Why Does a Diffraction Grating Not Show Intermediate Intensity Patterns?

In summary, diffraction grating produces several bright spots according to the path difference not being equal to or a multiple of the wavelength. The trend is for the "in-between" intensities to be diminished when compared to the constructive peaks.
  • #1
Blistering Peanut
Since I'm on a roll,


Laser shining through a diffraction grating produces several bright spots according to

[tex] n \lambda = d sin\theta [/tex]

I was wondering when the path difference isn't equal to or a multiple of the wavelength, why don't we see a pattern more like the one on the top right, with slightly constructive interference and completely destructive intereference halfway between each dot?
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  • #2
Blistering Peanut said:
Since I'm on a roll,


Laser shining through a diffraction grating produces several bright spots according to

[tex] n \lambda = d sin\theta [/tex]

I was wondering when the path difference isn't equal to or a multiple of the wavelength, why don't we see a pattern more like the one on the top right, with slightly constructive interference and completely destructive intereference halfway between each dot?

OK, since no one is tackling this one, I will foolishly jump in! :)

Let me start with the single slit pattern and we'll see if I can explain the trend here as you add more and more slits. In a single slit, what you have is a Fraunhoffer pattern. You have a central bright "glob", followed by dark-bright-dark-etc globs. This is exactly what you were looking for, but for a single slit, i.e. you have varous degree of intensity in the pattern.

Now, let's add another slit to this, so we have a 2-slit case. What you now have is an ADDITIONAL set of interference pattern that is modulated by the ORIGINAL single-slit fraunhoffer pattern. In other words, the "criteria" for complete constructive and complete destructive is now more stringent. At the same time, the modulation of the intensity imposed by the original single-slit is still there.

You can tell that as you add more and more slits, only the constructive peaks will be the one most apparent TO YOUR EYE. The rest of the "in betweens" are there, but they are mostly washed out. Their intensities are still there, but your eye isn't sensitive enough to detect them. We know this because in X-ray diffraction experiments where the angular diffraction are scanned by photosensitive detectors, these "in-between" intensities are still present but highly diminished in strength when compared to the constructive peaks.

http://www.phy.davidson.edu/StuHome/grpatterson/Diffraction and Spatial Filtering/double_slit1.htm


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FAQ: Why Does a Diffraction Grating Not Show Intermediate Intensity Patterns?

1. What is a diffraction grating?

A diffraction grating is an optical component consisting of a large number of equally spaced parallel grooves or slits on a surface. It is used to separate and diffract light into its component wavelengths, creating a spectrum.

2. How does a diffraction grating work?

When light passes through a diffraction grating, it is diffracted into multiple beams due to the interference between the waves passing through the slits. The distance between the slits determines the angle at which the light is diffracted, allowing for the separation of different wavelengths.

3. What is the difference between a transmission and reflection diffraction grating?

A transmission diffraction grating has the slits or grooves on a transparent material, while a reflection diffraction grating has them on a reflective material. The choice between the two depends on the specific application and the desired properties of the diffracted light.

4. How are diffraction gratings used in scientific research?

Diffraction gratings are widely used in scientific research, particularly in the field of spectroscopy. They are used to analyze the composition of substances by separating and identifying the different wavelengths of light that they emit or absorb. They are also used in optical instruments such as telescopes and spectrometers.

5. Can diffraction gratings be customized for specific applications?

Yes, diffraction gratings can be customized for specific applications by varying the spacing and number of slits or grooves. They can also be made with different materials and coatings to optimize their performance for different types of light, such as visible, ultraviolet, or infrared.
