Why Does Work Equal Zero in Some Situations?

  • Thread starter dwdoyle8854
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    Work Zero
In summary, the work done on the arrow is zero because the work done by the bow is equal and opposite to the work done on the arrow, resulting in a net work of zero. This is due to conservation of energy and the fact that the bow acts as a spring, storing potential energy that is released to the arrow upon release. The work done on the string is also zero because it returns to its original position after being pulled, resulting in no net change in its potential energy.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Im having difficulties with this on several problems. I understand work to be zero when there is either no displacement, no forces acting parallel to object or if friction and air resistance is not considered.

Here is a simpler problem where i get the right answer if i set W = 0 but where i don't see WHY work done is zero:

Harry is pulling a 25 pound (max pull) bow. The 1 oz. arrow is said to attain a speed of 140 feet/sec after release of the bowstring. If harry pulled the arrow back 18 inches prior to release, CONFIRM the arrow does leave the bow at 140 ft/s.

Homework Equations

Potential Energy elastic = U = 1/2kx^2 where k = F/x
Kinetic Energy = K = 1/2mv^2
Work = delta K + delta U

The Attempt at a Solution

I set origin at where the string is at maximum pull
so delta x is = 1.5 feet = 1.5 - 0
U initial = 1/2kx^2
k = F/x = ~16.667
U final = 0
K initial = 0
K final = 1/2mv^2

if work = force * delta x, then 25 * 1.5 = 37.5 Joules is my work.

with W= delta K + delta U

W = 37.5 J = 1/2mv^2 - 1/2kx
(75 + kx)/m=v^2
v=240 ft/s

but if i work this with w = 0 = 1/2mv^2 - 1/2kx
v is verified at 140 ft/s

I can see the work done on the string is zero, as it is pulled from an initial point and returns to the point, but how and why is work done on the arrow zero, if there is a displacement and a force of 25 lbs acting on it? Please help!
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  • #2
dwdoyle8854 said:
Im having difficulties with this on several problems. I understand work to be zero when there is either no displacement, no forces acting parallel to object or if friction and air resistance is not considered.
dW=F.ds (. represent dot/scalar product)
try to understand this formula. this small 3 variable formula can tell you when work is zero.
case(1) when F=0.
case(2) when ds=0
case(3) when F.ds=0 but neither F not ds is zero. In other words F(vector) is perpendicular to ds(vector).
I doesn't understand your question, But i think i have answered you when work is zero which is your main question.
  • #3
Why is the work zero in this application?

W = Force * displacement

Force is 25, there are non conservative forces working so E is not constant, there is a displacement of 1.5 feet, and all the forces acting are parallel to the arrow.

  • #4
You have to consider this in steps. As you pull back the bow, nothing is actually done to the arrow! Think about it, if you pull back the string, you could simply pull back the string without an arrow and nothing would really change. So the work done on the bow is [itex]W_{bow} = \Delta U = .5k\Delta x^2[/itex], just a change in potential. The work done on the arrow is 0.

Upon releasing, the work done by the string is equal to the work done on the arrow. In other words

[itex]W_{bow} = -W_{arrow}[/itex]

where the negative sign is because one is work done to an object and one is work done on an object. This is because of conservation of energy ( [itex] W_{bow} + W_{arrow} = 0[/itex] if it's a closed system) The work done on the bow, when released, is [itex]-.5k\Delta x^2[/itex] (the negative because the bow actually does work and thus, loses energy in the form of potential energy). The work done on the arrow, when the bow is released, ends up being [itex].5mv^2[/itex].
  • #5
dwdoyle8854 said:

Homework Statement

Im having difficulties with this on several problems. I understand work to be zero when there is either no displacement, no forces acting parallel to object or if friction and air resistance is not considered.

Here is a simpler problem where i get the right answer if i set W = 0 but where i don't see WHY work done is zero:

Harry is pulling a 25 pound (max pull) bow. The 1 oz. arrow is said to attain a speed of 140 feet/sec after release of the bowstring. If harry pulled the arrow back 18 inches prior to release, CONFIRM the arrow does leave the bow at 140 ft/s.

