Why Doesn't MathType Recognize Dirac's Bra-Ket Notation?

In summary, a new user is having trouble using MathType on PF because it does not recognize the built-in Dirac's bra-ket notation. They have included images of their equations and solution and are hoping this will not be a problem. The homework statement is to prove a certain equation using properties of inner product, and the user has found a typo in their solution but it does not affect the result. They also provide a LaTeX option for using Dirac bra-ket notation.
  • #1
Hey guys I'm new here and I've been using MathType for all on-screen math. For some reason PF doesn't recognize the built-in Dirac's bra-ket notation. (i.e. <[itex]\psi[/itex]|) So I've included my equations and solution in the format of images, hopefully it isn't a problem.

Homework Statement

Proof that

Homework Equations

All other properties of inner product.

The Attempt at a Solution



  • Statement.gif
    582 bytes · Views: 527
  • Solution.gif
    21.6 KB · Views: 782
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  • #2
Sorry I just realized a typo in my solution, but it doesn't affect the result:
The typo is at where I said: "Then I moved on to the right side:"
The beta should have a complex conjugate symbol (*):
  • #3
In your initial calculation of [itex]< \alpha \omega |[/itex], the middle term is wrong. I haven't checked over your math any further than that and the [itex]< \beta \omega |[/itex] calculation.

p.s. Moderator's note: I am moving this to Advanced Physics -- it doesn't really look like Introductory level physics to me, which we consider to be through (U.S.) college sophomore level.

p.p.s. In LaTeX, simply typing "<", "|", and ">" for bras and kets seems to work okay, but not great.
  • #4
As another [itex] \LaTeX [/itex] option is to use the /langle and /rangle together with "|" to do Dirac bra-ket notation.

For example,
[tex] \langle x | y \rangle [/tex]
[tex] \langle x | y \rangle [/tex]

[Edit: I still can't get them to scale up automatically though, in case the things in the bras and kets are larger and more complicated.]
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  • #5

Hi there! Welcome to the forum. I am a scientist and I would be happy to provide a response to your question about the properties of inner product.

First of all, I would like to commend you for using MathType to present your equations and solutions. It is a great tool for writing mathematical expressions and it is widely used in the scientific community.

Now, let's move on to the properties of inner product. The inner product is a mathematical operation that takes two vectors and produces a scalar value. It is commonly denoted by <x,y> or (x,y) and is defined as x1y1 + x2y2 + ... + xnyn, where x and y are vectors of length n.

The properties of inner product that you need to know are:

1. Commutativity: <x,y> = <y,x>
This means that the order in which the vectors are multiplied does not affect the result of the inner product.

2. Linearity: <ax + by, z> = a<x,z> + b<y,z>
This property states that the inner product is linear, meaning that it follows the rules of addition and multiplication.

3. Positive definiteness: <x,x> ≥ 0
This property ensures that the inner product is always positive or zero, with the exception of the zero vector.

4. Orthogonality: <x,y> = 0 if x and y are orthogonal
If two vectors are orthogonal, their inner product will be zero. This property is useful in determining whether two vectors are perpendicular to each other.

5. Non-degeneracy: <x,y> = 0 only if x = 0 or y = 0
This property states that the inner product is only zero if one of the vectors is the zero vector. Otherwise, it will always produce a non-zero value.

There are other properties of inner product, such as conjugate symmetry and antilinearity, but these are the most commonly used ones.

I hope this helps in understanding the properties of inner product. If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask. Good luck with your studies!

Related to Why Doesn't MathType Recognize Dirac's Bra-Ket Notation?

1. What is an inner product?

An inner product is a mathematical operation that takes two vectors as input and produces a scalar value as output. It is often denoted by ⟨x,y⟩ or x⋅y and is used to measure the angle between two vectors, as well as their lengths and projections onto each other.

2. What are the properties of an inner product?

The properties of an inner product include linearity in the first argument, symmetry, and positive definiteness. Linearity in the first argument means that the inner product is linear with respect to the first vector, while symmetry means that switching the order of the vectors does not change the result. Positive definiteness means that the inner product of a vector with itself is always positive.

3. How do you calculate the inner product of two vectors?

The inner product of two vectors can be calculated using the dot product formula, which multiplies the corresponding components of the vectors and adds them together. For example, if vector x = [x1, x2] and vector y = [y1, y2], then their inner product would be calculated as x⋅y = x1y1 + x2y2.

4. What is the geometric interpretation of the inner product?

The geometric interpretation of the inner product is that it measures the projection of one vector onto another. The result of the inner product is equal to the product of the lengths of the vectors and the cosine of the angle between them. This allows us to determine the angle between two vectors, as well as their lengths and how much they overlap.

5. How is the inner product used in practical applications?

The inner product has many practical applications in various fields of science and engineering. It is used in physics to calculate work and energy, in statistics to measure correlation between variables, and in computer science for tasks such as image and sound processing. It is also a fundamental concept in linear algebra and is used extensively in machine learning and data analysis.

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