Why Does Gauss' Law Seem Contradictory Outside a Charged Sphere?

In summary: What you are really doing is calculating the electric field due to what is happening at a point outside the charged sphere. Suppose you picked a point, P, outside of the charged sphere. The electric field due to what is happening at point P is just the differential of the electric field at point P with respect to the reference point, that is, with respect to the point at which you are standing. That is, if you are at point P and you use a ruler to measure the distance between P and the reference point, then the electric field at point P is just the derivative of the electric field at the reference point with respect to the distance between P and the reference point. So the electric field at point P is just the derivative of the electric
  • #1

Homework Statement

I just have a little question about Gauss' Law (differential form).

If divE = p/e0 where p is the charge density and e0 is permittivity of free space.

But if we had a sphere with a total net charge of Q, then outside the sphere, the field is E=k/r^2 I think.

Then at any r outside the sphere, divE evaluates to a non-zero value; but outside the sphere, p is zero at any r. So how does Gauss match up?


Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

In the first section
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  • #2
This is a good question because it illustrates a fundamental point about mathematics and physics: It is important to understand exactly what an equation says. Gauss's law written as:

[tex] \nabla \cdot E = \frac {\rho}{\epsilon_o} [/tex]

holds at a point (recall that derivatives are defined in terms of a limiting process at a point).

Pick a point, P, outside of your charged sphere. What the point form of Gauss's law says is that net divergence of electric field vectors from this point is proportional to the charge at that point. In your example, there is no charge at any point P outside of the charged sphere, so what gives? Well draw an imaginary small test sphere around the point P that you picked. There will be electric field lines (E vectors) from the charged sphere entering and leaving the test sphere. If you think about it carefully and maybe draw a careful picture, you'll be able to convince yourself that there are as many leaving as entering without doing the required mathematics.

Gauss's law in the integral form reads:

[tex] \int_ S E \cdot dS = \int_V \frac {\rho}{\epsilon_o} dV [/tex]

Applied to the test sphere this says in mathematical language what you figured out with a careful picture: If the charge inside is zero, than as many field lines leave as enter if rho = 0.

Now, Gauss's theorem from vector analysis says the integral over the surface on the left of the equation above can be replaced by a volume integral of the divergence:

[tex] \int_V \nabla \cdot E dV = \int_V \frac {\rho}{\epsilon_o} dV [/tex]

Imagine your test sphere shrinking smaller and smaller around the point P that you picked earlier. There will still be the same number of electric field line leaving the sphere as entering (no charge there) and the mathematics says that if the two integrals in this last equation are equal the stuff inside has to be equal, so it has to be that

[tex] \nabla \cdot E = \frac{\rho}{\epsilon_o} [/tex]

What I've tried to show you here is that the two forms of Gauss's law -- the integral form and the differential form-- actually say the same thing. Hopefully this long winded explanation has helped you to see that there is no inconsistency in the mathematics it's just a matter of understanding what the math symbolism says.
  • #3
I just reread my previous post an realized that I forgot to explicitly say: At a point P outside the charged sphere [tex] \nabla \cdot E = 0 [/tex] since there is no charge at the point. Joker 900 is wrong about that.
  • #4
AEM said:
I just reread my previous post an realized that I forgot to explicitly say: At a point P outside the charged sphere [tex] \nabla \cdot E = 0 [/tex] since there is no charge at the point. Joker 900 is wrong about that.

Thanks for replying

But if the field is proportional to r^(-2) and in the r direction, then divE is just the differential of r^(-2) wrt r. Which is proportional to r^(-3). So at some point r=a outside the sphere, divE=a^(-3), not zero.

I still don't understand
  • #5
joker_900 said:
Thanks for replying

But if the field is proportional to r^(-2) and in the r direction, then divE is just the differential of r^(-2) wrt r. Which is proportional to r^(-3). So at some point r=a outside the sphere, divE=a^(-3), not zero.

I still don't understand

Let me try to rephrase things a little differently. Gauss's law in differential form is talking about the electric field arising from what is happening at a particular point . That's why I told you to surround your point with a test sphere --to isolate point P in your mind from the rest of space including the charged sphere.

You seem to indicate above that when you are doing the calculation shown, you are thinking in terms of the electric field from the nearby charged sphere, but that is not correct because the source of that field is elsewhere.

Related to Why Does Gauss' Law Seem Contradictory Outside a Charged Sphere?

1. What is Gauss' Law in differential form?

Gauss' Law in differential form is a mathematical equation that relates the electric field at a point to the charge density at that same point. It is also known as Gauss' Law for electric fields.

2. How is Gauss' Law in differential form different from Gauss' Law in integral form?

Gauss' Law in differential form is a local form of the equation, meaning it applies to a specific point in space. It states that the divergence of the electric field equals the charge density at that point. In contrast, Gauss' Law in integral form is a global form of the equation, meaning it applies to a volume or surface enclosing a certain amount of charge.

3. What are the advantages of using Gauss' Law in differential form?

One advantage of using Gauss' Law in differential form is that it allows for the calculation of the electric field at a specific point, rather than having to integrate over a volume or surface. It is also useful for solving problems involving non-uniform charge distributions.

4. How is Gauss' Law in differential form derived?

Gauss' Law in differential form is derived from the integral form of the equation using the divergence theorem. This involves converting the surface integral over a closed surface into a volume integral over the charge density and electric field.

5. What are some practical applications of Gauss' Law in differential form?

Gauss' Law in differential form is used in many areas of physics and engineering, including electrostatics, electromagnetism, and circuit analysis. It is also used in the design of electronic devices and in the study of electric fields in different materials.

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