Why does Wien's displacement law not hold for frequency?

In summary, Wien's displacement law states that the wavelength of highest intensity in the radiation from a blackbody is given by \lambda_{max} = \frac{2.898*10^{-3}}{T} in meters, where T is the temperature in kelvins. However, when trying to transform this law into frequency, we expect to find f_{max} = \frac{c}{\lambda_{max}}, but this is not the case. This is due to the fact that although a new function \tilde{u} \left( f \right) = u \left( \lambda \left( f \right) \right) of frequency can be defined, it is not the same as the Plan
  • #1
Wien's displacement law states that the wavelength of highest intensity in the radiation from a blackbody is something like:

[tex] \lambda_{max} = \frac{2.898*10^{-3}}{T} [/tex]

in meters, where T is the temperature given in kelvins.

If you try to transform this law into frequency one would expect that we should have:

[tex] f_{max} = \frac{c}{\lambda_{max}} [/tex]

but apparently this is not the case! Why is it like that?
I mean, if you have a blackbody radiation field it will have a maximum of intensity at some frequency, but shouldn't that frequency coincide with the wavelenght for which it has the maximum intensity?

Please help!
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Wein's law results from finding a maximum in the Planck distribution [itex]u \left( \lambda \right)[/itex]. Given [itex]u \left( \lambda \right)[/itex] and [itex] \lambda \left( f \right) = c/f[/itex], a new function [itex]\tilde{u} \left( f \right) = u \left( \lambda \left( f \right) \right)[/itex] of frequency can be defined, but [itex]\tilde{u} \left( f \right)[/itex] is not the Planck distribution in the frequency domain. If it were, then [itex]f_{max}[/itex] and [itex]\lambda_{max}[/itex] would correspond.

[tex]\int_{0}^{\infty} u \left( \lambda \right) d\lambda = \int_{\infty}^{0} \tilde{u} \left( f \right) \frac{d \lambda}{df} df = - \int_{0}^{\infty} \tilde{u} \left( f \right) \frac{d \lambda}{df} df[/tex]


[tex]- \tilde{u} \left( f \right) \frac{d \lambda}{df}[/tex]

needs to be maximized to find [itex]f_{max}[/itex].

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  • #3
Of course!
You need to have the two integrals you wrote equall so that the energy (intensity) that is radiated in a certain frequency range is the same as the intensity of the corresponding wavelenght, right?
  • #4
Jezuz said:
Of course!
You need to have the two integrals you wrote equall so that the energy (intensity) that is radiated in a certain frequency range is the same as the intensity of the corresponding wavelenght, right?


Note that I corrected a silly mistake in my previous post.


FAQ: Why does Wien's displacement law not hold for frequency?

1. What is Wien's displacement law?

Wien's displacement law is a physical law that describes the relationship between the wavelength of maximum emission of a black body and its temperature. It states that the product of the wavelength of maximum emission and the temperature of the black body is a constant, known as Wien's displacement constant.

2. How does Wien's displacement law relate to black bodies?

Wien's displacement law specifically applies to black bodies, which are theoretical objects that absorb all radiation that falls on them and emit radiation at all wavelengths. This law helps to explain the spectrum of radiation emitted by black bodies at different temperatures.

3. What is the significance of Wien's displacement constant?

Wien's displacement constant is a fundamental constant that is used to calculate the peak wavelength of emission for any given temperature. It also helps to understand and predict the behavior of black bodies and the spectrum of radiation they emit.

4. How is Wien's displacement law derived?

Wien's displacement law was initially derived using thermodynamics and classical electromagnetism. However, it was later explained by quantum mechanics, which showed that the radiation emitted by black bodies is quantized and can only exist at certain discrete wavelengths.

5. Does Wien's displacement law apply to all objects?

No, Wien's displacement law only applies to perfect black bodies. Real objects, such as stars and planets, do not perfectly behave as black bodies and therefore may not follow this law precisely. However, it is still a useful tool for understanding and analyzing the radiation emitted by these objects.
