Why Does a Ball Sink on Water Surface?

In summary, a ball sinks when placed on water because the force of gravity (mg) is greater than the upthrust force (Vpg). However, on the ground, the ball does not sink because of the nature of solids and the presence of a normal reaction force (N=mg). Additionally, the difference in density between the ball and the water allows it to float on the surface, whereas a denser object would sink.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Why does a ball placed on water surface sink, while one placed on the ground does not

The Attempt at a Solution

I think the ball sinks because mg is more than the upthrust (Vpg), but why doesn't the ball experience normal reaction (N=mg) on the water surface like we do on the ground ?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
On water the ball experiences byouncy force. The force isn't great enough to keep the ball above water though. Some bugs also walk on water due to surface intension.
  • #3
I like to think from 2 perspectives - differences in phase and differences in density.For a ball floating on water, there is a difference in density between the ball and the water - the ball is less dense, so it floats! If you use a metal ball bearing, which is denser than water, the metal ball bearing will sink, won't it?

However, on ground, no matter how dense your ball, it won't sink because of the nature of solids.. (revisit your theory of matter, and explain with respect to the particles)

FAQ: Why Does a Ball Sink on Water Surface?

1. Why does a ball sink on water surface?

A ball sinks on water surface due to the force of gravity. When an object is placed in water, the weight of the object causes it to sink. This is because the density of the object is greater than the density of water.

2. Does the size of the ball affect its ability to float on water?

Yes, the size of the ball does affect its ability to float on water. A larger ball has a greater volume and therefore a greater buoyant force pushing upwards. This can help the ball to float on water, depending on its density.

3. Why does a beach ball float on water?

A beach ball floats on water because it is less dense than water. The air inside the beach ball makes it less dense than the water, causing it to float. Additionally, the shape of the beach ball allows for more surface area, which increases the buoyant force.

4. Can a ball ever sink in water?

Yes, a ball can sink in water if its density is greater than the density of water. This can happen if the ball is made of a denser material, such as metal or lead. The weight of the ball will cause it to sink, even if it is small in size.

5. Why does a ball float when it is filled with air?

A ball filled with air floats because the overall density of the ball is less than the density of water. The air inside the ball makes it less dense, and therefore it is able to float on the water's surface. The shape and size of the ball also contribute to its ability to float.
