Why Do We Use Logarithmic Differentiation for Functions Involving ln and e?

Or do you want to ask about the next part?In summary, the conversation discussed using logarithms to simplify finding derivatives of complicated expressions. The steps involved taking the logarithm of both sides of the equation and using properties of logarithms to simplify the expression. The final solution involved finding the derivative of the new equation and then substituting the original function back in to get the final answer.
  • #1
I'm struggling taking the derivatives of anything with ln or e in it. For example the question y=xlnx/e^x,i have the solution and the first step they have is
lny=lnx+ln(lnx)-lne^x. I understand what to do until the last part why is the e^x on top now? If anyone has the time to help me figure out this and the rest of this question that would be great because i really need to understand this.
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  • #2
Because ln(x-1) = -ln(x)

Do you know the basic multiplication/addition properties of logarithms?
  • #3
oh right i forgot about that thanks
what about the next part (1/y) dy/dx=1/x+1/lnx(1/x)-1 again i understand it until the last part..i thought the derivative of e^x was just e^x..why is it 1
  • #4
never mind about that part i figured it out
  • #5
the last part i don't know how they got any of it they got xlnx/e^x[1/x+(1/xlnx)-1]
  • #6
What "last part"? You need to ask a well-formed question (or any question for that matter) if you want an answer.
  • #7

Write that as a function of only x and dy/dx (so no y)
  • #8
dcgirl16 said:
the last part i don't know how they got any of it they got xlnx/e^x[1/x+(1/xlnx)-1]


Say you have an expression, of which derivatives is very "hard" to find using the normal way, i.e, using the Quotient Rule, the Chain Rule, Product Rule, etc... then, the next thing you should try is to use logarithms, i.e, to simplify the problem.

Say, you want to find the derivative of:
[tex]y = \frac{x \ln x}{e ^ x}[/tex].
Of course, you can use a combination of the Product Rule, and Quotient Rule. But, well, it'll be messy, and you may make mistake somewhere. So it's best to take logarithm of both sides, and change all to sums (since, the Sum Rule, and Quotient Rule are far easier to use than those other rules).

We'll have:
[tex]\ln y = \ln \frac{x \ln x}{e ^ x}[/tex].

Apply some properties of logarithm here:
1. [tex]\ln \left( \frac{a}{b} \right) = \ln(a) - \ln (b)[/tex]

2. [tex]\ln \left( ab \right) = \ln(a) + \ln (b)[/tex]

3. [tex]\ln \left( a ^ \beta \right) = \beta \ln(a)[/tex]Here we go:
[tex]\ln y = \ln \frac{x \ln x}{e ^ x} = \ln (x \ln (x)) - \ln (e ^ x)[/tex] (using (1)).

[tex]... = \ln (x) + \ln ( \ln (x)) - \ln (e ^ x)[/tex] (using (2)).

[tex]... = \ln (x) + \ln ( \ln (x)) - x \ln (e) = \ln (x) + \ln ( \ln (x)) - x[/tex] (Using (3)).


So, we have:
[tex]\ln y = \ln (x) + \ln ( \ln (x)) - x[/tex]

If f(x) = g(x), then of course, we'll have f'(x) = g'(x), right? So, take the derivatives of both sides with respect to x, we have:

[tex](\ln y)'_x = (\ln (x) + \ln ( \ln (x)) - x)'_x[/tex]

[tex]\Rightarrow \frac{y'_x}{y} = (\ln (x))'_x + (\ln ( \ln (x)))'_x - (x)'_x[/tex]

[tex]\Rightarrow \frac{y'_x}{y} = \frac{1}{x} + \frac{(\ln(x))'_x}{\ln(x)} - 1[/tex]

[tex]\Rightarrow \frac{y'_x}{y} = \frac{1}{x} + \frac{\frac{1}{x}}{\ln(x)} - 1 = \frac{1}{x} + \frac{1}{x \ln(x)} - 1[/tex]

Now, we have found [tex]\frac{y'_x}{y}[/tex], but well, what we need is y'x, i.e the derivatives of y with respect to x, so let's multiply both sides by y to get:

[tex]... \Rightarrow y'_x = y \left( \frac{1}{x} + \frac{1}{x \ln(x)} - 1 \right)[/tex]

But, what's y? Well, it's [tex]y = \frac{x \ln x}{e ^ x}[/tex], our former function.

So, change y to x, we have:

[tex]... \Rightarrow y'_x = \left( \frac{x \ln x}{e ^ x} \right) \times \left( \frac{1}{x} + \frac{1}{x \ln(x)} - 1 \right)[/tex]

Yeah, we've done it. :)

Is there anything unclear?

FAQ: Why Do We Use Logarithmic Differentiation for Functions Involving ln and e?

1. What is the derivative of ln(x)?

The derivative of ln(x) is 1/x.

2. How do you find the derivative of e^x?

The derivative of e^x is e^x itself.

3. Can the chain rule be applied to derivatives of ln and e?

Yes, the chain rule can be applied to derivatives of ln and e. For example, the derivative of ln(sin(x)) would be 1/sin(x) * cos(x).

4. What is the difference between the derivatives of ln and e?

The derivative of ln(x) is always 1/x, while the derivative of e^x is always e^x itself. Additionally, ln(x) is the natural logarithm while e^x is the natural exponential function.

5. How do you find the second derivative of ln(x)?

To find the second derivative of ln(x), you can use the quotient rule. The second derivative of ln(x) is -1/x^2.
