Why do you refuse to consider new evidence and advancements in science?

  • Thread starter Ingvar Astrand
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    Big bang
In summary, Ingvar is saying that his theory is not being censored, that Big Bang Theory has a rightful place in this forum, and that evidence is needed to overthrow an accepted scientific theory.
  • #1
Ingvar Astrand
To the mentor-censor

Why do you forbid research reports about empirical discoveries that by scientific derivations give other results than the conspired consensus?

Why do you not let your members discuss the science without censoring?

What I would like to tell more about is the unified physics that I have derived and got accepted and given lectures at conferences in universities in USA (Connecticut 2000) and Russia St.-Petersburg 2002 and Kazan 2003 (plenary-lecture), Paris UNESCO 2002 (poster-session).

Why do you try to stop the truth and the development of science?
You can do it here on your debatepage, but there are other ways for the true science. What you do is that you support lies and delays

Ingvar Astrand, Sweden
Astronomy news on Phys.org
  • #2
Take a deep breath, Ingvar. Your ideas are not being censored.

You inserted your theory into a discussion about redshift with respect to the Big Bang model. As a general policy, if members wish to present their own theories, it is done in the https://www.physicsforums.com/forumdisplay.php?s=&daysprune=1000&forumid=12". Your post is still there now awaiting further discussion. What happened was that I split out your post to create its own topic/thread (which worked fine) and keep the rest of that redshift topic here (which didn't work...I accidentally/unfortunately lost that bit...sorry, marcus, you posted from great info there).

And yes, Big Bang Theory has pride of place in this forum. Deservedly so. Discussions of alternative theories are welcome at Physics Forums in their proper place. If you fear that your ideas will be lost in the Theory Development forum, you can include a link to your topic in a relevant ongoing thread in this forum.
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  • #3
It takes more than conspiracy allegations to overturn an accepted scientific theory. We'd be happy to examine any evidence you might have. Indeed, it is only by withstanding such powerful challenges that a theory becomes so well accepted. Your other post however contained only assertions and no arguements, so there was nothing to respond to.
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FAQ: Why do you refuse to consider new evidence and advancements in science?

1. What is the Holy Big Bang?

The Holy Big Bang is a scientific theory that explains the origin of the universe. It proposes that the universe began as a singularity, a point of infinite density and temperature, approximately 13.8 billion years ago. This singularity then expanded rapidly, creating the universe as we know it today.

2. How was the Holy Big Bang discovered?

The Holy Big Bang theory was first proposed in 1927 by Belgian priest and physicist Georges Lemaître. His theory was based on Albert Einstein's theory of general relativity and was later supported by observations such as the expansion of the universe and the cosmic microwave background radiation.

3. Is the Holy Big Bang the only explanation for the origin of the universe?

No, the Holy Big Bang is not the only explanation for the origin of the universe. Other theories such as the Steady State theory and the Oscillating universe theory have been proposed, but the Holy Big Bang is currently the most widely accepted and supported theory by the scientific community.

4. What evidence supports the Holy Big Bang theory?

There are several pieces of evidence that support the Holy Big Bang theory. One of the strongest pieces of evidence is the cosmic microwave background radiation, which is a remnant of the intense heat from the early universe. Additionally, the observed expansion of the universe and the abundance of light elements also support the theory.

5. Can the Holy Big Bang be proven?

As a scientific theory, the Holy Big Bang cannot be proven definitively. However, the vast amount of evidence and observations that support the theory make it the most plausible explanation for the origin of the universe. Scientists continue to study and gather more evidence to further support or refine the theory.

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