Why Does Charge Density Increase at Pointed Ends?

In summary, the conversation discusses the relationship between electric field, potential, and charge density near a conductor. It is stated that the charge density is proportional to the electric field and that the electric field is perpendicular to the surface. It is also mentioned that if the surface has sharp turns, the gradient will be undefined and thus the charge density is also undefined. The conversation also discusses the effect of equipotentials on the charge density, with the conclusion that the charge density is higher where the electric field is stronger. Finally, there is a discussion about two points on the surface, A and B, and their corresponding charge densities, with the conclusion that B has a smaller charge density than A due to its shape.
  • #1
1. Homework Statement :

Homework Equations

:[/B] A conductor is an equipotential surface. The charge density near a conductor is proportional to the electric field. Electric field is the negative gradient of potential and thus electric field is in a direction normal to the surface.

The Attempt at a Solution

: [/B]Since electric field is the gradient of potential, if the surface of a conductor has sharp turns, the gradient will be undefined (cannot draw a tangent plane at such points) and thus the charge density is undefined.
So I think it is option (a). Am I right?

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  • #2
If the electrostatic potential is defined everywhere in space, so is the charge density. Why don't you sketch a couple of equipotentials very near the surface of the conductor? The charge density on the surface is higher where the electric field is stronger and the electric field is stronger where the equipotentials come closer together.
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  • #3
I agree with your analysis of point A, but I think for point B the charge density should have a well-defined value.
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  • #4
@kuruman : Thanks for the help. Maybe I should not be too rigorous about the pointed cones.
If I round off the cones a little, then A will be a concave surface and B will be a convex surface. It looks like the charges would be crowded at B compared to A. Therefore B has a lesser charge density than A.

How do I draw an equipotential for this surface that wouldn't look symmetric at both A and B?

@mfb But there is a sharp edge at B as well. Why doesn't the reasoning at A work at B as well?
  • #5
I would expect the field to vanish around B because it is an inner corner. Zero field gives zero charge density and zero divergence problems.

If we round off the corners a bit, then both A and B have defined charge densities and B has a smaller one than A, sure.
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Related to Why Does Charge Density Increase at Pointed Ends?

What is charge density at pointed ends?

Charge density at pointed ends refers to the concentration of electric charge at the tips or edges of a pointed object, such as a needle or a sharp edge.

Why is charge density important?

Charge density plays a crucial role in determining the electric field strength at the pointed ends of an object. It also affects the strength of electric discharges and can lead to the phenomenon of electric breakdown.

How is charge density at pointed ends calculated?

The charge density at pointed ends can be calculated using the formula Q/A, where Q is the total charge and A is the surface area of the pointed end. This calculation assumes that the charge is uniformly distributed over the surface.

What factors affect charge density at pointed ends?

The charge density at pointed ends is affected by the shape and size of the pointed object, as well as the material it is made of. It is also influenced by the presence of any nearby charged objects or electric fields.

What are some real-world applications of charge density at pointed ends?

The concept of charge density at pointed ends is important in understanding and predicting phenomena such as lightning strikes, electric breakdown in high voltage equipment, and the behavior of plasma in space. It is also relevant in fields such as nanotechnology and surface science.
