Why does air pressure decrease with altitude?

In summary, as the weather balloon goes up, the air pressure decreases due to there being less air above the balloon. This is because the atmosphere gets thinner at higher altitudes. When the balloon goes up another 2 km, the air pressure will be exactly 600 mb because the reduction in the weight of the column of air above will be the same as the first 2 km band.
  • #1
At ground level, the air pressure measured with a barometer is 1000 mb. The barometer is lifted upward by a weather balloon. When the balloon reaches 2 km above the ground, the measured air pressure is 800 mb. Explain why the air pressure decreased. After the balloon goes up another 2 km (now 4 km above the ground), will the measured air pressure be exactly 600 mb, lower than 600 mb, or higher than 600 mb? Explain the reason for your answer.

For the first part, I said the air pressure decreased because there is less air above the balloon; there are less air molecules pushing down on it.
I believe the air pressure will be exactly 600 mb when the baloon goes up another 2 km. am i right?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
salma17 said:
At ground level, the air pressure measured with a barometer is 1000 mb. The barometer is lifted upward by a weather balloon. When the balloon reaches 2 km above the ground, the measured air pressure is 800 mb. Explain why the air pressure decreased. After the balloon goes up another 2 km (now 4 km above the ground), will the measured air pressure be exactly 600 mb, lower than 600 mb, or higher than 600 mb? Explain the reason for your answer.For the first part, I said the air pressure decreased because there is less air above the balloon; there are less air molecules pushing down on it.
I believe the air pressure will be exactly 600 mb when the baloon goes up another 2 km. am i right?
As you may know, the atmosphere gets thinner as altitude increases. Given this information, consider the first 2 km "band" of atmosphere that the balloon goes through. This "band" is actually a spherical shell, if you think about it in 3D. Anyway, how do think the amount of air in this 2 km band compares to the amount of air in the next 2 km band immediately above that? Is it the same, or less? Based on that answer, what will the reduction be in the weight of the column of air above you after traveling the second 2 km interval? The same as the reduction in weight after getting above the first band, or less?
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  • #3
It will be less!

FAQ: Why does air pressure decrease with altitude?

1. What is the difference between atmosphere and air pressure?

Atmosphere refers to the layers of gases that surround the Earth, while air pressure is the force exerted by the weight of those gases on a given area.

2. How is air pressure measured?

Air pressure is typically measured in units of pressure, such as pounds per square inch (psi) or millibars (mb). It is measured using instruments called barometers.

3. How does altitude affect air pressure?

As altitude increases, the air pressure decreases because there is less air above pushing down on a given area. This is why it is more difficult to breathe at higher altitudes.

4. What factors can affect the atmosphere and air pressure?

Several factors can affect the atmosphere and air pressure, including temperature, humidity, wind, and the Earth's rotation. Changes in these factors can cause fluctuations in air pressure.

5. How does air pressure impact weather patterns?

Air pressure plays a crucial role in determining weather patterns. High pressure typically brings clear and dry weather, while low pressure often brings cloudy and rainy weather. Differences in air pressure also drive winds and storm systems.
