Why Does \( p \) Divide \( f \) in Nicholson's Theorem 11?

In summary: Since $F[X]$ is an integral domain, the cancellation law holds, so $k$ and $a^{-1}p$ are both non zero. Since $F$ is a field, we can write $k=ab$ and $p=cd$ for some $b,c\in F[X]$.Therefore, $f=(ab)(cd)=(ac)(bd)$. Since $F[X]$ is an integral domain, $f$ has multiple factorizations, and we assumed that every polynomial of degree $d$ or less had a unique factorization. Hence, $ac$ and $bd$ must both equal 1 (or $-1$) for some choice of units $a,c$ and $b,d
  • #1
Math Amateur
Gold Member
I am reading W. Keith Nicholson's book: Introduction to Abstract Algebra (Third Edition) ...

I am focused on Section 4.2:Factorization of Polynomials over a Field.

I need some help (with an apparently very simple issue) with the proof Theorem 11 on pages 217 - 218 ... just seem to have a mental block ... :(

The relevant text from Nicholson's book is as follows:https://www.physicsforums.com/attachments/4594
https://www.physicsforums.com/attachments/4595In the above text we read the following:

" ... ... In the second case, \(\displaystyle p = ad, a \in F\), so \(\displaystyle p\) divides \(\displaystyle f\) (because \(\displaystyle d\) divides \(\displaystyle f\)) ... ... "Nicholson argues that because \(\displaystyle d\) divides \(\displaystyle f\) we then have that \(\displaystyle p\) divides \(\displaystyle f\) ... ... but I cannot frame a formal and rigorous argument to show this ...

I must say that I suspect the argument is very simple ... but I would welcome help to get over this sticking point ...

Hope someone can help ...

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  • #2
Hi Peter,

There is a difference between using simple or strong induction.

Suppose we want to prove some property $P$ for all natural numbers.

If we use simple induction then we will do what you expect, assume $P(n)$ is true and then prove $P(n+1)$.

But, if we use strong induction we will assume $P(i)$ true for all $i<n$ and then prove $P(n)$, and that's what Nicholson is doing here.

He assumes that every polynomial of degree $d<n$ has a unique factorization, and then proves that a polynomial of degree $n$ also has a unique factorization.

  • #3
Hi Peter,

$a$ is a non zero element in the field $F$, and we got the two equalities:

$p=ad$, or equivalently $a^{-1}p=d$ (remember $F$ is a field so every non zero element has an inverse)
$f=kd$ for some $k\in F[X]$.

Hence, $f=k(a^{-1}p)$.

FAQ: Why Does \( p \) Divide \( f \) in Nicholson's Theorem 11?

1. What is an irreducible polynomial?

An irreducible polynomial is a polynomial that cannot be factored into polynomials of lower degree with coefficients from the same field.

2. What is the significance of irreducible polynomials?

Irreducible polynomials play a crucial role in abstract algebra and number theory as they help us understand the structure and properties of polynomial rings and fields. They also have applications in coding theory and cryptography.

3. What are nonzero polynomials?

Nonzero polynomials are polynomials that have at least one nonzero coefficient. These polynomials are important in Nicolson Theorem 11 as the theorem deals with products of nonzero polynomials.

4. What is Nicolson Theorem 11?

Nicolson Theorem 11 is a theorem in abstract algebra that states that the product of two nonzero polynomials is always a nonzero polynomial. This theorem is closely related to the concept of irreducible polynomials.

5. How is Nicolson Theorem 11 used in mathematics?

Nicolson Theorem 11 is used in various fields of mathematics, including algebra, number theory, and cryptography. It helps in proving the existence of irreducible polynomials and understanding the structure of polynomial rings and fields.
