Why does the LHC need to be more powerful?

In summary, the LHC is increasing the energy and this allows us to detect heavier particles. It is not clear whether it is reasonable to expect SUSY particles to be at the mass scale between the previous run and this one.
  • #1
I am doing a piece of A-2 coursework concerning the LHC and its restart and cannot understand why the increase in energy of run 2 would allow us to detect heavier particles such as those proposed by SUSY.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
The center-of-mass energy of a particle collision puts an upper bound on the masses of the particles which can be produced through the mass-energy equivalence (which is essentially saying that mass is a form of energy). In order to create a particle of mass ##m##, you need to have an energy ##mc^2## available. Therefore, higher energies means you can create heavier particles. Then there is of course the question whether it is reasonable or not to expect SUSY particles to be at the mass scale between the previous run and this one ...
  • #3
Ok thanks that is very helpful.
  • #4
Is it as simple as saying that particles produced must have a mass less than centre-of-mass energy divided by the speed of light squared? (factoring in the electron volts)
  • #5
  • #6
Using centre-of-mass energy 16TeV (a proton-proton collision when the LHC had the its greatest energy input of run 1, 8Tev) I get a value greater than 100,000 GeV/c squared. This seems much too large when compared to mass of particles discovered. I used the the Lorentz variant quantity expression to get the centre-of-mass energy.
  • #7
The energy quoted by the LHC generally is the CoM energy of the protons ... If you have a CoM energy of 14 TeV, you will at most be able to create particles with a total of 14 TeV/c^2 of mass. Generally, the actual partons carry less than everything of the momentum and the actual parton-parton processes occur at lower CoM.
  • #8
8TeV was the Center of Mass energy, and not the energy of the protons...
I don't understand how you got 100TeV mass for a product (this violates energy/momentum conservation)
  • #9
The current center of mass energy is 13 TeV, by the way.

As protons are not elementary particles, the collisions are better described by collisions of "parts" of the protons, those "parts" are called partons. They have some fraction of the total energy of the protons, and more than half of the proton energy is extremely rare. Therefore, we can search for more high-energetic particles, but not up to 13 TeV. The actual sensitivity depends on the specific model considered ("how likely is the production of particle X in model Y?"), but for every model increasing the energy helps to search for heavier particles.
  • #10
Orodruin said:
Does the collision of accelerated particles in LHC produce the same elementary particles, we have in the universe or not?
  • #11
The LHC is part of the universe. All the particles it produces are the elementary particles we have in our universe.

All particles we know about are produced at the LHC.
  • #12
mfb said:
The LHC is part of the universe. All the particles it produces are the elementary particles we have in our universe.

All particles we know about are produced at the LHC.
I mean particles common referring to a stable material.
  • #13
"All particles" includes stable particles, of course.
I suggest you ask your questions in one thread instead of taking this off-topic.

Related to Why does the LHC need to be more powerful?

1. Why is the LHC being upgraded to be more powerful?

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is being upgraded to increase its energy and luminosity in order to allow scientists to explore the fundamental building blocks of our universe at higher energies and with greater precision. This will enable us to answer some of the most fundamental questions in physics, such as the origins of mass and the existence of dark matter.

2. How does increasing the energy of the LHC help with scientific discoveries?

The higher energy of the LHC will allow scientists to create and observe more massive particles, such as the Higgs boson, and potentially discover new particles that have never been seen before. This will give us a better understanding of the fundamental laws of nature and how the universe works.

3. What is the role of luminosity in the LHC's upgrade?

Luminosity refers to the number of collisions that occur within a given amount of time. By increasing the luminosity of the LHC, scientists will be able to collect more data and increase the chances of observing rare events. This will allow for more precise measurements and potentially the discovery of new particles or phenomena.

4. How does the LHC's upgrade benefit society?

The research conducted at the LHC has already led to numerous technological advancements, such as the development of new medical imaging techniques and more efficient energy production. The upgraded LHC will continue to push the boundaries of science and technology, leading to potential breakthroughs that could greatly benefit society in the future.

5. What are the challenges of upgrading the LHC to be more powerful?

The LHC upgrade is a massive undertaking that requires advanced engineering and technology. Building and maintaining the complex machinery, as well as analyzing the vast amount of data produced, requires a highly skilled and dedicated team of scientists and engineers. Additionally, the upgrade must be done in a way that ensures the safety of both the researchers and the surrounding environment.

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