Why Does a Balloon Swing Forward When a Train Decelerates?

  • Thread starter moneenfan
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    Ball Train
In summary, on a train moving at a constant velocity, a balloon is hanging from a string in an overhead compartment. As long as the train maintains its constant speed, the string remains vertical. However, as the train approaches its destination, the balloon slowly swings forward and comes to rest at an angle of 8 degrees from the vertical. This suggests that the train is accelerating, causing the ball to move relative to the ground. The acceleration of the ball indicates that the train is no longer maintaining its constant velocity and zero acceleration. The ball may appear to hang vertically from the reference frame of the train, but it is actually accelerating relative to the ground due to the deceleration of the train.
  • #1
you are on a train moving along a track at constant velocity. hanging from a switcase in an overhead luggage compartment is a balloon the end of a string. as long as the train continues at constant speed you observe the string is vertical . as you neer your destination you obsrve the ball swing forward slowly and come to rest at an angle of 8 degrees from the vertical

im having trouble understanding this.Im not sure if the ball is accelerating relative to the ground or not. I think it is. And I am not too sure how i would approach solving for the acceleration of the ball. Any ideas? I really want to better comprehend the question.
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  • #2
What does the question ask you to find?
  • #3
when it comes to rest at 8 degrees from the vertical the ball is stationary with respect to you. is it acceleration relative to the ground? What evidence do you have for or against the ball accelerating relative to the ground?

based on your observations the ball is the reference frame of the train, an inertial reference frame while the ball is hanging from the angle from the vertical. Explain?

What is the acceleration of the ball and what does this tell you about the motion of the train?
  • #4
OK, well first of all: why does the ball not hang straight down?
  • #5
well it does to begin with, but as the train begins to decelerate we have a change in velocity and it begins to accelerate negatively. We no longer maintain constant velocity and zero acceleration. Could it be that the ball while at constant velocity maintains itself relative to the floor of the trai and not the ground because there is zero acceleration?

FAQ: Why Does a Balloon Swing Forward When a Train Decelerates?

What is "The train and the ball question"?

"The train and the ball question" is a thought experiment that explores the concept of relative motion and the effects of different frames of reference on the perception of an event.

Who came up with "The train and the ball question"?

The thought experiment was first proposed by physicist Albert Einstein in his 1905 paper "On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies" as part of his theory of special relativity.

What is the main idea behind "The train and the ball question"?

The main idea is to challenge our intuitive understanding of motion by showing that the perception of an event can differ depending on the observer's frame of reference.

Why is "The train and the ball question" important in science?

This thought experiment has important implications for the theory of relativity and has led to significant advancements in our understanding of how the laws of physics behave in different frames of reference.

How does "The train and the ball question" relate to everyday life?

While the thought experiment may seem abstract, it has real-life applications in fields such as physics, engineering, and navigation. It also challenges our perceptions of time and space, which can lead to a deeper understanding of the world around us.
