Why Does Entropy Behave Differently in Water and Steam with Temperature Changes?

In summary: S/\partial T)_{\mu=\mu(H_2O(g),\,T,\,P)}, which are both positive.In summary, the entropy of water increases with increasing temperature because it takes more energy to convert it into steam at 100 degrees Celsius. On the other hand, the entropy of steam decreases with increasing temperature because it does not go through a phase transition, causing the entropy to decrease as the temperature increases. However, when considering the entire system, including pressure, the entropy of steam can also increase with increasing temperature.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Why does the entropy of the water increase with increasing temperature, while the entropy of steam decreases, while the entropy of steam decreases with increasing temperature?

The Attempt at a Solution

I think the reason why the entropy increases with water is because it takes an extra amount of heat to convert water to steam when it reaches a temperature of 100 degrees celsius more than increasng the temperature of water while since when increasing the temperature of steam , its not gong through a phase transition and so as the temperature goes up, the entropy goes down since S=Q/T
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
I'm stuck at the premise of the question. Who says that the entropy of steam decreases with increasing temperature? That would mean that the specific heat of steam is negative, which is untrue.
  • #3
If you look at the steam tables, you will find that the entropy of steam in the saturated vapor (steam) condition does decrease as the temperature and pressure both increase.

At a pressure of 0.6113 kPa and a saturation temperature of 0.01 C the entropy is 9.1562 kJ/kg-K.

At the critical point of 22.09 MPa and a saturation temperature of 374.14 C the entropy is 4.4298 kJ/kg-k

Now, a saturated liquid (water) has an increase in entropy as the temperature and pressure both increase.

So the original question is justified as long as one indicates that the pressure is increasing also.

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  • #4
Ah, got it. I was thinking [itex](\partial S/\partial T)_P[/itex] or [itex](\partial S/\partial T)_V[/itex]. This would be more like [itex](\partial S/\partial T)_{\mu=\mu(H_2O(l),\,T,\,P)}[/itex]

FAQ: Why Does Entropy Behave Differently in Water and Steam with Temperature Changes?

1. What is the definition of entropy?

Entropy is a measure of the disorder or randomness in a thermodynamic system. It is often referred to as the amount of unavailable energy in a system.

2. How is entropy related to steam and water?

Entropy is closely related to the phase of a substance. In the case of steam and water, the entropy increases as the substance changes from liquid to gas phase. This is because the gas phase has more disorder than the liquid phase.

3. What is the entropy of steam and water at different temperatures?

The entropy of steam and water depends on the temperature and pressure of the system. At a given pressure, the entropy of steam is higher than that of water at the same temperature. However, as the temperature increases, the difference in entropy between steam and water decreases.

4. How is entropy of steam and water calculated?

The entropy of steam and water can be calculated using the formula S = Q/T, where S is the entropy, Q is the heat transferred, and T is the temperature. For steam, the specific entropy can also be calculated using the steam tables.

5. How does the entropy of steam and water affect their behavior?

The entropy of steam and water plays a significant role in their behavior. In general, substances tend to move towards a state of higher entropy, which means steam will naturally expand and dissipate in a system. Similarly, water will evaporate and become steam in order to increase its entropy. This behavior can be observed in processes such as boiling and condensation.
