Why do we use the physical quantity work to measure energy?

In summary, according to this conversation, using force*time instead of force*distance would be more efficient because the amount of energy wasted would be the same no matter how much power is used.
  • #1

Homework Statement

To me it makes more sense to use force*time instead of force*distance. Because when you are aplying force to an object that isn't moving you're still wasting energy. Or when you push a weight over the same distance with little force or big force, the amount of energy wasted should be the same, but it isn't because the power is different...

The Attempt at a Solution

Maybe I don't understand the definition of work, but why is it measured in joules then?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
n124122 said:
To me it makes more sense to use force*time instead of force*distance. Because when you are aplying force to an object that isn't moving you're still wasting energy.

Ok so consider a book sitting on a shelf. The book can exert a force on the shelf for many years.

If work = force * distance then the work done by the book on the shelf is zero, because the book doesn't move.
If work = force * time then it appears the book is doing work on the shelf. Where does the book get the energy to do that? What does the shelf do with the energy?

n124122 said:
when you push a weight over the same distance with little force or big force, the amount of energy wasted should be the same, but it isn't because the power is different...

Why are you concerned with the energy "wasted"? Concentrate on the useful work done first. In both cases you have moved a box the same distance against the same friction force - so the energy converted into useful work is the same.

What is different is the power. Power = energy/time. So moving the box faster requires the same energy but greater power.
  • #3

The human body isn't very efficient and it's easy for this to confuse you. For example it takes no energy to hold a heavy weight out in front of you. If you hold a weight at a constant height then you aren't doing any work on the weight. However it may feel like you are doing a lot of work and it may get harder and harder to keep the weight from falling. This is entirely due to the way the human body works and it's inefficiencies. If you put the weight on a shelf the shelf doesn't need an energy source to hold it up. It doesn't have to eat, breath and turn food into fuel/energy to hold the weight up.
  • #4
n124122 said:
when you are aplying force to an object that isn't moving you're still wasting energy.

The object may not be moving, but your muscles are moving. Holding an object up, for instance, requires that the cells in your muscles contract. But no cell can hold a contracting position forever, so your body has an ingenious scheme whereby only some of the cells in any particular muscle contract at any given moment (it is usually between 1/3 and 1/2 of the cells contracting at any given time, if I recall correctly). This allows the cells to have rest while you continue to do whatever. Of course, eventually the chemical stores are depleted and the muscle must rest. Thus the constant contracting and relaxing of individual muscle cells means they are doing work and producing heat. So you get tired even though you didn't move the object.
  • #5
CWatters said:
Ok so consider a book sitting on a shelf. The book can exert a force on the shelf for many years.

If work = force * distance then the work done by the book on the shelf is zero, because the book doesn't move.
If work = force * time then it appears the book is doing work on the shelf. Where does the book get the energy to do that? What does the shelf do with the energy?
Why are you concerned with the energy "wasted"? Concentrate on the useful work done first. In both cases you have moved a box the same distance against the same friction force - so the energy converted into useful work is the same.

What is different is the power. Power = energy/time. So moving the box faster requires the same energy but greater power.

But moving the box faster requires a different energy, because for a faster movement you're using more force . Which acording the the work formula (W=F*s) leads to more energy?
  • #6
n124122 said:
But moving the box faster requires a different energy, because for a faster movement you're using more force .
The force of friction (e.g. of a box on the floor) does not increase with increasing speed. Accordingly, it does not require a different amount of energy to move the box across a distance rapidly rather than slowly.

The required energy will need to be delivered in a shorter period of time, however. So it will take more "power".
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  • #7
Perhaps it would be a better idea to consider a technical description of energy. (It's difficult to give a short concise definition.)

From Wikipedia:
In physics, energy is a property of objects which can be transferred to other objects or converted into different forms.[1] The "ability of a system to perform work" is a common description, but it is difficult to give one single comprehensive definition of energy because of its many forms.[2] For instance, in SI units, energy is measured in joules, and one joule is defined "mechanically", being the energy transferred to an object by the mechanical work of moving it a distance of 1 metre against a force of 1 Newton.[note 1] However, there are many other definitions of energy, depending on the context, such as thermal energy, radiant energy, electromagnetic, nuclear, etc., where definitions are derived that are the most convenient.
In particular, I have used the phrase:
The "ability of a system to perform work"​
given in that snippet, in physical science courses and in Liberal Arts physics classes.

FAQ: Why do we use the physical quantity work to measure energy?

1. Why is work used to measure energy instead of other physical quantities?

The concept of work is closely related to the transfer of energy. When a force acts on an object, causing it to move a certain distance, work is done. This means that work is a measure of the energy transfer that occurs. Other physical quantities, such as force or distance, can also be used to measure energy, but work is the most commonly used because it directly reflects the energy transfer.

2. How is the physical quantity work related to the concept of energy?

Work and energy are closely related concepts, with work being defined as the transfer of energy from one system to another. When work is done on an object, the object gains energy, and when work is done BY an object, the object loses energy. This direct relationship between work and energy makes work a useful measure of energy.

3. Can you give an example of how work is used to measure energy in real-world situations?

One common example is the work done by a car engine. The engine converts the chemical energy in gasoline into mechanical energy, which is used to move the car. The amount of work done by the engine is directly related to the amount of energy transferred from the gasoline to the car, and can be used to measure the car's energy efficiency.

4. Why is work measured in joules, and not other units of measurement?

The joule is the standard unit of measurement for energy in the International System of Units (SI). It is defined as the amount of work done when a force of one newton is applied over a distance of one meter. This means that the joule is a direct measure of work, making it the most appropriate unit for measuring energy transfer.

5. Is work the only physical quantity used to measure energy?

No, there are other physical quantities that can also be used to measure energy, such as power and force. Power is the rate at which work is done, and force can be used to calculate the amount of work done. However, work is the most commonly used because it directly reflects the energy transfer that occurs, making it a more accurate measure of energy.
