials, much easier.
  • #1
Apart from simplifying matrix powers, why do we want to diagonalize a matrix? Do they have any appealing application which can be used to motivate to study diagonal matrices.
Thanks for any answers.
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  • #2
Simplifying matrix powers IS the main application for diagonalization. Why? Because of the very general ODE $\dot{\mathbf{x}}=A\mathbf{x}$ for constant $A$. If $A$ is diagonalizable, then the solution $\mathbf{x}=e^{At}\mathbf{x}_{0}$ makes sense only if you can exponentiate the $At$. To do that, you can form the Taylor series using matrices. Then, to compute that Taylor series, the computations are much more tractable with a diagonal matrix.
  • #3
multiplying (square) matrices is complicated, we have n2 inner products of rows and columns to consider, which is:

n3 + n arithmetical operations in all (n products in each inner product, plus a summation, times n2).

multiplying diagonal matrices is much simpler, the resulting product is ALSO diagonal, and requires only n operations:

diag{a1,...,an}*diag{b1,...,bn} = diag{a1b1,...,anbn}

even when n is small (like say n = 4), this is a tremendous savings of calculational effort (we only have 4 steps of arithmetic, rather than 68).

it also making calculating the determinant MUCH more tractable: the determinant is invariant under a similarity transform. for an nxn matrix, normally calculating it requires computing n! n-fold products and then summing these, whereas computing the determinant of a diagonal matrix requires just computing ONE n-fold product.

for example, computing a 5x5 determinant requires 121 arithmetical operations (even determining which 120 5-fold products to compute is tedious), whereas computing a 5x5 diagonal matrix's determinant can often be done in your head.

morevoer, if A is diagonalizable, diagonalizing A illustrates a deep connection between the diagonalized matrix and the eigenvalues of A, and the diagonalizing matrix P and the eigenvectors of A (and since P is invertible, that the eigenvectors form an eigenbasis).

the "catch" here is that not all matrices ARE diagonalizable. it turns out, however, that we can at least "semi-diagonalize" A into the sum:

D + N, where D is diagonal, and N is nilpotent.

this shows how important understanding nilpotent linear transformations is to "getting a good picture of bad matrices" (the diagonalizable ones being "good matrices").

if a matrix function can be represented as a power series (such as in the exponential example Ackbach gives), then computing the matrix function becomes a LOT easier if our matrix is diagonalizable.

unfortunately, the set of diagonalizable matrices isn't closed under matrix addition, which is a darn shame.

Related to Why do we need to convert to a diagonal matrix?

1. Why do we need to convert to a diagonal matrix?

Converting a matrix to a diagonal form can simplify calculations and make it easier to analyze the data. It also allows for easier visualization and interpretation of the data.

2. What is the benefit of having a diagonal matrix?

A diagonal matrix has many benefits, such as having all its non-diagonal elements equal to zero, making it easier to perform operations like multiplication and inversion. It also makes it easier to identify patterns and relationships within the data.

3. Can't we just use a regular matrix instead of converting to diagonal form?

While a regular matrix can also be used for calculations, converting it to a diagonal form can simplify the process and make it more efficient. Additionally, certain algorithms and methods may require the use of diagonal matrices.

4. How do we convert a matrix to a diagonal form?

To convert a matrix to a diagonal form, we use a process called diagonalization. This involves finding the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the matrix and using them to create a diagonal matrix with the same properties and characteristics as the original matrix.

5. Is converting to a diagonal matrix always necessary?

No, converting to a diagonal matrix is not always necessary. It depends on the specific problem and what needs to be achieved. In some cases, a regular matrix may suffice, while in others, converting to a diagonal form may be essential for accurate analysis and interpretation of the data.
