Why does Larmor precession appear to go against the right hand rule?

In summary, the conversation discusses the direction of Larmor precession and the use of the right hand rule to determine the torque and change in angular momentum. The image shown in the conversation shows counterclockwise precession, but the textbook shows clockwise precession. It is suggested that this may be due to a mistake in the source material or a difference in conventions. It is also mentioned that the direction of the magnetic moment may affect the direction of the torque.
  • #1
For some reason, I don't understand the direction of larmor precession. Torque is: [tex] \mathbf{\Gamma} = \frac{d \mathbf{L}}{d t} = \mathbf{r} \times \mathbf{F} [/tex] As an example, I understand with a gyroscope, using the right hand rule and with angular momentum in the direction as shown in this picture, it will precess counterclockwise looking down on it.


Now, with larmor precession, the torque is: [tex] \mathbf{\Gamma} = \frac{d \mathbf{L}}{dt} = \mathbf{\mu} \times \mathbf{B} [/tex] From the right hand rule, the torque is in the opposite direction as that of the gyroscope so the change in angular momentum should give a precession clockwise. But in the image below, and every other image I've seen, it still goes counter clockwise in the opposite direction of the change in angular momentum. Well, I have found on other sites that the change of angular momentum is in the opposite direction I get from the right hand rule. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. Thanks!

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  • #2
Could it be a matter of charge?
  • #3
Pythagorean said:
Could it be a matter of charge?
Except the charge is taken into account in the direction of the magnetic moment.
  • #4
Interesting. I looked at my MRI textbook (Haacke, et al. 1999. Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Physical Principles and Sequence Design). On p 29 it has a drawing with the correct direction of precession. It looks very similar to the plot you are showing, but precessing CW. I don't know what source you are using or why it gets the sense backwards, but it seems to be a mistake in your source rather than a consistently different convention.
  • #5
DaleSpam said:
It looks very similar to the plot you are showing, but precessing CCW. I don't know what source you are using or why it gets the sense backwards, but it seems to be a mistake in your source rather than a consistently different convention.

My expectation by the right hand rule is that it should precess clockwise. But yes, all the sources I've seen showing larmor precession show counter clockwise precession, agreeing with your textbook. Did you mean yours shows clockwise precession?
  • #6
Yes, I meant CW. I edited it, but not before you caught the mistake.

My textbook shows the correct direction which is opposite the direction of your picture.
  • #7
Pythagorean said:
Could it be a matter of charge?

Actually, I think Pythagorean was right. The sources I was looking at are referring to electrons or negative charges so the magnetic moment vectors I was looking at are actually negative so the magnetic moment [itex] \mathbf{\mu} [/itex] had a negative value, flipping the direction of the torque.
  • #8
That could be. My text is a MRI text, so the spins of interest are protons rather than electrons.

FAQ: Why does Larmor precession appear to go against the right hand rule?

1. What is Larmor Precession Direction?

Larmor precession direction is a phenomenon observed in particles with angular momentum, such as electrons, protons, and atomic nuclei, when they are placed in a magnetic field. It refers to the direction in which these particles rotate or precess around the axis of the magnetic field.

2. How is Larmor Precession Direction related to the Larmor frequency?

The Larmor frequency is the frequency at which particles precess around the magnetic field. The direction of the Larmor precession is directly related to the direction of the magnetic field and the direction of the particle's angular momentum. Changes in the Larmor precession direction can affect the Larmor frequency and vice versa.

3. Can the Larmor Precession Direction be controlled?

Yes, the Larmor precession direction can be controlled by changing the direction of the magnetic field or by manipulating the angular momentum of the particle. This is commonly done in experiments and in medical imaging techniques such as MRI.

4. What factors can affect the Larmor Precession Direction?

The Larmor precession direction can be affected by the strength and direction of the magnetic field, the type of particle, and the interactions between the particle and its surroundings. It can also be influenced by external forces such as electric fields or collisions with other particles.

5. How is Larmor Precession Direction used in scientific research?

Larmor precession direction is a useful tool in scientific research, particularly in the fields of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). It is also used in particle physics experiments to study the behavior of particles in strong magnetic fields. Additionally, it has applications in materials science and geology, where it can provide valuable information about the structure and composition of materials.
