Why Does η Decay into Two Photons but Not Three?

  • Thread starter xiMy
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The C(b1) value is -1, since the ω has a C-parity of -1 and the pion has a C-parity of 1, and multiplying them gives a C-parity of -1.
  • #1

Homework Statement

a) η decays into two photons, but not three. Through which interaction does the decay occur. What is C(η)?

b) ρ0 decays into [itex]\pi^{+}\pi^{-}[/itex] but [itex]\eta^0[/itex] does not. Why is that?

c) [itex]\omega[/itex] decays through electromagnetic interaction into [itex]\pi^0[/itex][itex]\gamma[/itex]. C([itex]\omega[/itex])?

d) [itex]b_1(1235)[/itex] decays almost solely into [itex]\omega\pi[/itex] Reason what the isospin, parity ,C, and spin from b might be.

Homework Equations

conservation laws
spin either 0 or 1 for mesons - is that correct ? I know that there are technically only to constituents but the flavour wave functions have weird structures.

The Attempt at a Solution

Would someone be so kind and help me through this? I still struggle to get my head into this.

a) is the only one I am able to solve:
the c parity has to be multiplied. the photon has a c parity of -1 and therefore C is 1 here.
b) I am not sure whether I am allowed to look up the [itex]J^{PC}[/itex] value. I guess so, otherwise it's not possibly to solve ?
The roh has 1++ and the eta has 0-+
Using the formulas above I get l=1 for eta and l=0 for rho.
The Parity is calculated via [itex](-1)^l\cdot P_1\cdot P_2[/itex]
from the data booklet I get 0- for the pion thus parity(pion=-1) (is there a way to prove the parity by the way?)
How do I get to L([itex]\pi^{+}\pi^{-}[/itex])?

With c([itex]\gamma[/itex])=-1 and ([itex]\pi^0[/itex])=1 it should be c([itex]\omega[/itex])=-1*1=-1

Omega has 1-- and Pion 0-+. The spin follows therefore 1 and 0.
c(b)=c(omega)*c(pi)= -1.
Again I have no idea how to calculate the angular momentum between the final products.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2

a) The decay of η into two photons occurs through the electromagnetic interaction. The C(η) value is 1, since the two photons have a C-parity of -1 and -1, respectively, and multiplying them gives a C-parity of 1.
b) The ρ0 decays into π+π- through the strong interaction, while the η0 does not because it has a different quark composition. The η0 has a quark composition of (uubar + ddbar)/√2, while the ρ0 has a quark composition of (uubar - ddbar)/√2. Since the strong interaction conserves isospin, the ρ0 can decay into two pions, while the η0 cannot.
c) The ω decays through the electromagnetic interaction into π0γ. The C(ω) value is -1, since the π0 has a C-parity of 1 and the photon has a C-parity of -1, and multiplying them gives a C-parity of -1.
d) The b1(1235) decays primarily into ωπ through the strong interaction. Since the ω has a quark composition of (uubar + ddbar)/√2, it can decay into a ω and a pion, while the b1(1235) has a quark composition of (uubar + ddbar + ssbar)/√3, which cannot decay into a ω and a pion. The isospin of the b1(1235) is 1, since it can decay into an ω and a pion, which have an isospin of 1. The parity of the b1(1235) is (-1)^(L+1), where L is the orbital angular momentum. The spin of the b1(1235) is 1, since it can decay into an ω and a pion, which have a spin of 1.

FAQ: Why Does η Decay into Two Photons but Not Three?

1. What is isospin and why is it important in science?

Isospin is a quantum number that describes the number of different types of quarks in a particle. It is important in science because it helps us understand the symmetries and interactions between particles and allows us to make predictions about their behavior.

2. What does it mean for isospin to be I=1?

When isospin is equal to I=1, it means that the particle has one unit of isospin and is therefore a member of an isospin triplet or triplet of particles with similar characteristics.

3. Why is it believed that isospin should be I=1?

Isospin is believed to be I=1 because it has been experimentally observed that particles that are members of isospin triplets have similar properties and interactions. This suggests that they have a common underlying structure, which is described by isospin.

4. How is isospin related to other quantum numbers?

Isospin is related to other quantum numbers, such as spin, by the concept of symmetry. Just as spin describes the symmetry of a particle's rotation, isospin describes the symmetry of a particle's interactions with other particles.

5. Can isospin ever change?

Yes, isospin can change through weak interactions, which involve the exchange of W and Z bosons. These interactions can change the flavor of a particle, altering its isospin value. Strong interactions, on the other hand, cannot change isospin.
