Why does recombination in PN junctions release photons?

In summary, when two different types of semiconductor materials are fused together, the electrons from the different types of semiconductor can mix together and recombine. This can lead to the emission of photons.
  • #1
In a pure crystal structure of some semiconductor compound each molecule is usually bound to other four by covalent bonds, in other words each of the four valence electrons of each molecule is in a covalent bond with another molecule. At 0K all electrons remain in these covalent bonds, but as the temperature rises electrons start to gain enough thermal energy to escape these bonds and move to wholes left by other electrons that also escaped their bonds. The energy required for these electrons to escape is the same energy released when these electrons fill the wholes, right? I would assume that's just a symmetry argument.

But by doping the pure semiconductor with molecules of a different chemical species we can get different behaviors of the structure, for example, by substituting some molecules in the pure semiconductor by a molecule with five valence electrons we get more free electrons at lower temperatures. That's because four of the five valance electrons in this new molecule are going to substitute the four valence electrons of the original semiconductor molecules in the covalent bonds. However, the fifth valence electron of the new molecule is going to be only loosely bound to the molecule's nucleus, requiring lower temperatures to break that bond than the temperatures required to break the covalent bonds in the pure semiconductor material. But still the energy required to break these bonds is the same as the energy released when these free electrons attach to the nucleus of another one of these new molecules whose fifth electron has also escaped. Right?

We can also dope the pure crystal structure with molecules with three valence electrons. That results in three covalent bonds and a whole by default.

By having one of the free electrons from the N-type material occupy the whole that exists in the P-type material we can get the release of a photon. My question is, assuming all of this is correct (and I know it might not be), why do we get the release of a photon? I mean, when an electron occupies a whole in the N-type material it also releases energy, right? Why don't we get a photon then?
Science news on Phys.org
  • #2
I think it's because of the way direct band gaps work vs indirect band gaps. From what I read, in a direct band gap the electron can directly transition from the conduction band to the valence band and fill a hole without having to transfer momentum to the crystal lattice, while in an indirect band gap the electron has to first get rid of some of its momentum before it can fill in the hole. A direct band gap allows the electron to release all of its energy as a photon since it's only going through a single transition between states instead of multiple ones.

  • #3
Okay, thanks! I'll look into direct and indirect band gaps!

Also, I have another related question. When the P-type material and the N-type material are fused into the PN-junction, does combination happen close to where the two materials were fused together? That would create some sort of gap close to the junction so that if you wanted more recombination to happen you would have to drive the electrons from the N-type material towards the junction and the electrons from the P-type material further away from it. Is that how LEDs work? And is the voltage drop of, for example, a red LED (1.9V) just how "strongly" you would have to push and pull this electrons to get enough recombinations to release photons to make that radiation visible?

FAQ: Why does recombination in PN junctions release photons?

1. Why does recombination occur in PN junctions?

Recombination occurs in PN junctions because it is the process by which free electrons and holes combine to form a neutral atom. In a PN junction, there is a concentration gradient of electrons and holes, which leads to diffusion of these charge carriers towards each other. When an electron and hole combine, they release energy in the form of a photon.

2. What is the significance of recombination in PN junctions?

Recombination plays a crucial role in the operation of many electronic devices, such as solar cells and light-emitting diodes (LEDs). In solar cells, recombination helps convert light energy into electrical energy, while in LEDs, it is responsible for the emission of light. Therefore, understanding recombination is important for the development of efficient and effective electronic devices.

3. How does recombination in PN junctions release photons?

In a PN junction, when an electron and hole combine, they release energy in the form of a photon. This energy is equivalent to the energy difference between the conduction band (where the free electrons reside) and the valence band (where the holes reside). The released photon carries this energy and can be seen as light, depending on its wavelength.

4. What factors affect the rate of recombination in PN junctions?

The rate of recombination in PN junctions is affected by various factors, such as the doping concentration (the amount of impurities added to the semiconductor material), the temperature, and the presence of defects in the material. Higher doping concentrations and higher temperatures generally lead to a higher rate of recombination, while defects can hinder recombination.

5. Can recombination in PN junctions be controlled or manipulated?

Yes, recombination in PN junctions can be controlled and manipulated through various techniques. One way is by adjusting the doping concentration, which can affect the concentration gradient of free electrons and holes. Another way is by introducing certain impurities or defects that can act as recombination centers, either increasing or decreasing the rate of recombination. These techniques are used to optimize the performance of electronic devices.

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