Why don't we talk about the E & H fields instead of E & B fields?

  • #1
TL;DR Summary
Mathematically, E & H fields are parallel to each other, then why do we take E & B for electromagnetic waves?
We have the following constitutive relations:
$$ \vec D= \epsilon_0 \vec E +\vec P$$
$$\vec B=\mu_0\vec H + \vec M$$

And Maxwell's equations are:
$$\nabla\cdot\vec D = \rho$$
$$\nabla\cdot \vec B=0$$
$$\nabla\times\vec E=-\frac{\partial\vec B}{\partial t}$$
$$\nabla\times\vec H=\vec j +\frac{\partial\vec D}{\partial t}$$

then why do every book (e.g.: Jackson, Griffith's) mention ##E## and ##B## fields when talking about electromagnetic waves and not the ##E## and ##H## waves?
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  • #2
As far as I remember Griffiths disscusses this issue.
  • #3
The formula ## B=\mu_o H+M ## comes from the pole theory of magnetostatics. The ## H ## has two contributors to it for sources=magnetic poles, where magnetic pole density ## \rho_m=-\nabla \cdot M ##, and currents in conductors. The ## H ## is something of a mathematical construction though, and does not represent an actual field. I think the same thing can be said for ## D ##. It seems somewhat coincidental that the two formulas are analogous to each other, but ## E ##, ##P##, ## B ##, and ## M ## are the physical observables.
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Likes deuteron and PhDeezNutz
  • #4
Why don't we talk about the E & H fields instead of E & B fields?

We do. In fact, when looking at magnetic properties of steels, one of the most important aspects is the B vs H curve.
  • #5
deuteron said:
TL;DR Summary: Mathematically, E & H fields are parallel to each other, then why do we take E & B for electromagnetic waves?
in what way are E and H parallel to each other? At least in simple media they are perpendicular.
deuteron said:
then why do every book (e.g.: Jackson, Griffith's) mention ##E## and ##B## fields when talking about electromagnetic waves and not the ##E## and ##H## waves?
That does not describe every book. For example, Field and Wave Electromagnetics by Cheng. I do think engineering-oriented texts are probably more likely to use E and H then physics texts. As an EE I usually use E and H unless there is a good reason not to.

  • #6
deuteron said:
TL;DR Summary: Mathematically, E & H fields are parallel to each other, then why do we take E & B for electromagnetic waves?

We have the following constitutive relations:
$$ \vec D= \epsilon_0 \vec E +\vec P$$
$$\vec B=\mu_0\vec H + \vec M$$

And Maxwell's equations are:
$$\nabla\cdot\vec D = \rho$$
$$\nabla\cdot \vec B=0$$
$$\nabla\times\vec E=-\frac{\partial\vec B}{\partial t}$$
$$\nabla\times\vec H=\vec j +\frac{\partial\vec D}{\partial t}$$

then why do every book (e.g.: Jackson, Griffith's) mention ##E## and ##B## fields when talking about electromagnetic waves and not the ##E## and ##H## waves?
That's because classical electromagnetism is a relativistic theory and in contradistinction to the physicists of the 19th century today we know so thanks of Einstein and particularly also Minkowski. It becomes very clear that the electromagnetic field in vacuum is defined by the vectors ##\vec{E}## and ##\vec{B}##, which together are the components of the antisymmetric field-strength tensor ##F_{\mu \nu}## in Minkowski space. Arguing with simple classical models of charged matter it becomes then clear that in the same way ##\vec{D}## and ##\vec{H}## belong together forming another antisymmetric four-tensor, ##H_{\mu \nu}##.

The trouble is that historically the physicists rather indeed grouped together ##\vec{E}## and ##\vec{H}## and took ##\vec{H}## as "the magnetic field" instead of ##\vec{B}##, which we now understand to be "the magnetic field". This lead to the idiosyncratic definition of ##\epsilon## and ##\mu##, i.e., writing ##\vec{D}=\epsilon \vec{E}## (which of course is just a free choice of definition) but then ##\vec{B}=\mu \vec{H}## instead of something like ##\vec{H}=\mu' \vec{B}##.

There's a nice discussion about this confusion in Sommerfeld, Lectures on Theoretical Physics vol. 3.
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Likes deuteron and Charles Link
  • #7
The Lorentz force is ##{\bf F} =q{\bf E+v\times B}##.
##{\bf D}## and ##{\bf H}## are mathematical constructs to help in finding ##\bf E## and ##\bf B##.
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Likes deuteron, vanhees71 and Charles Link
  • #8
Thanks everyone, the answers were very helpful!
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Likes Charles Link

FAQ: Why don't we talk about the E & H fields instead of E & B fields?

Why do we commonly use the E and B fields in electromagnetism?

The E (electric) and B (magnetic) fields are used because they directly describe the forces experienced by charges and currents. The E field represents the force per unit charge, while the B field represents the force per unit current element. This makes them more intuitive and practical for solving problems in classical electromagnetism.

What are the E and H fields, and how do they differ from E and B fields?

The E field is the electric field, and the H field is the magnetic field intensity. The B field, or magnetic flux density, is related to the H field through the material's permeability. In free space, B and H are proportional, but in materials, they can differ significantly due to magnetization effects and material properties.

Why are the B and H fields both used in electromagnetism?

The B and H fields are used because they describe different aspects of magnetic phenomena. The B field is related to the force on moving charges and the magnetic flux through a surface, while the H field is related to the magnetic field generated by currents and magnetized materials. Both fields are necessary to fully describe magnetic interactions, especially in materials with complex magnetic properties.

In what contexts are the H field more useful than the B field?

The H field is more useful in contexts involving magnetic materials, where the relationship between B and H can be complex. In these cases, the H field helps to describe the magnetic response of the material, including phenomena like magnetization and magnetic hysteresis. Engineers and physicists often use the H field when designing magnetic circuits and analyzing magnetic materials.

Can we formulate Maxwell's equations using the E and H fields instead of E and B fields?

Yes, Maxwell's equations can be formulated using the E and H fields, but they are typically expressed in terms of E and B fields for simplicity and historical reasons. When using the E and H fields, additional relations involving the material properties (permittivity and permeability) are needed to connect them to the D (electric displacement) and B fields, making the equations more complex in general cases.
