Why does a map from simply connected space to U(1) factors through R?

In summary, U(1) is a factor in mapping from a simply connected space to R because it is a fundamental group of the space, allowing for a unique mapping to U(1) through R. This mapping can be thought of as a rotation in the complex plane, with the real number representing the angle of rotation. A simply connected space is significant in this mapping because it ensures the uniqueness of the mapping. While it is possible for the map to factor through a different group, U(1) is particularly useful in this context due to its fundamental group property. This mapping has applications in various fields such as physics, mathematics, computer graphics, and engineering.
  • #1
I'm having trouble seeing why the following is true: let M be a simply connected manifold and s a smooth map from M to U(1). Then why does it follow that s = e^(iu) for some smooth function u from M to R?

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  • #2
Because R is the universal cover of U(1), and e^ix is a covering map.
  • #3
Tinyboss said:
Because R is the universal cover of U(1), and e^ix is a covering map.

Ahh...right, every map from a simply connected space lifts to the universal cover.


FAQ: Why does a map from simply connected space to U(1) factors through R?

1. Why is U(1) a factor in mapping from a simply connected space to R?

U(1) is a group that represents the unit circle in the complex plane. It is a fundamental group of a simply connected space, meaning that all loops in the space are contractible to a point. This property allows for a unique mapping from the simply connected space to U(1) through R.

2. How does a map from a simply connected space to U(1) factor through R?

A map from a simply connected space to U(1) can be thought of as a rotation in the complex plane. This rotation can be represented by a real number, which is where the factor of R comes in. The real number represents the angle of rotation, and thus the map factors through R.

3. What is the significance of a simply connected space in this mapping?

A simply connected space is important because it allows for a unique mapping to U(1) through R. As mentioned before, all loops in a simply connected space are contractible to a point, which means that there is only one way to map the space to U(1) through R.

4. Can a map from a simply connected space to U(1) factor through a different group?

Yes, it is possible for a map from a simply connected space to factor through a different group. However, U(1) is a particularly useful group in this context because it is the fundamental group of a simply connected space, making the mapping easier and more intuitive to understand.

5. How is this mapping applicable in science?

This type of mapping is commonly used in physics and mathematics to represent rotations and symmetries. It is also used in other fields such as computer graphics and engineering to describe transformations in space. Understanding the factors involved in this mapping can help in solving various problems and equations in these fields.
