Why Does Hooke's Law Seem Contradictory in Calculating Spring Energy?

In summary, the conversation discusses the discrepancy between the equations mg=(1/2)*x*k and F=mg=kx, both of which relate to energy and Hooke's law. The speaker asks for clarification on why these equations seem to contradict each other. The conversation also mentions using energy considerations to determine the change in x of the weight, and emphasizes the importance of following a specific procedure in order to do so accurately. The expert suggests that the discrepancy may be due to the force not being constant, and asks if the speaker is familiar with differential calculus.
  • #1
Homework Statement
Given a vertical spring with spring constant k=53N/m, a 2.5kg weight is hung from it. What is the change in x of the weight. (USE HOOKE'S LAW and compare it to using ENERGY.
Relevant Equations
F = kx
PEs = (1/2)kx^2
PEg = (mgh)
On the energy part, I keep getting mg=(1/2)*x*k, which is contradictory to Hooke's law F=mg=kx. What is going on?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Please show how you applied energy considerations. Suppose you were given the spring and mass and you wanted to measure "the change in x of the weight." What procedure will you follow to do that? That procedure is important because it will inform your use of energy considerations.
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  • #3
tallwallyb said:
On the energy part, I keep getting mg=(1/2)*x*k, which is contradictory to Hooke's law F=mg=kx. What is going on?
I'm guessing you divided E by x expecting to get F. But the equation energy = force x displacement only works if the force is constant.
Are you familiar with differential calculus?
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FAQ: Why Does Hooke's Law Seem Contradictory in Calculating Spring Energy?

Why does Hooke's Law seem contradictory when calculating spring energy?

Hooke's Law itself is not contradictory, but confusion often arises because it describes the force exerted by the spring, not the energy stored in it. The apparent contradiction stems from misunderstanding the relationship between force and energy. Hooke's Law states that the force is proportional to the displacement (F = -kx), while the energy stored in the spring is proportional to the square of the displacement (U = 1/2 kx^2).

How does the force-displacement relationship in Hooke's Law differ from the energy stored in the spring?

In Hooke's Law, the force exerted by the spring is directly proportional to the displacement (F = -kx). However, the energy stored in the spring is given by the equation U = 1/2 kx^2, which means it depends on the square of the displacement. This quadratic relationship explains why the energy grows more quickly than the force as the displacement increases.

Why is the energy stored in a spring given by U = 1/2 kx^2 and not simply U = kx?

The energy stored in a spring is the work done to compress or stretch it. Work is calculated as the integral of force over displacement. Since the force varies linearly with displacement (F = kx), integrating this force with respect to displacement (from 0 to x) results in the quadratic term, hence U = 1/2 kx^2. This accounts for the increasing amount of work needed to further displace the spring.

Can you explain the integral calculation that leads to the spring energy formula?

Certainly! The work done to compress or stretch a spring is the integral of the force over the displacement. Mathematically, this is expressed as:\[ W = \int_0^x F \, dx = \int_0^x kx \, dx \]Evaluating this integral, we get:\[ W = \int_0^x kx \, dx = \frac{1}{2}kx^2 \]This result shows that the energy stored in the spring (U) is given by U = 1/2 kx^2.

Why might someone think Hooke's Law is contradictory when considering spring energy?

Someone might find Hooke's Law contradictory when considering spring energy because they might not recognize that force and energy are related but distinct concepts. Hooke's Law describes a linear relationship between force and displacement, while the energy stored in the spring depends on the square of the displacement. Misunderstanding this distinction can lead to confusion about why the equations for force and energy look different.

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