Why does the plate have to be infinite?

In summary, when Gauss's law is used to find the electric field above an infinitely charged plate, the field is only approximated if the radius of the plate is small compared to its typical dimensions.
  • #1
Moazin Khatri
When I was taught Gauss's law. My teacher used a cylindrical Gaussian surface to find the electric field above an infinite uniformly charged plate. What I have trouble understanding is why the plate has to be infinite in order for the arguments to work? http://farside.ph.utexas.edu/teaching/302l/lectures/node27.html Here's a link explaining the way to use Gauss's law to find the electric field. But what if I repeat the same thing with a finite plate? I know it won't work but I want a good explanation of why it won't work?
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  • #2
yess...it is possible for finite plate but it involves integration.
  • #3
Yes I know we can use calculus to find electric field both above an infinite or finite plate. But I want a good argument for why the method the link follows is only applicable to infinite plate? I can take a finite plate and still follow the same process.
  • #4
I think we can give an intutive explation. By gauss law , charge enclosed inside closed surface= €×(sum of(Surface Area vector× Electric Field vector)). Let us consider a point charge q.( By point charge, we ideally assume it is so so small...). The field is a function of q. Draw a sphere of radius R. the area is (4*pi*(R^2)).

The electric field is (q/4*pi*€*R^2). Multiply both Field and area( Intutively, the field vector is along area vector). So, the dot product multiplication results in a scalar q/€. The scalar is electric flux.

A similar argument can be said of a large rock carrying lot of charge. You take your vehicle and travel a long distance, such that the rock appears tiny? Cant we use point charge approximation?
You told that you have trouble understanding infinite plate arguement. Let the radius of plate be 50 m. Ant ant is near the centre of the plate. For the ant, only the plate is visible in the vicinity. Wheverever it goes, it always ends up in the plate. Why can't the ant consider it as infinite plate. Approximations are good as long as it does not affect what we require.
  • #5
we expect the electric field on either side of the plane to be a function of
only, to be directed normal to the plane
That is because the plate is infinite.
If the plate were finite, then the field would not be normal to the plane. It would diverge slightly. This is obvious near the edge, but must also be true (at least a tiny bit) everywhere else except at the exact centre of the plane (and only at an infinitesimal point there.)
This ideal assumption avoids the complication of having to account for the slight divergence of the field, so makes a nice neat formula.

later they consider a parallel plate capacitor and use the simple formula,
Outside this region, the electric field cancels to zero. The above result is only valid for two charged planes of infinite extent. However, the result is approximately valid for two charged planes of finite extent, provided that the spacing between the planes is small compared to their typical dimensions.

This sort of 'trick' is often used to avoid very complex calculations and producing cumbersome overcomplex formulae.

Edit: The comment about, "spacing is small compared to their typical dimensions" is essentially the "ant" argument of sharan swarup.
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  • #6
Yes. I got it. Thanks a lot Sharan swarup and Merlin.

FAQ: Why does the plate have to be infinite?

1. Why is an infinite plate necessary in scientific experiments?

An infinite plate is necessary in scientific experiments because it allows for a controlled environment where all variables can be closely monitored and manipulated. This helps to ensure accurate and repeatable results.

2. Can't a finite plate be used instead of an infinite one?

A finite plate can be used in some experiments, but it may introduce limitations and uncertainties due to its boundaries. Additionally, the results may not be applicable to larger scales or systems.

3. How does an infinite plate affect the results of an experiment?

An infinite plate removes the influence of boundaries, such as edges or corners, which can affect the behavior or properties of the materials being tested. This allows for a more accurate representation of the material's true characteristics.

4. Is it possible to create a truly infinite plate in a laboratory setting?

Technically, no plate can be truly infinite. However, by using large and carefully designed plates, scientists can create a very close approximation of an infinite plate for their experiments.

5. Are there any disadvantages to using an infinite plate in experiments?

One potential disadvantage is the cost and difficulty of creating and maintaining an infinite plate. This may limit the availability and practicality of using an infinite plate in some experiments. Additionally, the results may not be applicable to real-world scenarios with boundaries and limitations.

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