Why Does p|aby' in Theorem 7.2.14?

In summary, the conversation focuses on the proof of Theorem 7.2.14 in the book "The Basics of Abstract Algebra" by Paul E. Bland. The theorem states that in a PID (Principal Ideal Domain), every irreducible element is also a prime element. The conversation also touches on the definitions of prime and irreducible elements in an integral domain, and the importance of this theorem in the study of rings and algebraic-number theory.
  • #1
Math Amateur
Gold Member
I am reading The Basics of Abstract Algebra by Paul E. Bland ...

I am focused on Section 7.2 Euclidean, Principal Ideal, Unique Factorization Domains ... ...

I need help with the proof of Theorem 7.2.14 ... ... Theorem 7.2.14 and its proof reads as follows:
View attachment 8275In the above proof by Bland we read the following:

"... ... But then \(\displaystyle a = apx' + aby' \), so \(\displaystyle p|apx'\) and \(\displaystyle p|aby'\). ... ... "Can someone please explain exactly how/why \(\displaystyle p|aby'\)... ... ?

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  • #2
Hi Peter,

That comes from the assumption that $p\mid ab$ (on line 3 of the proof).
  • #3
castor28 said:
Hi Peter,

That comes from the assumption that $p\mid ab$ (on line 3 of the proof).
Thanks castor28 ...

  • #4
This is a very important theorem in the study of rings. There are some definitions not mentioned in the OP and it is worth filling them in.

Let $D$ be an integral domain. An element $x\in D$, $x\ne0,e$, is said to be prime iff for any elements $a,b\in D$, if $x\mid ab$ then either $x\mid a$ or $x\mid b$. It is irreducible iff whenever $x=ab$ then either $a$ or $b$ is a unit (divisor of the multiplicative identity $e$). It easily follows from these definitions that in any domain $D$ every prime element is irreducible. The theorem says that when $D$ is a PID, the converse is also true.

This may not be how we are used to thinking of primes when dealing with the integers $\mathbb Z$. When we say that an integer $p\ne0,1$ is prime, we tend to think of $p$ as having no divisors other than $\pm1,$ and $\pm p$. Furthermore, $\mathbb Z$ is an ordered ring (i.e. has positive and negative elements) and so saying that $p\in\mathbb Z$ is prime usually means $p>1$ and has no factors other than $1$ and $p$. Strictly speaking, this is only thinking of $p$ as an irreducible rather than prime. However, as $\mathbb Z$ is a PID, the two definitions coincide and so the distinction is immaterial.

The distinction in the two definitions becomes important in the study of ideals and UFDs (unique-factorization domains) in algebraic-number theory. This branch of mathematics was initially developed to tackle Fermat’s last theorem: that the equation $x^n+y^n=z^n$ has no nonzero integer solutions in $x,y,z$ if $n$ is an integer greater than 2. The theory culminated in Kummer’s proof that the result holds if $n$ is a regular prime – which was the furthest the theory could go. The general proof continued to elude mathematicians until 1995, when Andrew Wiles succeeded in proving a special case of the Taniyama–Shimura conjecture relating elliptic curves and modular forms.
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  • #5
Olinguito said:
This is a very important theorem in the study of rings. There are some definitions not mentioned in the OP and it is worth filling them in.

Let $D$ be an integral domain. An element $x\in D$, $x\ne0,e$, is said to be prime iff for any elements $a,b\in D$, if $x\mid ab$ then either $x\mid a$ or $x\mid b$. It is irreducible iff whenever $x=ab$ then either $a$ or $b$ is a unit (divisor of the multiplicative identity $e$). It easily follows from these definitions that in any domain $D$ every prime element is irreducible. The theorem says that when $D$ is a PID, the converse is also true.

This may not be how we are used to thinking of primes when dealing with the integers $\mathbb Z$. When we say that an integer $p\ne0,1$ is prime, we tend to think of $p$ as having no divisors other than $\pm1,$ and $\pm p$. Furthermore, $\mathbb Z$ is an ordered ring (i.e. has positive and negative elements) and so saying that $p\in\mathbb Z$ is prime usually means $p>1$ and has no factors other than $1$ and $p$. Strictly speaking, this is only thinking of $p$ as an irreducible rather than prime. However, as $\mathbb Z$ is a PID, the two definitions coincide and so the distinction is immaterial.

The distinction in the two definitions becomes important in the study of ideals and UFDs (unique-factorization domains) in algebraic-number theory. This branch of mathematics was initially developed to tackle Fermat’s last theorem: that the equation $x^n+y^n=z^n$ has no nonzero integer solutions in $x,y,z$ if $n$ is an integer greater than 2. The theory culminated in Kummer’s proof that the result holds if $n$ is a regular prime – which was the furthest the theory could go. The general proof continued to elude mathematicians until 1995, when Andrew Wiles succeeded in proving a special case of the Taniyama–Shimura conjecture relating elliptic curves and modular forms.
Thanks Olinguito ...

The above is a most interesting and helpful post ...

Thanks again,


Related to Why Does p|aby' in Theorem 7.2.14?

What are prime and irreducible elements in Principal Ideal Domains (PID)?

Prime and irreducible elements are types of "building blocks" of numbers in a PID. These elements are important because they have special properties that make them useful in various mathematical applications.

What is a Principal Ideal Domain (PID)?

A PID is a type of mathematical structure in which every ideal (a set of elements that can be multiplied by any element in the structure and still remain in the set) can be generated by a single element. This element is called a generator or a "principal" element.

What is Theorem 7.2.14 in Bland - AA?

Theorem 7.2.14 in Bland - AA is a specific theorem in the book "Abstract Algebra" by Robert Bland. It states that in a PID, every prime element is also irreducible, but the converse is not always true. This means that every prime element is also a "building block" of numbers, but not every "building block" is necessarily prime.

What are the applications of prime and irreducible elements in PIDs?

Prime and irreducible elements are important in various mathematical applications, such as cryptography, number theory, and algebraic geometry. They are used to factor numbers, solve equations, and prove theorems.

How do prime and irreducible elements differ from each other?

Prime elements can only be factored into themselves or units (elements that can be multiplied by any other element and still remain in the set), while irreducible elements cannot be factored at all. In other words, prime elements have more factors than irreducible elements. Additionally, all prime elements are irreducible, but not all irreducible elements are prime, as stated in Theorem 7.2.14.

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