Why Does the Constant 't' Appear in the Derivative of a Homogeneous Function?

In summary, a homogeneous function is defined as a function that satisfies the property that when all its arguments are multiplied by a constant, the function's value is multiplied by that constant raised to a power. This leads to the result that the partial derivative of such a function will be homogeneous to the degree k-1. This can be proven by applying the chain rule when taking the derivative of a function with respect to one of its arguments. The t comes from the chain rule, where the derivative of g(x) is multiplied by the derivative of t with respect to x. This may seem obvious now, but the notation (∂ƒ(tx1,tx2,…,txn)/∂x1) can be confusing as it may appear to
  • #1
I've been reading a book on economics and they defined a homogeneous function as: ƒ(x1,x2,…,xn) such that
ƒ(tx1,tx2,…,txn)=tkƒ(x1,x2,…,xn) ..totally understandable.. they further explained that a direct result from this is that the partial derivative of such a function will be homogeneous to the degree k-1.They proved this by simply differentiating both sides of the equation. My problem arises when they differentiate the left hand side (with respect to the first argument as an arbitrary choice). They say the partial differential(of the LHS wrt x1) is:


my question is where does the t come from.. ..please bear with me
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  • #2
They used the chain rule. When you take a derivative of

[tex]f(g(x))[/tex] with respect to x, you first take the derivative of f, but then you need to multiply by the derivative of g.

[tex]\frac{d}{dx}f(g(x))=f'(g(x))\cdot g'(x)[/tex]


[tex]\frac{d}{dx}f(tx)=f'(tx)\cdot \frac{d}{dx}tx = f'(tx)\cdot t[/tex]

assuming t is independent of x (constant).
  • #3
thank you :) I don't know why it seems so obvious now ..I did think of the t as being a result of the chain rule but for some reason the way they wrote it down made no sense to me and had me stuck...I think it's because they wrote (∂ƒ(tx1,tx2,…,txn)/∂x1) which to me means with respect to x( i.e. ∂x1) and not with respect to the change in the intermediate function(tx) and so it came across as meaning the complete derivative of ƒ1 encompassing all the intermediate processes..

the way you have your functions written down is so neat. If you don't mind me asking what did you use because the way I'm doing it takes forever, is very messy and I can't write in fraction form
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  • #4
Sidney said:
thank you :) I don't know why it seems so obvious now ..I did think of the t as being a result of the chain rule but for some reason the way they wrote it down made no sense to me and had me stuck...I think it's because they wrote (∂ƒ(tx1,tx2,…,txn)/∂x1) which to me means with respect to x( i.e. ∂x1) and not with respect to the change in the intermediate function(tx) and so it came across as meaning the complete derivative of ƒ1 encompassing all the intermediate processes..

Things often become clear again when it's explained in simple terms :)

Sidney said:
the way you have your functions written down is so neat. If you don't mind me asking what did you use because the way I'm doing it takes forever, is very messy and I can't write in fraction form

Check out this page:

And what you can also do to help speed up the learning process is to quote a post and observe what the poster had written in their latex.
  • #5

I would like to clarify that homogeneity and derivatives are important concepts in mathematics and economics. A function is considered homogeneous when it satisfies the property that when all its inputs are multiplied by a constant, the output is also multiplied by that constant raised to a certain power. In this case, the power is represented by the variable k.

The statement that the partial derivative of a homogeneous function will have a degree of k-1 is correct and can be proven by differentiating both sides of the equation. However, the confusion arises when the book introduces the t in the partial derivative of the left-hand side with respect to the first argument.

The t represents the constant that is multiplied to the first argument of the function. This is because when we differentiate with respect to x1, we are treating x2, x3, etc. as constants. Therefore, when the function is multiplied by t, the derivative becomes t times the partial derivative of the function with respect to x1. This is a standard mathematical technique used when differentiating with respect to a variable that is multiplied by a constant.

I hope this helps clarify the concept of homogeneity and derivatives. It is important to understand these concepts in order to fully grasp the concepts of economics and other fields that use mathematical models.

FAQ: Why Does the Constant 't' Appear in the Derivative of a Homogeneous Function?

What is homogeneity?

Homogeneity is a property of mathematical functions that states that multiplying the input by a constant will result in the output being multiplied by the same constant. In other words, the function behaves the same way for any scaled input. This is also known as the scaling property.

What are derivatives?

Derivatives are a mathematical concept that represent the instantaneous rate of change of a function with respect to its input. It is calculated as the slope of the tangent line to the function at a specific point. Derivatives are useful in many areas of science, such as physics, economics, and engineering.

How are homogeneity and derivatives related?

Homogeneity is an important property of derivatives. In fact, a function is differentiable (has a derivative) only if it is homogeneous. This means that if a function is not homogeneous, it will not have a well-defined derivative.

What is the product rule for derivatives?

The product rule is a formula used to calculate the derivative of a product of two functions. It states that the derivative of the product of two functions is equal to the first function times the derivative of the second function plus the second function times the derivative of the first function.

Can homogeneity and derivatives be applied in real-life scenarios?

Yes, homogeneity and derivatives have many practical applications in various fields of science. For example, in physics, derivatives are used to calculate the velocity and acceleration of objects in motion. In economics, derivatives are used in financial modeling to predict market trends. In engineering, derivatives are used to optimize designs and solve problems in various systems.
