Why does the operator S_p - S_n in deuteron result in a zero expectation value?

In summary: Therefore, the expectation value is also zero. This is why the operator <S_p - S_n> cannot contribute to the expectation value for the magnetic moment in this case. In summary, the operator <S_p - S_n> cannot contribute to the expectation value of the magnetic moment in the deuteron because it only connects states with S = 1 and S = 0, which are orthogonal and result in a zero inner product.
  • #1
Hi, apologies if this is simple. I'm a bit confused with a piece of text from Introductory Nuclear Physics by Wong. It's talking about finding the expectation value of the magnetic moment of the deuteron. In the deuteron it is known the total spin quantum number is S = 1. In deriving the total [itex] \mu [/itex] we have a term

[itex] < S_p - S_n> [/itex] (note: this is meant to be operators).

Quoting from the text: "Since the operator [itex] S_p - S_n [/itex] acts on proton and neutron spins with opposite signs, it can only connect between two states, one with S = 1, and the other with S = 0, and as a result, cannot contribute to the expectation value of interest to us here".

I'm at a bit of a loss as to what it's saying here, I know

[itex] < S_p - S_n> = \int \phi^*S_p\phi dV - \int \phi^*S_n \phi dV[/itex]

where [itex] \phi [/itex] is the total deuteron wavefunction. Since the deuteron is in an S = 1 state the proton and neutron either have the same spin z-component or opposite. Since really when we talk about the magnetic moment we're talking about the z-component, any state where the z-component is the same for the proton and neutron cancel out in this [itex] S_p - S_n [/itex] expectation value...but what about if the spins are opposite? I don't really comprehend what the text is saying.
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  • #2
Silversonic said:
Since the deuteron is in an S = 1 state the proton and neutron either have the same spin z-component or opposite.
No, that's incorrect. The S = 1 states are the three states that are symmetric:
The state with Sz = +1 is |↑↑>,
The state with Sz = -1 is |↓↓>,
And the state with Sz = 0 is (|↑↓> + |↓↑>)/√2
The remaining state, the antisymmetric state, (|↑↓> - |↓↑>)/√2, has S = 0 and Sz = 0

Silversonic said:
"Since the operator [itex] S_p - S_n [/itex] acts on proton and neutron spins with opposite signs, it can only connect between two states, one with S = 1, and the other with S = 0, and as a result, cannot contribute to the expectation value of interest to us here".
Note that
(Sp - Sn)|↑↑> = 0,
Sp - Sn)|↓↓> = 0,
and (Sp - Sn)(|↑↓> + |↓↑>)/√2 = (|↑↓> - |↓↑>)/√2.
So acting on the S = 1 states it either gives you zero, or else it gives you the S = 0 state.
  • #3
Thanks for the reply.

Bill_K said:
No, that's incorrect. The S = 1 states are the three states that are symmetric:
The state with Sz = +1 is |↑↑>,
The state with Sz = -1 is |↓↓>,
And the state with Sz = 0 is (|↑↓> + |↓↑>)/√2
The remaining state, the antisymmetric state, (|↑↓> - |↓↑>)/√2, has S = 0 and Sz = 0

Was I incorrect because I should've said the proton and neutron have the same z-spin or are in a superposition of states with opposite z-spins?

Bill_K said:
Note that
(Sp - Sn)|↑↑> = 0,
Sp - Sn)|↓↓> = 0,
and (Sp - Sn)(|↑↓> + |↓↑>)/√2 = (|↑↓> - |↓↑>)/√2.
So acting on the S = 1 states it either gives you zero, or else it gives you the S = 0 state.

But then how does obtaining the S = 0 state create a zero expectation value? If calculating the expectation value then:

[itex] \int \phi^*\chi_{S=1}^*<S_p-S_n>\phi\chi_{S=1} dV = \int \phi^*\phi\chi_{S=1}^*\chi_{S=0} dV = \chi_{S=1}^*\chi_{S=0}[/itex]

assuming the space parts are normalised. Is this final product supposed to be zero?
  • #4
Silversonic said:
But then how does obtaining the S = 0 state create a zero expectation value? If calculating the expectation value then:

[itex] \int \phi^*\chi_{S=1}^*<S_p-S_n>\phi\chi_{S=1} dV = \int \phi^*\phi\chi_{S=1}^*\chi_{S=0} dV = \chi_{S=1}^*\chi_{S=0}[/itex]

assuming the space parts are normalised. Is this final product supposed to be zero?
Spin states with different values of S are orthogonal. The S = 0 state is orthogonal to the S = 1 states, so the inner product is zero.

FAQ: Why does the operator S_p - S_n in deuteron result in a zero expectation value?

1. What is "Sp - Sn in deuteron is zero"?

"Sp - Sn in deuteron is zero" refers to the difference between the proton separation energy (Sp) and the neutron separation energy (Sn) in a deuteron, which is a type of nucleus consisting of one proton and one neutron. This difference is also known as the binding energy and is an important factor in understanding the stability of a nucleus.

2. Why is Sp - Sn in deuteron important?

The value of Sp - Sn in deuteron is important because it is a measure of the strong nuclear force that holds the nucleus together. If this value is zero, it means that the proton and neutron are equally bound in the nucleus, which contributes to the stability of the deuteron.

3. How is Sp - Sn in deuteron calculated?

The value of Sp - Sn in deuteron can be calculated using the nuclear shell model, which takes into account the number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus and their arrangement in energy levels. This calculation involves complex mathematical equations and requires knowledge of nuclear physics.

4. What does a non-zero value of Sp - Sn in deuteron indicate?

If the value of Sp - Sn in deuteron is non-zero, it means that the proton and neutron are not equally bound in the nucleus, and there is an asymmetry in their binding energies. This can have implications for the stability and structure of the nucleus, as well as for nuclear reactions.

5. How is Sp - Sn in deuteron related to other nuclear properties?

Sp - Sn in deuteron is related to other nuclear properties, such as the nuclear radius, mass, and spin. It also plays a role in determining the stability of other nuclei, as it affects the neutron-to-proton ratio and the strength of the nuclear force. Understanding this value is crucial for studying the behavior of different nuclei and their reactions.

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