Why does the possible orbitals equal n squared?

  • Thread starter 1MileCrash
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In summary, the total number of values for the magnetic quantum number m is 2 times the sum of the quantum number \ell plus the principal quantum number n, which is equal to n^2. This is due to the fact that for a given \ell, m can run from -\ell to \ell, and \ell can run from 0 to n-1. Therefore, the total number of orbitals is n^2. This can also be proven using the known result that the sum of the first N natural numbers is equal to N(N+1)/2.
  • #1
If i take any integer, x

write out all integers from 0 to x - 1

write out all numbers between negative and positive values of those numbers

I get x squared total values. why? what is the mathematical logoc behind this?

x = 3
0 to x - 3 = 0, 1, 2

-1, 0, 1
-2, -1, 0, 1, 2

9 total values, x squared total values, but why does this work? how is that process related to squaring?
Mathematics news on Phys.org
  • #2
For a given value of the quantum number [itex]\ell[/itex], the magnetic quantum number [itex]m[/itex] can run from [itex]-\ell[/itex] to [itex]\ell[/itex], which means there are [itex]2\ell + 1[/itex] values of m for each [itex]\ell[/itex]. The quantum number [itex]\ell[/itex] can run from 0 to [itex]n-1[/itex], where n is the principal quantum number. You can fill up orbitals for each [itex]\ell[/itex] until you hit this max, so the total number of orbitals is

[tex]\sum_{\ell = 0}^{n-1} (2\ell + 1) = 2\left(\sum_{\ell = 0}^{n-1}\ell\right) + n[/tex]

It is a know result that

[tex]\sum_{k=1}^{N} k = \frac{N(N+1)}{2}[/tex]
hence, we get

[tex]2\left(\sum_{\ell = 0}^{n-1}\ell\right) + n-1 = 2\frac{(n-1)n}{2} + n = n(n-1 + 1) = n^2.[/tex]
  • #3
Thank you, I just couldn't find that connection and needed to know out of pure curiosity..
  • #4
1MileCrash said:
Thank you, I just couldn't find that connection and needed to know out of pure curiosity..

You may not realize it, but that's a great thing that you discovered that relationship without knowing about the equation. There's a lot of cool relationships you'll discover in math.
  • #5

The reason why the possible orbitals equal n squared is due to the quantum mechanical principle known as the Aufbau principle. This principle states that electrons occupy the lowest available energy levels before filling higher levels. The number of electrons that can fill a particular energy level is determined by the quantum number n, which represents the principal energy level.

For example, if n = 3, there are 3 possible orbitals (s, p, and d) that can be filled with a maximum of 2 electrons each. This gives a total of 6 possible electrons. In general, the number of possible orbitals is equal to n squared.

The mathematical logic behind this can be explained by the formula for the number of orbitals in a particular energy level, which is given by 2n^2. This formula takes into account the different sublevels (s, p, d, etc.) that can exist within an energy level. When we take any integer, x, and square it, we are essentially calculating the maximum number of electrons that can exist in that energy level.

In the example given, x = 3, and when we square it, we get 9. This means that there can be a maximum of 9 electrons in the third energy level, which is consistent with the Aufbau principle and the 2n^2 formula.

In terms of writing out all integers from 0 to x-1, and then writing out all numbers between negative and positive values of those numbers, this process is related to squaring because it represents the different possible combinations of sublevels and electrons within a particular energy level. By writing out all integers and their negative and positive values, we are essentially calculating the maximum number of electrons that can exist in that energy level, which is determined by the quantum number n. This is why the number of possible orbitals equals n squared.

FAQ: Why does the possible orbitals equal n squared?

1. Why does the number of possible orbitals equal n squared?

The number of possible orbitals is equal to n squared because of the quantum mechanical principle known as the Pauli exclusion principle. This principle states that no two electrons can have the same set of quantum numbers, including their energy level (n), angular momentum (l), and magnetic quantum number (ml). Therefore, for each value of n, there can be a maximum of n squared possible combinations of l and ml, resulting in n squared possible orbitals.

2. How does the number of orbitals relate to the periodic table?

The number of orbitals directly relates to the periodic table because each orbital can hold a maximum of two electrons. This means that for each value of n, the number of electrons that can occupy it follows the pattern 2n². This pattern corresponds to the number of elements in each row of the periodic table, with the first row (n=1) having 2 elements, the second row (n=2) having 8 elements, and so on.

3. What determines the number of possible orbitals for an element?

The number of possible orbitals for an element is determined by the energy level (n) of its electrons. Each energy level can have a maximum of n squared orbitals, which can hold a total of 2n² electrons. This number also corresponds to the element's position in the periodic table, with the period number representing the energy level and the group number representing the number of valence electrons.

4. How does the number of orbitals affect an atom's properties?

The number of orbitals affects an atom's properties because it determines the number of electrons that can occupy each energy level. The number of electrons in an atom's outermost energy level (valence electrons) determines its chemical reactivity, while the number of electrons in its inner energy levels affects its stability and physical properties. Therefore, the number of orbitals plays a crucial role in an atom's overall behavior and characteristics.

5. Is the number of possible orbitals the same for all elements?

No, the number of possible orbitals is not the same for all elements. The number of orbitals is determined by the energy level of an atom's electrons, which varies among elements. For example, hydrogen (H) has only one electron and therefore only one orbital in its first energy level (n=1), while neon (Ne) has 10 electrons and 10 orbitals in its second energy level (n=2).

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