Why does light change direction when entering a new medium?

In summary, light passing through a slit experiment does not collapse the probability function of associated photons because when light enters a new medium, the electric and magnetic components of the wave are affected by the constants of the medium, causing a change in direction. This change is not random due to the momentum of light. Feynman lectures on light offer further explanation on the topic.
  • #1
a wave will be diffracted as it passes by an object. in the case of light passing through a slit experiment, why isn't the probablility function of the associated photon(s) "collapsed" by its interaction with the edge of the slit?

a wave will be refracted if it enters a new medium. what is it about entering a new medium that would cause a change in direction of the wave? why is the directional change always the same with a given angle of incidence? why isn't it random?

i have actually read a lot of physics during my years as a sentient being, and it still seems like i truly understand nothing at all... things can seem so simple on the surface, but as you drill down into what is actually happening, you eventually get to a place where it is beyond comprehension.
Science news on Phys.org
  • #2
When light goes into a medium the electric and magnetic components of the wave are affected by the electric and magnetic constants of the medium so that's why it changes its path. And maybe the reason that it isn't random is that light has momentum.
You should watch the Feynman lectures on light.
he talks about why light hitting a mirror will come off at the angle it hits. And why a lens bends light .

FAQ: Why does light change direction when entering a new medium?

1. What is the difference between diffraction and refraction?

Diffraction is the bending of waves as they pass through an opening or around an obstacle, while refraction is the bending of waves as they pass through a medium with a different density. In diffraction, the waves bend around the edges of an opening, while in refraction, the waves bend due to a change in speed as they pass through different materials.

2. How does diffraction and refraction affect the behavior of light?

Both diffraction and refraction can change the direction of light waves, causing them to spread out or bend. This can result in phenomena such as rainbows, mirages, and the blurring of objects.

3. What are some real-life applications of diffraction and refraction?

Diffraction and refraction have many practical applications, such as in the design and function of lenses, prisms, and other optical instruments. They are also used in fields such as telecommunications, spectroscopy, and astronomy.

4. How do diffraction and refraction relate to each other?

Diffraction and refraction are both examples of the behavior of waves when they encounter an obstacle or change in medium. While diffraction occurs at the edges of an opening, refraction occurs when waves pass through a material with a different density. Both phenomena can cause the bending of waves and affect the propagation of light.

5. Can diffraction and refraction be observed with other forms of energy besides light?

Yes, diffraction and refraction can be observed with other forms of energy, such as sound waves, water waves, and radio waves. In fact, diffraction and refraction are fundamental properties of all types of waves, not just light waves.
