Why does laser on a hair/wire creat a single slit?

In summary, the phenomenon of laser on a hair acting like a single slit can be explained by Babinet's Principle. This principle states that when a slit and an object of the same shape and size are placed together, they produce identical diffraction patterns. This means that the hair, which acts as an obstacle, has the same effect as the slit in terms of producing a diffraction pattern. This can be observed by setting up an experiment with both the slit and the hair, resulting in no pattern on the wall, indicating that the electric field components of both cancel each other out. This provides evidence that the hair is acting as a single slit, producing the same diffraction pattern as the slit itself.
  • #1
I was wondering why laser on a hair makes the hair act like a single slit. I already know about Huygen's Principle behind it and all that. But what is it that can convince you that it actually is a SINGLE slit and not a double, other than just seeing it by measuring min. and using mλ = d * sinα + other trigonometrics.

It would be great if anyone could answer this :)
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  • #2
Hello Gabrielgabbe,

Welcome to Physics Forums!
Gabrielgabbe said:
I was wondering why laser on a hair makes the hair act like a single slit. I already know about Huygen's Principle behind it and all that. But what is it that can convince you that it actually is a SINGLE slit and not a double, other than just seeing it by measuring min. and using mλ = d * sinα + other trigonometrics.

It would be great if anyone could answer this :)
The phenomenon can be explained via Babinet's Principle.

You might wish to research Babinet's Principle yourself for more details. But I'll give you a brief rundown.

Suppose you have slide with a single slit in it (the normal, single slit, diffraction experiment), such that the slit is exactly the width of a hair. Suppose you also have a hair that matches the slit.

Suppose you take the slide with the slit and do the normal, single slit diffraction experiment. Note the diffraction pattern observed on the wall. The diffraction patter is caused by the electromagnetic field. The electric field component of is field is Eslit. The intensity of the light (the fringe pattern) is the square of the electric field, Islit = (Eslit)2.

Replacing the slit with the hair will also produce an electric field and an intensity too, Ehair and Ihair respectively. But suppose we don't know what those are yet (suppose we haven't measured or calculated them yet).

Now set up the experiment with both the slit and the hair, such that the hair completely covers up the slit (now there is neither a slit, nor a hair, but just big obstacle completely blocking the laser). The resulting pattern on the wall is no pattern at all. The intensity is zero, implying that the electric field is zero too. In other words, with just the slit alone, the electric field was Eslit, and by adding the hair (and the corresponding electric field Ehair), we end up with zero.

So with both the slit and the hair in place, we have:
Eslit + Ehair = 0​
Rearranging gives,
Ehair = -Eslit
And the diffraction pattern on the wall shows:
Ihair = (Ehair)2 = (-Eslit)2 = Islit
meaning that both the slit and the hair produce identical patterns.

My explanation is probably over-simplistic. I'm only trying to convey a loosely general idea without going into the details.

[Edit: Elaborating on that last sentence, there is a flaw in my above logic. The Ihair will contain a central localized bright spot, sort of as if the laser was shining directly at the wall with neither a slit nor a hair in the way. This bright spot is in addition to the diffraction pattern. But if you remove or ignore the central bright spot, the diffraction patterns are more-or-less the same.]
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FAQ: Why does laser on a hair/wire creat a single slit?

1. Why does laser light create a single slit when shone onto a hair or wire?

Laser light is a type of coherent light, meaning that the waves are all in phase and have the same frequency and wavelength. When this type of light is shone onto a hair or wire, it passes through the narrow opening and diffracts, or spreads out. This diffraction creates a single slit pattern where the intensity of the light is strongest in the center and decreases on either side.

2. How does the thickness of the hair or wire affect the single slit pattern created by a laser?

The thickness of the hair or wire has a direct impact on the width of the single slit pattern. As the thickness increases, the width of the pattern decreases. This is because the light waves are diffracted more when passing through a thinner opening, resulting in a wider spread of the light.

3. Can any type of light create a single slit pattern on a hair or wire?

No, only coherent light sources such as lasers can create a single slit pattern. This is because the waves of light need to be in phase in order to diffract and create the pattern. Incoherent light sources, such as light bulbs or sunlight, have waves that are not in phase and therefore cannot produce the same diffraction pattern.

4. Are there any practical applications for the single slit diffraction of laser light on a hair or wire?

Yes, this phenomenon has been used in various scientific and engineering fields. For example, it is used in laser beam characterization, where the single slit pattern can help determine the properties of the laser beam such as its size and intensity. It is also used in diffraction gratings, which are used in spectroscopy to separate and analyze different wavelengths of light.

5. Can the single slit pattern created by laser light on a hair or wire be used to measure the wavelength of light?

Yes, the single slit diffraction pattern can be used to measure the wavelength of light. By measuring the distance between the center bright spot and the first dark spot on either side, the wavelength of the light can be calculated using the equation dλ = mλ, where d is the slit width, λ is the wavelength, and m is the order of the bright spot. This technique is commonly used in educational demonstrations to show the properties of light.

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