Why does the energy level of an electron in an atom have a width?

In summary, the level of energy has a width. This effect is not covered by time-independent solutions.
  • #1
Electron in atom at higher level(excited state) of energy has tendency jump to lower level of energy.Then the state of electron is unstale,so there is uncertainty in energy of the electron(the level of energy has a width).What cause the level being a band of energy but not a thin line of energy?When we solve Schrodinger equation of electron in a potential well we receive the quantization of energy with each of level having a certainty of value.
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  • #2
Likely you use time-independent Schrodinger equation. The energy line-width is just reverse proportional to state lifetime, and this effect is not covered by time-independent solution.
With time dependence, the infinite duration oscillation of wavefunction at unstable electron orbit (periodic stationary solution) converts to wavelet (transient solution), which has finite line-width.
  • #3
Any "atomic state" except the ground state have a finite width alone from the spontaneous emission contribution of QED. What you calculate as "atomic states" is an approximation, where you take into account the static contributions of electromagnetic interactions in the Coulomb gauge only. That's not the whole truth, because the electromagnetic field is a dynamical entity too and has to be quantized. Since the em. field as a spin-1 field is necessarily a boson field, as follows from the fundamental assumptions of local QFT demanding a stable ground state, there's also spontaneous emission in addition to induced emission and absorption which also is described in semi-classical electromagnetics, where the em. field is kept classical.

The possibility of spontaneous emission, i.e., the transition of an excited "atomic state" to a lower one under emission of one (or sometimes more than one) photon(s) has a finite probability (except if selection rules, i.e., conservation laws forbid some specific transition), the "atomic states" are not true energy eigenstates anymore as soon as you take into account the "radiation corrections" with a quantized em. field. This leads to the conclusion that in reality these "atomic states" are (quite narrow) resonances of finite width and the corresponding finite lifetime. It's also called "natural linewidth".
  • #4
There are several factors that made the width of the lines, I would like to mention the red/blue shift due to doppler effect due to the movement** of the center of mass of the atom.

**(unavoidable, even in principle due to uncertainty in the momentum)
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FAQ: Why does the energy level of an electron in an atom have a width?

1. Why does the energy level of an electron in an atom have a width?

The energy level of an electron in an atom has a width because of the uncertainty principle in quantum mechanics. This principle states that it is impossible to know the exact position and momentum of a particle at the same time. Therefore, the energy level of an electron in an atom cannot have a precise value and instead has a range of possible values.

2. How does the uncertainty principle affect the energy level of an electron?

The uncertainty principle affects the energy level of an electron by introducing a range of possible energy values instead of a single, precise value. This is because the more accurately we know the position of an electron, the less we know about its momentum, and vice versa. As a result, the energy level of an electron in an atom appears as a blurred or spread out range of possible values.

3. Does the energy level of an electron in an atom change over time?

Yes, the energy level of an electron in an atom can change over time. This is because the uncertainty principle also applies to the energy and time of a particle. Therefore, the energy level of an electron in an atom can fluctuate within its range of possible values over time.

4. Can the energy level of an electron in an atom be measured with absolute precision?

No, the energy level of an electron in an atom cannot be measured with absolute precision due to the uncertainty principle. The more precisely we try to measure the energy level, the less we know about its position and momentum. Therefore, the energy level of an electron can only be measured within a certain range of values.

5. How does the width of the energy level of an electron in an atom affect its behavior?

The width of the energy level of an electron in an atom affects its behavior by allowing for transitions between energy levels. When an electron absorbs or emits energy, it does so in discrete packets or quanta. The width of the energy level determines the range of possible energy values that can be absorbed or emitted, allowing for these transitions to occur. Additionally, the width of the energy level also affects the stability of the atom, as a larger width means a greater range of energy values that an electron can occupy, making the atom less stable.

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