Homework Equations

Potential Energy elastic = U = 1/2kx^2 where k = F/x
Kinetic Energy = K = 1/2mv^2
Work = delta K + delta U

The Attempt at a Solution

I set origin at where the string is at maximum pull
so delta x is = 1.5 feet = 1.5 - 0
U initial = 1/2kx^2
k = F/x = ~16.667
U final = 0
K initial = 0
K final = 1/2mv^2

if work = force * delta x, then 25 * 1.5 = 37.5 Joules is my work.

That's not right; the bow acts as a spring, so the force will vary with the displacement of the string. I suggest you determine how much potential energy the bow holds at its maximum pull. That energy will be delivered to the arrow...
  • #6
dwdoyle8854 said:
Harry is pulling a 25 pound (max pull) bow. The 1 oz. arrow is said to attain a speed of 140 feet/sec after release of the bowstring. If harry pulled the arrow back 18 inches prior to release, CONFIRM the arrow does leave the bow at 140 ft/s.

Homework Equations

Potential Energy elastic = U = 1/2kx^2 where k = F/x
Kinetic Energy = K = 1/2mv^2
Work = delta K + delta U

The Attempt at a Solution

I set origin at where the string is at maximum pull
so delta x is = 1.5 feet = 1.5 - 0
U initial = 1/2kx^2
k = F/x = ~16.667
U final = 0
K initial = 0
K final = 1/2mv^2if work = force * delta x, then 25 * 1.5 = 37.5 Joules is my work.

with W= delta K + delta U

W = 37.5 J = 1/2mv^2 - 1/2kx
(75 + kx)/m=v^2
v=240 ft/s

but if i work this with w = 0 = 1/2mv^2 - 1/2kx
v is verified at 140 ft/s

I can see the work done on the string is zero, as it is pulled from an initial point and returns to the point, but how and why is work done on the arrow zero, if there is a displacement and a force of 25 lbs acting on it? Please help!

got the question..
what is delta x in the formula?
that is change in length of the string. here your friend(:smile:) harry pulled rope 18inches back so the change in length of string will not equal to 18 inches.
You need to make full diagram of step when bow is stretched by full strength and at the moment when bow is not stretched. You can see the change in length of string. then apply some simple trigonometry. you will got sin(θ) or coos(θ) (based on your assumption that what is θ) in terms of tension in string. after that equate with the change in kinetic energy in bow with PE of string. i mean all the energy of arrow (after getting140f/s) is equal to potential energy of bow at this moment. after this you will got change in string length. rest of data can be attained from delta x.
But why are you doing all this. the work done by harry is equal to change in KE of bow. since harry uses his muscular power to give velocity to bow. Most of all, i don't think that the work done by harry is zero.
  • #7
Pengwuino said:
You have to consider this in steps. As you pull back the bow, nothing is actually done to the arrow! Think about it, if you pull back the string, you could simply pull back the string without an arrow and nothing would really change. So the work done on the bow is [itex]W_{bow} = \Delta U = .5k\Delta x^2[/itex], just a change in potential. The work done on the arrow is 0.

Upon releasing, the work done by the string is equal to the work done on the arrow. In other words

[itex]W_{bow} = -W_{arrow}[/itex]

where the negative sign is because one is work done to an object and one is work done on an object. This is because of conservation of energy ( [itex] W_{bow} + W_{arrow} = 0[/itex] if it's a closed system) The work done on the bow, when released, is [itex]-.5k\Delta x^2[/itex] (the negative because the bow actually does work and thus, loses energy in the form of potential energy). The work done on the arrow, when the bow is released, ends up being [itex].5mv^2[/itex].

if energy lost = energy gained

why can't I merely set ΔU = ΔK ?

FAQ: Why Does Work Equal Zero in Some Situations?

1. Why is the work zero?

Work is defined as the force applied on an object multiplied by the distance the object moves in the direction of the force. If either the force or the distance is zero, then the work done would also be zero.

2. Is it possible for work to be zero?

Yes, work can be zero. This can happen when there is no force applied on an object or if the object does not move.

3. What are some examples of zero work?

An object sitting on a table, a person holding a weight without moving it, and a car parked on a flat surface are all examples of zero work because there is no force applied or no movement.

4. Why is it important to understand why work is zero?

Understanding when work is zero can help in calculating the efficiency of a system. It can also help in determining if a task is achievable or not, based on the amount of work that needs to be done.

5. Can work ever be negative?

Yes, work can be negative. This happens when the force and the displacement are in opposite directions. In this case, the work done is considered to be negative because the force is acting against the direction of motion.
