Why Does the Electron Stay at the Same Speed in a Series Circuit?

In summary, the conversation discusses a question about simple analogies to explain current flow in a series circuit. The analogy used is that of a bread factory and truck loading and unloading bread. Adding an extra battery increases the current and the analogy would be that the bread trucks carry more bread each. However, it is important not to push analogies too far when trying to understand complex concepts.
  • #1
Hello everyone

I have question on very basic physics:

I'm thinking about simple analogies to explain current flowing in a simple series circuit. One analogy I have looked at has a bread factory making bread and loading it onto a truck. Each time a truck passes the bread factory it takes bread, when it passes the supermarket it unloads the bread and continues around the circuit at the same speed.

So, I understand the bread factory is a battery, it transfers energy to the electrons in the circuit, the electrons move carrying the energy, when the electron reaches a bulb it transfers energy to the bulb. And then the electron continues around the circuit back to the battery at the speed it left.

What I don't understand is this:

When I add an extra battery the electron carries more energy, the current increases, the electron or bread truck is moving faster now. So, the current in the circuit increases if I add an extra battery, after the electron reaches the bulb some of its energy is transferred to the bulb. Why then does the electron keep moving at the same speed all the way round? When it gains energy from the extra battery it speeds, it carries more energy, but when it loses energy to the bulb it stays the same speed?

I appreciate your help with this.


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  • #2
The analogy of adding the extra battery would be that the bread trucks carry more bread each. They have more bread (energy) to unload at the other end. (The bulb is brighter).
Analogies can often help a lot with understanding, but you have to be careful not to push them too far.

FAQ: Why Does the Electron Stay at the Same Speed in a Series Circuit?

What is a series circuit?

A series circuit is an electric circuit in which all components are connected in a single loop, with the same current flowing through each component.

What is the formula for calculating current in a series circuit?

The formula for calculating current in a series circuit is I = V/R, where I is the current in amperes, V is the voltage in volts, and R is the total resistance in ohms.

How does the current behave in a series circuit?

In a series circuit, the current remains constant throughout the circuit. This means that the current at any point in the circuit is the same as the current at any other point in the circuit.

What happens to the total resistance in a series circuit?

In a series circuit, the total resistance is equal to the sum of the individual resistances of each component. This means that as more resistors are added in series, the total resistance increases.

What is the difference between series and parallel circuits?

The main difference between series and parallel circuits is the way the components are connected. In a series circuit, all components are connected in a single loop, while in a parallel circuit, components are connected in multiple branches. Additionally, the current in a series circuit remains constant throughout, while in a parallel circuit, the current is divided among the branches.
