Why does this Bra Ket (with creation and annihilation operators) equal zero?

In summary, the expectation value of <n|(a-a+)^3|n> must be zero because the operators a and a+ act in turn and their respective coefficients are incorrect. Additionally, the power being odd is crucial in canceling out all terms and resulting in an overall value of zero.
  • #1
1. Explain why <n|(a-a+)^3|n> must be zero

2. a and a+ (a dagger) are the raising and lowering operators (creation and annihilation operators).

3. Because it says explain, I am not sure any mathematical proof is needed. I am best answer is that because (ignoring that the bracket has been raised to the power 3) a+ increases the value of n by 1 and a decreases it by 1, the overall operation on n will be zero leaving <n|n>. Because n (bra) and n (ket) must be different for a transition intensity to be observed, the overlap integral of <n|n> equals zero thus the entire thing is zero. Am i on the right tracks?

Im pretty stuck so any help would be useful. Thanks in advance!
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  • #2
You've got it backwards. The states [tex]|n\rangle[/tex] should be an orthonormal basis, so

[tex] \langle n'|n\rangle = \delta_{nn'} [/tex]

and [tex] \langle n|n\rangle = 1 [/tex].

The fact that the power, 3, is odd is important. Think about the kind of terms that appear in the expansion.
  • #3
Firstly, thank you for the reply.

Secondly, does that mean, being orthonormal, <n'|n> = 0?

The kind of terms? All i can think is that they are operators and operate on n to raise or lower is as such:

a|n> = n^1/2|n-1>

a+|n> = (n+1)^1/2|n+1>

The expansion? By expanding the bracket, i get aaa + a+a+a - a+a+a+ - ...etc

Sorry, I'm still confused. Thanks
  • #4
unknownuser9 said:
Firstly, thank you for the reply.

Secondly, does that mean, being orthonormal, <n'|n> = 0?

Orthonormal in general means the vectors in a basis for a vector space have zero inner product with each other (so they are orthogonal) and unit product with themselves (unit norm, or normalized). So in this case it's precisely the equation I wrote down.

The kind of terms? All i can think is that they are operators and operate on n to raise or lower is as such:

a|n> = n^1/2|n-1>

a+|n> = (n+1)^1/2|n+1>

The expansion? By expanding the bracket, i get aaa + a+a+a - a+a+a+ - ...etc

Sorry, I'm still confused. Thanks

Since you're still having problems, try to compute [tex]\langle n|a a^\dagger a^\dagger|n\rangle[/tex] explicitly. Does it suggest anything about the expectation value of the rest of the terms in the expansion?
  • #5
I have solved the question you gave and got n^1/2.n+1<n|n+1>. (Sorry if this is wrong but I am trying!)

Thinking about it, after expanding and solving all the terms (aaa + a+a+a - ...), it should cancel to zero?
  • #6
You need to be more careful when computing the action of the operators, since your coefficient is wrong. Each operator acts in turn, so

\langle n|a a^\dagger a^\dagger|n\rangle = \langle n|a a^\dagger (a^\dagger|n\rangle) = \sqrt{n+1} \langle n|a a^\dagger |n+1\rangle

The next operation will bring in a factor of [tex]\sqrt{n+2}[/tex].

Assuming that you can go back and get the factors right, what can you say about the value of [tex]\langle n|n+1\rangle[/tex]?
  • #7
Oh i see so when the second a+ operates, the factor becomes [tex]\sqrt{n+2}[/tex] and not [tex]\sqrt{n+1}[/tex].[tex]\sqrt{n+1}[/tex] = n+1 (it is not multiplied but instead increases the number that is added to n).

<n|n+1> would give an answer of zero therefore making the entire Dirac bra-ket and the factors zero?

This would give (after expansion of the bracket) 0 + 0 + 0 ...?

  • #8
I think the penny has just dropped! I understand why the power being odd is important now!

Thanks for your help.

Related to Why does this Bra Ket (with creation and annihilation operators) equal zero?

1. Why is the Bra Ket with creation and annihilation operators equal to zero?

The Bra Ket with creation and annihilation operators (a† and a) in quantum mechanics represents the states of the system. When the creation and annihilation operators act on a state, they either increase or decrease the number of particles in that state. Since the vacuum state has zero particles, the action of a† and a on it results in a state with zero particles, which is equal to zero.

2. What does the zero value of the Bra Ket with creation and annihilation operators imply?

The zero value of the Bra Ket with creation and annihilation operators implies that the state has no particles. In quantum mechanics, particles are represented by states, and the action of creation and annihilation operators on a state determines the number of particles in that state. Hence, a Bra Ket with creation and annihilation operators equal to zero indicates that the state has no particles.

3. Does the zero value of the Bra Ket with creation and annihilation operators always mean there are no particles present?

Not necessarily. In some cases, a state with a zero Bra Ket can represent a system with no particles present, while in others, it can represent a state with an equal number of particles and antiparticles that cancel each other out, resulting in a net zero particles. This interpretation depends on the specific context and system being studied.

4. How does the zero value of the Bra Ket with creation and annihilation operators relate to the concept of vacuum energy?

The zero value of the Bra Ket with creation and annihilation operators is directly related to the concept of vacuum energy. In quantum field theory, the vacuum state is not truly empty but is characterized by the presence of virtual particles that constantly pop in and out of existence. These virtual particles contribute to the vacuum energy, and their creation and annihilation is represented by the action of the creation and annihilation operators. Hence, the zero value of the Bra Ket with these operators reflects the absence of virtual particles and therefore, the minimum possible vacuum energy.

5. Can the Bra Ket with creation and annihilation operators ever have a non-zero value?

Yes, the Bra Ket with creation and annihilation operators can have a non-zero value in certain cases. For example, when the operators act on a state with one or more particles, the resulting state will have a non-zero value. Additionally, in some systems, the operators may not fully annihilate each other, resulting in a non-zero value. However, the overall value of the Bra Ket with creation and annihilation operators is often considered to be zero, as it represents the vacuum state with no particles.

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