In summary, the internal energies of a diatomic molecule are given by $$\begin{aligned}E_I(n,J) &= E_v + E_r \\ &= \epsilon_v n+\epsilon_r J(J+1), \qquad n,J=0,1,2,\dots ,\end{aligned}$$ where $\epsilon_v$ is the spacing between the vibrational levels and $\epsilon_r$ is the difference between the rotational levels. The vibrational energy of the molecule is $$E_v = (n+1/2)\hbar \omega$$
  • #1
WeiShan Ng
This is from *Statistical Physics An Introductory Course* by *Daniel J.Amit*
The text is calculating the energy of internal motions of a diatomic molecule.

The internal energies of a diatomic molecule, i.e. the vibrational energy and the rotational energy is given by
$$\begin{aligned}E_I(n,J) &= E_v + E_r \\ &= \epsilon _v n+\epsilon_r J(J+1), \qquad n,J=0,1,2,\dots ,\end{aligned}$$
where $\epsilon_v$ is the spacing between the vibrational levels:
$$\epsilon_v = \hbar \omega= \hbar \sqrt{\frac{K}{\mu}}$$
and $\epsilon_r$ is the difference between the rotational levels:

But the vibrational energy of the molecule is
$$E_v = (n+1/2)\hbar \omega$$
**Why do we ignore the ##\frac{1}{2} \hbar \omega## in the ##E_v## (ground state vibrational energy) when we calculate the total internal energy of the molecule?** The text refers back to another equation to explain why we dropped the ground state vibrational energy, but I still don't quite understand the reason behind it.
The text referred:
The ground state energy of the electronic system ##\epsilon_0## depends on the distance ##\rho## between the nuclei, and we can denote this as a potential energy ##U(\rho)##.
If ##\epsilon_0## has a sharp minimum at a distance ##\rho_0##, it is possible to approximate ##U(\rho)## by the harmonic approximation. Hence the energy of the molecule will then given by
$$E_{mol}=\frac{\boldsymbol{P}^2}{2M}+\frac{\boldsymbol{\pi}^2}{2 \mu}+\frac{1}{2}K(\rho-\rho_0)^2$$
##\bf{P}## is the momentum associated with center of mass
##\boldsymbol{\pi}=\boldsymbol{\pi}_{12}=\boldsymbol{\pi}_1 - \boldsymbol{\pi}_2## in which ##\boldsymbol{\pi}_\alpha## is the relative momentum of the atom ##\alpha##
##U''(\rho_0)=K## is the harmonic approximation of ##U##

In this case I get why they drop the ##\epsilon_0##, that's because ##\epsilon_0## is already included in the potential energy term. However for the first case I don't see where the ##\epsilon_0## goes.
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  • #2
It doesn't matter if you only look at differences between energies. If you take relativity into account you have much more energy via the mass of the particles - but you don't have to care about that.
  • #3
I still don't get it. Why are we calculating the differences between energies instead of the absolute internal energies?
  • #4
The absolute value is meaningless. Changing it doesn't change anything. If you add a fixed amount of energy in a consistent way, no physical observation changes.
  • #5
So you saying what we calculated is not the actual internal energy of the molecule, but rather it is the energy relative to the ##\epsilon_0##? Just like how we define the gravitational potential energy to be zero at infinite distance? We set the zero point ourselves?
  • #6
That’s how I understood what you quoted.
You can keep the constant, it just doesn’t matter.
  • #7
I think I get it now. Thank you for your help!
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FAQ: Why drop the vibrational ground state energy

1. Why is dropping the vibrational ground state energy important in scientific research?

Dropping the vibrational ground state energy, also known as the zero-point energy, is important in scientific research because it allows scientists to study the fundamental properties and behavior of molecules at the atomic level. It also provides a baseline for comparing and understanding the effects of other energy states on a molecule.

2. How does dropping the vibrational ground state energy affect the stability of a molecule?

Dropping the vibrational ground state energy can affect the stability of a molecule by allowing it to undergo chemical reactions more easily. This is because the zero-point energy contributes to the overall energy of a molecule, and lowering it makes the molecule more reactive and unstable.

3. What methods are used to lower the vibrational ground state energy of a molecule?

There are several methods that can be used to lower the vibrational ground state energy of a molecule. These include using lasers to excite and cool the molecules, using cryogenic techniques to lower the temperature, and using chemical reactions to transfer energy to other molecules.

4. Can dropping the vibrational ground state energy have practical applications?

Yes, dropping the vibrational ground state energy has practical applications in fields such as chemistry, materials science, and quantum computing. By understanding and manipulating the zero-point energy, scientists can develop new materials with unique properties, improve chemical reactions, and enhance the performance of quantum devices.

5. Are there any potential drawbacks to dropping the vibrational ground state energy?

One potential drawback of dropping the vibrational ground state energy is that it can alter the physical and chemical properties of a molecule, making it difficult to study in its natural state. It can also be technically challenging and costly to manipulate the zero-point energy of a molecule. Additionally, some scientists argue that the zero-point energy may not actually exist and that the concept is purely theoretical.
