Why does the pKA of -COOH change when -NH3+ is present in the same molecule?

In summary, the pKa of -COOH changes when -NH3+ is present in the same molecule, even though -NH3+ does not start reacting until the pH value is much higher. This is due to the positive charge on the amino group stabilizing the negative charge on the carboxyl. The pKa of amino acids is typically below 10, while primary amines have pKa values above 10. This difference can be explained by the direction of water molecules and the surrounding water environment. The pKa of cysteine's amino group is 10.7, while glutamine/glutamic acid and asparagine/aspartic acid have pKa differences of 0.35 and 1,
  • #1
Its a very simple question . So when the carboxylic acid radical -COOH is standalone in an aliphatic molecule without any other acid or basic radicals Pka would be around 4.5 . But when something like -NH3+ is present in the same molecule the Pka for -COOH changes , even though -NH3+ wouldn't start reacting until the value of ph is a lot higher ...
Chemistry news on Phys.org
  • #2
And the question is...?
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  • #3
Borek said:
And the question is...?
Why is the Pka relative to -COOH change when -NH3+ is in the same molecule ?
  • #4
Indeed relative to the typical monobasic carboxylic acids with pKa's somewhat above 4, the amino acids are moderately strong acids with pKa's a little above 2. I don't know if there is any official line on this but an obvious explanation would be that the positive charge on the amino group stabilises a negative one on the carboxyl.

Then this simpleminded explanation does not work at all well for what happens at the amino group. Amino acid pKa's are typically somewhat below 10, whereas those of primary amines are well above 10. I - you - could give a handwavy explanation in terms of which way the water molecules of pointing. In fact I am sure that all the explanation fundamentally involves the surrounding water.

The two negative charges on cysteine manage to push up the pKa of the amino group to 10.7. Maybe a better comparison is glutamine/glutamic acid - the extra negative charge on the latter is worth only 0.35 pH units for the pK of the amino group. Or between aspragine and aspartic acid there is a pK difference of 1. But then the pK of Asn is exceptionally low at 8.8 for some reason. And in glutamine or glutamic acid there is some story I can't recall offhand about the carbon chain bending back allowing internal hydrogen bonding. All very confusing really. :oldbiggrin:

It is a good question, but if there is any answer I think it will be relatively advanced stuff.

I should say that most biochemists tend to be concerned only with what the charges are on side groups and protein end groups at around neutral pHs
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  • #5
I'm not sure the OP's question is completely clear.
First of all, amino acids are commonly reported with (at least) 2 distinct pKA's, one for the fully protonated species (including the amino group) going to electrically neutral molecule, and one for the latter going to anion.
The OP was essentially asking why the pKA changes when a H atom alpha to the carboxyl is replaced by an NH2 group, BUT he/she also mentioned NH3+, which leaves open to interpretation which pKA he/she was referring to.

To be more concrete, here's some data from the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 85th edition, page 8-47.
- pKA of acetic acid (CH3COOH / CH3COO-) = 4.756
- pKA of monoprotonated glycine (H3N+CH2COOH / H3N+CH2COO-) = 2.35
- pKA of electrically neutral glycine (H3N+CH2COO- / H2NCH2COO-) = 9.78

So, monoprotonated glycine is a stronger acid than acetic acid, not unexpectedly I'd say, given that we need to abstract a proton from a positively charged species.

On the other hand, electrically neutral glycine, which I suppose is in equilibrium between H3N+CH2COO- and H2NCH2COOH, is a much weaker acid than acetic acid.
I don't have an explanation for this. It appears that the stability of the acetate anion compared to acetic acid is much higher than the one of the glycine anion (assuming that's what it's called) compared to electrically neutral glycine.
@epenguin 's theory may be correct: electrically neutral glycine may be comparatively more stable because of the two charges in the zwitterionic form. Or maybe because it has two possible forms? And could it be that the glycine anion is comparatively unstable because it has to bear a negative charge close to an electron-rich amino group? But this is all speculation from my part. I am sure of the first bit about the protonated amino acid, though: I distinctly remember they explained it to us when we were doing titrations of amino acids at university.

FAQ: Why does the pKA of -COOH change when -NH3+ is present in the same molecule?

1. What is the relationship between amino acids and pH?

The pH of a solution can greatly affect the reactivity of amino acids. At a low pH (acidic environment), amino acids tend to lose their positive charge and become neutral, while at a high pH (basic environment), they tend to gain a positive charge. This can impact the structure and function of proteins, which are made up of amino acids.

2. How do amino acids react in acidic solutions?

In acidic solutions, amino acids can undergo a process called protonation, where they accept a hydrogen ion (H+) and become positively charged. This change in charge can affect the interactions between amino acids and other molecules, ultimately impacting the function and stability of proteins.

3. What happens to amino acids in basic solutions?

In basic solutions, amino acids can undergo a process called deprotonation, where they lose a hydrogen ion (H+) and become negatively charged. This change in charge can also affect the interactions between amino acids and other molecules, potentially altering the function and stability of proteins.

4. How does pH affect the structure of proteins?

The structure of proteins is highly dependent on the pH of their environment. Changes in pH can disrupt the interactions between amino acids, leading to unfolding or denaturation of the protein. This can impact the protein's ability to carry out its specific function.

5. Why is it important to maintain a specific pH for biochemical reactions involving amino acids?

Maintaining a specific pH is crucial for biochemical reactions involving amino acids because small changes in pH can greatly impact the reactivity and structure of these molecules. This, in turn, can affect the overall function and stability of proteins, which play essential roles in many biological processes.

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