Why Does a System Behave as if It Has a Larger Mass in Water Compared to Air?

In summary, the conversation discussed a lab experiment on damped oscillations where the mass was indirectly determined and compared to actual masses. The calculated masses were found to be greater than the actual masses, and the question was asked why this was the case when the system was moving in water compared to being in air. The attempt at a solution involved using Newton's 2nd Law and considering the difference in acceleration between the two environments.
  • #1

Homework Statement

This problem was presented as part of a lab write up. In the lab we were studying damped oscillations. We were asked to determine the mass indirectly based on values that we measured then compare it to the actual masses. We found that the calculated masses were much greater than the actual masses. The question is:

Explain why the system, that was moving in water, behave as if it has a much larger mass than the same system moving in air?

The Attempt at a Solution

I realize that this is probably a really simple question but for some reason I just cannot figure out an answer, any help would be great.

Sorry if this is in the wrong place.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
I can only take an educated guess, not seeing your actual setup or details of the procedure.

From Newton's 2nd Law: m = F/a

How is "a" different in the water vs. in air?
  • #3

I would first clarify the concept of damped oscillations for the person asking the question. Damped oscillations occur when a system experiences a resistance force that decreases its amplitude over time. In the case of a system moving in water, the resistance force is caused by the viscosity of the water, which acts against the motion of the system and causes it to slow down more quickly than if it were moving in air.

Therefore, the system in water experiences a greater resistance force and loses more energy over time, leading to a smaller amplitude and shorter period of oscillation. This can give the appearance of a larger mass, as the system is not able to complete as many oscillations as it would in air before coming to a stop.

Additionally, the density of water is much greater than that of air, which can also contribute to the perceived increase in mass. This is because the inertia of the water surrounding the system adds to the overall resistance force, making it more difficult for the system to move and giving the appearance of a larger mass.

In summary, the system behaves as if it has a larger mass in water due to the combined effects of increased resistance force and higher density compared to air. This highlights the importance of considering the medium in which a system is moving when analyzing its behavior and making comparisons to theoretical values.

FAQ: Why Does a System Behave as if It Has a Larger Mass in Water Compared to Air?

What is the definition of "Mass of Damped Oscillation"?

The mass of damped oscillation refers to the amount of mass involved in a damped oscillation system, which is a type of motion where an object moves back and forth due to a restoring force, while gradually losing energy to friction or other resistive forces.

How is the mass of damped oscillation calculated?

The mass of damped oscillation can be calculated using the equation: m = F/k, where m is the mass, F is the force acting on the object, and k is the spring constant (a measure of how stiff the spring is).

What factors can affect the mass of damped oscillation?

The mass of damped oscillation can be affected by the stiffness of the spring, the amplitude of the oscillation, and the amount of damping present in the system. Higher stiffness and larger amplitude can result in a larger mass, while higher damping can decrease the mass.

How does the mass of damped oscillation affect the motion of an object?

The mass of damped oscillation affects the period and frequency of the oscillation. A larger mass will result in a longer period and lower frequency, while a smaller mass will result in a shorter period and higher frequency.

What is the significance of studying the mass of damped oscillation?

Studying the mass of damped oscillation is important in understanding the behavior of various mechanical systems, such as springs, pendulums, and electrical circuits. It also has practical applications in fields such as engineering, physics, and mathematics.
