Why Does a Single Polarizer Reduce Light Intensity by Half?

  • Thread starter kent davidge
  • Start date
In summary, when unpolarized light is passed through two polarizers, the intensity is reduced according to Malus' law. When passed through one polarizer, the intensity is reduced to half the original intensity. This is because unpolarized light has electric-field vectors in all possible directions, but when resolved into components, only two are left: one parallel and one perpendicular to the polarizer's axis. Using Malus' law and performing integration, it can be shown that the intensity is reduced to 1/2 of the original intensity.
  • #1
kent davidge
When unpolarized light is polarized with two polarizers, the intensity is reduced in according to Malu's law. But... when unpolarized light is polarized with only one polarizer, the intensity is reduced to half the intensity of the unpolarized light. Why? I've read that unpolarized light had electric-field vectors in all possible directions, but I don't understand the idea of resolve them in only two components, one parallel to polarizer's axis and the other perpendicular to it. (sorry my bad english).
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  • #2
Which fraction other than 1/2 would you expect?

You don't have to choose a basis for resolving them into components: If you assume all polarization directions have equal intensity, and integrate, you get 1/2 as well.
  • #3
ohh can you explain me how to do that integration?
  • #4
Use Malus' law.
$$\frac{1}{\pi} \int_0^\pi sin^2(x) dx = \frac{1}{2}$$
The 1/pi is the normalization.
  • #5
Ok, however, I find the same result by a different way:

dI = Io cos² dφ
I = Io0 cos² dφ = Io0 0.5 cos2φ = Io 0.5 (cos2 x 2π) - (cos2 x 0) = 0.5 Io

Is it correct?
  • #6
Should be ##\cos^2 \phi ~d\phi##, and "cos2 x 2π" does not work (cosine of 2? or of 4 pi?), and there are missing brackets. The prefactor in the first equation is wrong and happens to cancel the integration problems in the second line.
  • #7
Sorry, why should I use φ. dφ ?
I rewrite my expressions in the correct form:

  • #8
$$\cos^2 A\neq \frac{1}{2} \cos(2A)$$
You are missing a constant there. Only this constant leads to a non-zero integral later, the cosine term doesn't contribute to the integral.
cos 2(2π-0)
I have no idea what you are doing here, but it is wrong.
  • #9
so where I start to find this relationship
mfb said:
cos2ϕ dϕ
  • #10
That is not a relationship, and the equation you posted was wrong in the first place, so I don't get the point of your question.

##\cos^2 (d\phi)## (what you posted earlier) does not make sense, that is not a proper integrand.

FAQ: Why Does a Single Polarizer Reduce Light Intensity by Half?

1. Why does the intensity of light decrease as it travels through a medium?

The intensity of light decreases as it travels through a medium due to the process of absorption and scattering. As light passes through a medium, some of its energy is absorbed by the particles in the medium, causing a reduction in intensity. Additionally, the particles in the medium can also scatter the light in different directions, further reducing its intensity.

2. What factors can affect the decrease in intensity of light?

The decrease in intensity of light can be affected by several factors, including the type of medium, the distance the light travels through the medium, the wavelength of the light, and the concentration of particles in the medium. Different mediums have different absorption and scattering properties, which can impact the decrease in intensity. Additionally, the distance the light travels through the medium can also play a role, as more particles will have the chance to absorb or scatter the light. Lastly, the wavelength of the light can also affect the decrease in intensity, as some wavelengths are more easily absorbed or scattered than others.

3. Can the intensity of light be completely reduced in a medium?

No, the intensity of light cannot be completely reduced in a medium. Some amount of light will always pass through a medium, even if it is greatly reduced. This is because not all particles in the medium will absorb or scatter the light, and some light may also be able to pass through the gaps between particles.

4. Does the intensity of light decrease at the same rate in all mediums?

No, the intensity of light does not decrease at the same rate in all mediums. The rate of decrease depends on the properties of the medium, such as its composition, density, and temperature. For example, light may decrease more quickly in a denser medium compared to a less dense one.

5. Is there a way to measure the decrease in intensity of light in a medium?

Yes, the decrease in intensity of light in a medium can be measured using a device called a spectrophotometer. This instrument measures the amount of light that passes through a sample of the medium, which can then be used to calculate the decrease in intensity. Other methods, such as using a photometer or a colorimeter, can also be used to measure the decrease in intensity of light in a medium.
