Why Does the Top Quark Move More Sluggishly Than the Bottom Quark?

In summary: The W has a mass of about 80 GeV, a top quark has a mass of about 173 GeV, so you can't make a top quark and a bottom quark out of just one W. So there's a contradiction in the question. Maybe the physicists should have predicted that the W would decay into a top and an anti-bottom quark instead (where the anti-bottom is a separate particle from the bottom).In summary, the top quark moves off more sluggishly than the bottom quark due to the conservation of momentum. This is because the top quark has a significantly greater mass than the bottom quark, resulting in a slower speed to balance the total momentum in the system. This
  • #1
The Question:
In their search for the top quark, physicists thought that another particle called the W might decay while stationary into one top and one bottom quark. They predicted “The resulting top quark moves off relatively sluggishly on one side while the lighter bottom quark travels more rapidly in the opposite direction”. Using an appropriate conservation law, explain why the top quark moves off more sluggishly than the bottom quark.

My Answer:
Momentum is conserved in all direction. The total momentum is zero. [itex]p_t >> p_b \implies v_t << v_b[/itex]. Greater mass means slower speed hence the top quark was significantly slower that bottom quark to balance momentum.

My Problem:
The answer that I have given is correct according to the mark scheme and I would gain full marks. However, I want to know more about the theory in greater clarity hence didn't post this in homework help as the question is answered. I want a detailed explanation which would make my answer sound more powerful and convincing.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Air said:
The total momentum is zero. [itex]p_t >> p_b[/itex]
Hold on, there is something odd here. I guess you are mentionning an electron-positron collider if the total momentum is zero (in the initial state). But in the final state, the total momentum would be [itex]p_b+p_t\neq 0[/itex] according to your condition.
  • #3
Your answer (with "[tex]m_t \gg m_b[/tex]" rather than "[tex]p_t \gg p_b[/tex]", of course) is clearly what the question is driving at -- it really is that simple, all the power comes from momentum conservation. The whole weak interaction that describes just how a [tex]W[/tex] boson could decay to two quarks is much more complicated, but still has to obey that fundamental conservation law (typically repackaged as http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lorentz_covariance" for notational simplicity).

If you don't mind a silly answer, you could point out that this particular decay is physically impossible because the top quark ended up being more than twice as heavy as the [tex]W[/tex].
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FAQ: Why Does the Top Quark Move More Sluggishly Than the Bottom Quark?

1. What is the top quark and why is it important in science?

The top quark is a fundamental particle in the Standard Model of particle physics. It is the heaviest known elementary particle and plays a key role in understanding the fundamental forces and building blocks of the universe.

2. How is the top quark discovered and studied?

The top quark was discovered in 1995 by the experiments at Fermilab's Tevatron particle accelerator in Illinois, United States. It is studied by colliding protons and antiprotons at high energies and analyzing the resulting particles and their properties.

3. What are some potential applications of the top quark research?

Studying the top quark can help us understand the origin of mass, the nature of the Higgs boson, and the possible existence of new particles and forces beyond the Standard Model. It also has potential applications in fields such as cosmology and technology.

4. Are there any unanswered questions about the top quark?

Yes, there are still many unanswered questions about the top quark, such as its precise mass, its interactions with other particles, and its role in the symmetry-breaking mechanism. Scientists are continuing to study and explore these questions.

5. How does the search for the top quark contribute to our overall understanding of the universe?

The search for the top quark is an important part of understanding the fundamental building blocks of the universe. By studying the top quark, scientists can gain a deeper understanding of the underlying laws and forces that govern our universe and its evolution. This research also has the potential to lead to new discoveries and advancements in various fields of science and technology.
