Why does a mercury Franck-Hertz tube produce visible light?

In summary, The conversation discusses a Franck-Hertz experiment with mercury vapor, where bluish glowing regions were observed. The theory predicts 254 nm light emission, but the experiment showed visible light. Technicians used the visible light to measure rectifier conditions without disrupting operation. The conversation then discusses the difference between the number of visible and invisible layers at 254 nm, and why only the latter showed up in the measured current. After reading published versions of the experiment, it was determined that the results were consistent with expectations, with the excited electron emitting UV light at 254 nm and the post-collision mercury vapor emitting visible light. Replacing mercury vapor with neon in the experiment not only produces visible light but also eliminates harmful Hg vapors.
  • #1
I've recently conducted a Franck-Hertz experiment with mercury. I was able to see bluish glowing regions just as here:

However, theory predicts 254 nm, which is far below visible. Are there other energy levels at play here? Wouldn't that mess up the 4.9-V-spaces of the drops in the current vs. acceleration voltage diagram (they were clearly visible on the oscilloscope)?
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  • #2
Mercury vapor rectifiers were used to convert high-current AC to DC before being replaced by solid state devices in the 1970's. From wikipedia:
The mercury ions emit light at characteristic wavelengths, the relative intensities of which are determined by the pressure of the vapor. At the low pressure within a rectifier, the light appears pale blue-violet and contains much ultraviolet light.

Technicians could use the visible light to measure rectifier conditions without disturbing operation.
  • #3
So is the number of those blue "layers" different from the invisible ones at 254 nm? Why do only the latter show up in the measured current, corresponding to the drops every 4.9 V?
  • #4
After reading several published versions of the Franck-Hertz 1914 experiment, your results appear to agree. My understanding is that the excited electron emits UV at ~254 nm, below the spectrum visible to human eye but can react with skin cells. The post-collision mercury vapor ions emit photons in visible light:

Mercury Hg Emission line spectrum
Wavelength (nm)
Name Color
404.7 H-line violet
435.8 G-line blue
546.1 green
578.2 ...

This paper from Rutgers defines mercury vapor excited states https://www.physics.rutgers.edu/grad/506/franck-hertz.pdf

Replacing mercury vapor with neon in the experiment produces visible light photons while also eliminating harmful Hg vapors. Neon values appear after Hg in this paper http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/FrHz.html#disc

Related to Why does a mercury Franck-Hertz tube produce visible light?

1. What is a Franck-Hertz tube?

A Franck-Hertz tube is a type of gas-filled tube used in experiments to study the behavior of electrons in atoms. It was first invented by James Franck and Gustav Hertz in 1914.

2. How does a Franck-Hertz tube work?

A Franck-Hertz tube contains a small amount of mercury vapor, which is heated to produce a gas. When a high voltage is applied to the tube, the electrons in the gas are accelerated towards a positively charged plate at the end of the tube. As the electrons collide with the mercury atoms, they transfer energy to them, causing them to become excited. This energy is then released as visible light when the excited mercury atoms return to their ground state.

3. Why is mercury used in a Franck-Hertz tube?

Mercury is used in a Franck-Hertz tube because it is a good conductor of electricity and has a low ionization energy. This means that it is easy to excite the electrons in the mercury atoms and produce visible light.

4. What is the purpose of a Franck-Hertz tube?

A Franck-Hertz tube is used to study the energy levels of atoms and the behavior of electrons in them. By measuring the voltage at which the electrons in the tube transfer energy to the mercury atoms, scientists can determine the energy levels of the mercury atoms and gain a better understanding of quantum mechanics.

5. How is a Franck-Hertz tube different from other types of gas-filled tubes?

A Franck-Hertz tube is unique because it is specifically designed to study the energy levels of atoms. Other gas-filled tubes, such as neon tubes, are used for lighting purposes and do not have the same precision and control as a Franck-Hertz tube. Additionally, the voltage applied to a Franck-Hertz tube is carefully controlled and varied, while other tubes may use a constant voltage.

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