Why Does Using W=QV Give the Wrong Answer for Work Done in Charging a Capacitor?

In summary, the work done by a 3.0V battery as it charges a 7.8-microFarad capacitor in the flash unit of a camera can be calculated using the equation W = U = 0.5CV^2. However, using the equation W = QV, where Q is the charge and V is the voltage, will not yield the correct answer as the voltage and charge are not constant. Integration is required to solve for the correct answer.
  • #1
Calculate the work done by a 3.0V battery as it charges a 7.8-microFarad capacitor in the flash unit of a camera.

The Attempt at a Solution

I realize that Work = Energy. And by using U = .5CV^2 I can easily come up with the answer.

But when I first started doing the problem, I tried doing it by a more convoluted approach--which made sense to me, but I got the wrong answer. I just wanted to know why the following way of solving the problem doesn't also work:

W = U (energy)
V = 3 V
C = 7.8 x 10^-6 F

Using the equation C = Q/V, I solved for Q (charge). Q= 2.34 x 10^-5 C.

Since W = QV, I multiplied (2.34 x 10^-5)(3) = 7.02 x 10^-5 as my answer (which is wrong). I wanted to know what is wrong with my reasoning, so I don't make the same mistake again.

Thank you.
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  • #2
Good question CaneAA (and welcome to physics forums).

The problem is that the voltage and charge aren't constant, thus you would have to integrate (the differential form of) that equation to solve. If you're not familiar with calculus, I wouldn't worry about it; if you're curious however, check this out http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capacitor#Energy_storage and it shows you that by integrating you end up with the same equation that you used to get the correct answer.
  • #3
Thank you, that made sense. :)

FAQ: Why Does Using W=QV Give the Wrong Answer for Work Done in Charging a Capacitor?

What is electrical energy storage?

Electrical energy storage is the process of storing electrical energy for later use. It involves converting electrical energy into a form that can be stored, and then retrieving it when needed.

Why is electrical energy storage important?

Electrical energy storage is important because it allows us to store excess energy generated from renewable sources, such as solar or wind, for use when these sources are not available. It also helps to balance the supply and demand of electricity, improving the stability and reliability of the electrical grid.

What are the different methods of electrical energy storage?

There are several methods of electrical energy storage, including batteries, pumped hydro storage, compressed air energy storage, flywheel energy storage, and thermal energy storage. Each method has its own advantages and limitations and is suited for different applications.

What are the benefits of electrical energy storage?

Electrical energy storage has many benefits, including reducing our reliance on fossil fuels, improving the efficiency of renewable energy sources, and providing backup power during outages. It also has the potential to reduce electricity costs and help create a more sustainable energy system.

What are the challenges of implementing electrical energy storage?

There are several challenges to implementing electrical energy storage, including high upfront costs, limited technological advancements, and the need for integration with existing electrical infrastructure. There are also regulatory and policy barriers that need to be addressed to fully realize the potential of electrical energy storage.
