Why Does Equation (5) in Bell's Paper Use < σ⋅a > = 1 - 2θ'/π?

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  • Thread starter quiteconfused
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In summary, the conversation discusses Bell's Inequality and the confusion surrounding the equation (5) in the original paper. It is explained that the equation involves averaging a sign function over vectors satisfying certain conditions. The question is then clarified and the individual realizes the solution shortly after posting. The expert confirms their understanding and offers reassurance.
  • #1
TL;DR Summary
Specifically, the demonstration of a single-particle hidden variable
Hello! I am trying to understand Bell's Inequality and although I can follow the arguments of the inequality as are mentioned in modern texts, something was always bothering me. In section III (Illustration) of the original paper, equation (5) states:

< σ⋅a > = 1 - 2θ'/π​

But for the life of me, I don't know why, and I am not sure how to assemble this by hand, it seems like everywhere I find similar values there's just a "well, obviously this gives: " followed by the above. Trying to put together the integral has me wondering if B(b,λ) is just to be taken as 1? Maybe it's been too long since I did any calculus...
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  • #2
You don't need to do any calculus. You're averaging ##\text{sign} \, \boldsymbol{\lambda} \cdot \boldsymbol{a}'## over vectors ##\boldsymbol{\lambda}## that satisfy ##\boldsymbol{\lambda} \cdot \boldsymbol{p} > 0## for some given vectors ##\boldsymbol{a}'## and ##\boldsymbol{p}##. ##\text{sign} \, \boldsymbol{\lambda} \cdot \boldsymbol{a}'## is ##1## if ##\boldsymbol{\lambda} \cdot \boldsymbol{a}' > 0## and ##-1## if ##\boldsymbol{\lambda} \cdot \boldsymbol{a}' < 0##. So the question is: out of all ##\boldsymbol{\lambda}##s in the hemisphere ##\boldsymbol{\lambda} \cdot \boldsymbol{p} > 0## what fraction are also in the hemisphere ##\boldsymbol{\lambda} \cdot \boldsymbol{a}' > 0## and what fraction are in the hemisphere ##\boldsymbol{\lambda} \cdot \boldsymbol{a}' < 0##?
  • #3
Of course, within minutes of explaining the problem in this post I managed to figure it out randomly while traveling to the pub, imagine my surprise when I come back here to find that you told me the same thing. Thank you for confirming what I suspected - I appreciate you helping me do a sanity check!

Edit: I suppose I should find a way to change my username to "considerablylessconfused"

Related to Why Does Equation (5) in Bell's Paper Use < σ⋅a > = 1 - 2θ'/π?

1. What is Bell's paper about?

Bell's paper, titled "On the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Paradox," discusses the concept of entanglement in quantum mechanics and how it relates to the principle of locality.

2. What is the significance of Bell's paper?

Bell's paper is significant because it introduced the concept of Bell's inequality, which provided a way to test the validity of quantum mechanics against classical theories. It also played a key role in the development of quantum computing and communication.

3. What is entanglement and how does it relate to Bell's paper?

Entanglement is a phenomenon in quantum mechanics where two or more particles become connected in such a way that the state of one particle is dependent on the state of the other(s). Bell's paper explored the implications of entanglement and how it challenges the principle of locality in classical physics.

4. What is the principle of locality and why is it important?

The principle of locality is the idea that objects can only be influenced by their immediate surroundings, and not by distant objects. It is important because it is a fundamental principle in classical physics, but is challenged by the concept of entanglement in quantum mechanics.

5. How did Bell's paper impact the field of quantum mechanics?

Bell's paper sparked a lot of discussion and debate in the field of quantum mechanics, and ultimately led to the development of experiments that tested Bell's inequality and proved the validity of quantum mechanics over classical theories. It also opened up new possibilities for quantum computing and communication.
