Why does Chern class belong to INTEGER cohomology class?

In summary, the Chern forms are cohomology classes that are characteristic of the bundle independent of its geometry. The cohomology class is independent of the connection.
  • #36
mathwonk said:
that interesting paper seems to be at least derived from brown's 2006 phd thesis with segert at mizzou, in columbia, mo.

are you a topologist? i always wanted to be a differential topologist but ultimately went in a different direction (algebraic geometry). It seems complex algebraic geometry yields a lot of interesting examples in topology though, and not just for 4 manifolds.
Haha, I'm looking at it from the other side. I'm a differential topologist (in training) who looks at algebraic surfaces because of all the interesting examples.
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  • #37
lavinia said:
Every oriented vector bundle has an Euler class. Every complex vector bundle is canonically orientable.
Every holomorphic section of a complex line bundle over a Riemann surface must have isolated zeros - I think.

I think this is the two ways that holomorphic comes in.
There's one obvious case without isolated zeros :)

A non-zero holomorphic section will have isolated zeros. Convergent power series, and all that.
  • #38
nice examples! can you give us two integrable almost complex structures on the same smooth manifold with different chern classes?
  • #39
mathwonk said:
nice examples! can you give us two integrable almost complex structures on the same smooth manifold with different chern classes?
I'll have to think on this for a bit, assuming you mean that we're not allowed to change the orientation on the tangent bundle. Constructing such an example is basically a problem in cohomology (Noether's formula and forcing the Nijenhuis tensor to be zero).
  • #40
zhentil said:
In general the bundles will be smoothly equivalent (perhaps not orientation-preserving), but may not be equivalent as U(n) bundles. It's quite easy to construct counterexamples: given an almost complex structure on the tangent bundle with non-trivial first Chern class, the conjugate complex structure will also yield an almost complex structure, but these can't be isomorphic as complex bundles, since they have different first Chern classes.

But isn't the conjugate bundle just changing orientation?
  • #41
lavinia said:
But isn't the conjugate bundle just changing orientation?
In some dimensions, say 2^k, where k is odd. But if k is even, the Euler class is preserved.
  • #42
zhentil said:
In some dimensions, say 2^k, where k is odd. But if k is even, the Euler class is preserved.

yes I know that. I am just saying that while the Chern classes change - they only change in sign so their topological content is unchanged.

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