Why do you subtract different voltages in NodeVoltageMethod

  • Thread starter AchillesWrathfulLove
  • Start date
In summary, the Node Voltage Method uses the concept of voltage differences to solve circuits with multiple nodes. The method involves writing equations based on the current entering and leaving each node, with the convention of considering current entering the node as negative and current leaving as positive. The voltage across resistors can be found by subtracting the voltages at the nodes they are connected to. It is important to understand the basics of the method rather than trying to find patterns in examples.
  • #1
Derived from this circuits 3 nodes are 3 equations using the NodeVoltageMethod

1. (V1--40)/12 + 5 + (V1-V2)/20 + V1/25 = 0
2. (V2-V1)/20 + (V2-V3)/40 - 7.5 - 5 = 0
3. V3/40 + (V3-V2)/40 + 7.5 = 0

The only pattern I can see here is that if it is at node 1 then it is always the node voltage belonging to node 1 (which is V1) minus something else. I know that "this" minus "this" gives you the voltage across the horizontal or sometimes vertical resistor but I don't know WHY. Why do you minus voltages from each other.


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  • #2
What does you textbook says about the method? What sources have you tried to consult to answer the question and to learn how to apply the method?

Looks to me like you are searching for a pattern in worked out examples and reinventing the wheel instead of just learning the basics of the method, where it is all explained.
  • #3
Did you derive those three equations or is that from an example problem out of your course material ?

AchillesWrathfulLove said:
Why do you minus voltages from each other.
Short answer is because voltage is a DIFFERENCE (remember definition of voltage, it's Potential Difference) and to get a difference you subtract. You're finding the voltage across those 12, 20 , and 40 ohm resistors.

I know that sounds like a wise-guy answer but it's not.

I don't want to start in on my long answer because i was taught to treat current entering a node as positive, current leaving as negative,
yet i notice your 5 and 7.5 amp current sources are assigned a + sign when leaving nodes 1 and 3 and a - sin when entering node 2.

So i'll wait and see if anybody clarifies that conundrum..
Might be as simple as in 1961 when i was taught, we still believed in "electron current" and our textbook was the RCA Receiving Tube Manual.

That's why i asked if those equations were yours or a textbook author's.
Each author is free to set his conventions provided he clearly defines them.
I don't want to mix different sets of conventions--- that's chaos.

old jim
  • #4
jim hardy said:
I don't want to start in on my long answer because i was taught to treat current entering a node as positive, current leaving as negative,

Well i was taught that current into node is negative and current out of node is positive so that is why my equations are as such. Thank you for your answer.
  • #5
AchillesWrathfulLove said:
Well i was taught that current into node is negative and current out of node is positive so that is why my equations are as such. Thank you for your answer.
Thank you !
So long as one is rigorous with whatever sign convention he uses he'll be okay.

FAQ: Why do you subtract different voltages in NodeVoltageMethod

1. Why do we need to subtract different voltages in Node Voltage Method?

The Node Voltage Method is a technique used in circuit analysis to find the unknown voltages at different nodes in a circuit. The reason we need to subtract different voltages is because the voltage at each node is relative to a reference point, and in order to find the precise voltage at a specific node, we need to subtract the voltage at that node from the reference voltage.

2. How does subtracting different voltages help in solving circuit problems?

Subtracting different voltages allows us to find the specific voltage at a certain node, which is essential in solving circuit problems. By using the Node Voltage Method, we can analyze the flow of current and voltage within a circuit and determine the behavior of the circuit components.

3. Can we use other methods instead of subtracting voltages in Node Voltage Method?

Yes, there are other methods such as the Mesh Current Method and the Superposition Method that can be used to solve circuit problems. However, the Node Voltage Method is often preferred because it is simple and efficient, especially for circuits with multiple nodes.

4. Is there a specific order in which we should subtract the voltages in Node Voltage Method?

No, there is no specific order in which the voltages should be subtracted in the Node Voltage Method. As long as the voltage at each node is referenced to the same point, the order of subtraction does not affect the final result.

5. Are there any limitations to using the Node Voltage Method?

The Node Voltage Method is a powerful tool for solving circuit problems, but it does have some limitations. It is not suitable for circuits with dependent voltage sources and it cannot be used to determine the current flowing through a particular branch of the circuit.

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