Why extremal aging, not just maximal? (for an inertial body in spacetime)

In summary, the Principle of Extremal Aging is used to calculate the path of a freely moving body in spacetime. This principle focuses on finding the path that maximizes or minimizes proper time, rather than just the maximum or minimum. This is important because there are scenarios, such as the twin paradox and the example of photons, where the maximum or minimum does not accurately represent the path of the body. In general relativity, this principle is necessary to define geodesics and inertial motion, and to avoid issues such as creating a null path that is arbitrarily close to a timelike one. While there may be exceptions for spacelike geodesics, the principle still holds true for most scenarios involving material bodies.
  • #1
Colin Mitch
One can use the Principle of Extremal Aging to calculate the path of a freely moving body (in an inertial frame not subject to any forces) in spacetime, curved or flat. Why extremal? Why not just maximal? All the examples I know of involve maximum proper time for a freely moving body. For example the twin paradox. The Earth is the freely moving body and the stay at home twin ages the maximum (ignore gravitational time dilation).
Can anyone give me an example of minimal aging and explain the circumstances a freely moving body experiences this? How does minimal aging occur?
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  • #2
Colin Mitch said:
Can anyone give me an example of minimal aging and explain the circumstances a freely moving body experiences this?
  • #3
Yes, photons is one example. There are null paths (general) and null geodesics. Light follows null geodesics. This is clearly extremal, neither minimum nor maximum, since all such paths have zero interval along them.

However, in general relativity, there are examples for material bodies. Consider an orbiting body. Consider the event of passing a certain point on the orbit, and the event of passing the same point one orbit later. The orbit is an an inertial path between these events. However, it will entail less proper time than the path representing hovering stationary at that point (which is a non-inertial world line).

The issue here is that there are multiple geodesics between this pair of events. There is one that maximizes proper time. That is the one that shoots out radially from the position of interest, falling back in one orbital period. This particular geodesic will have maximum proper time.

The upshot: to define geodesics and inertial motion you do need 'extremal' not minimum or maximum. (Alternatively, my preference is to use parallel transport of tangent as the definition; then derive under what conditions you have or don't have maximum/minimum properties).
  • #4
One good example of why you need the principle of extremal aging is the interesting fact that you can create a null worldline that's arbitrarily close to any timelike one.

Just have a "photon" or light beam "zig-zag" around the actual timelike path you want to take. As the zigs and zags become small, the "distance" of this null path from the desired path becomes zero, yet the length of the null path is always zero.

You might try to get around this by ruling out null paths, but I'm not sure there is an approach of this sort that is rigorous. It's better to just say that the path is in general extremal and not maximal, then you don't have to worry about the issue.
  • #5
pervect said:
One good example of why you need the principle of extremal aging is the interesting fact that you can create a null worldline that's arbitrarily close to any timelike one.

Just have a "photon" or light beam "zig-zag" around the actual timelike path you want to take. As the zigs and zags become small, the "distance" of this null path from the desired path becomes zero, yet the length of the null path is always zero.

You might try to get around this by ruling out null paths, but I'm not sure there is an approach of this sort that is rigorous. It's better to just say that the path is in general extremal and not maximal, then you don't have to worry about the issue.

I think this particular argument is not so good. For a timelike geodesic, you are maximizing proper time, so these null paths would be irrelevant. What you would need to find is a path of greater proper time than the geodesic. That you can do in the scenario I gave.

However, I should also point out that a lot of complexity goes away if you ask about 'sufficiently close' events. I believe the following are true:

1) Pick a timelike geodesic. Pick a point on it (A). Pick another (B), and consider moving (B) closer to A along the geodesic (e.g. via arbitrary affine parameter). Sufficiently close, the time like geodesic will be an absolute maximum proper time path between A and B.

2) Pick a null geodesic. Proceed as above. At sufficient proximity, the null geodesic will be the only null path between A and B.

Unfortunately, for spacelike geodesics, you can't get such a nice property even locally. There is not simple minimum property you can give for semi-riemannien metrics.
  • #6
Quoting PAllan "However, in general relativity, there are examples for material bodies. Consider an orbiting body. Consider the event of passing a certain point on the orbit, and the event of passing the same point one orbit later. The orbit is an an inertial path between these events. However, it will entail less proper time than the path representing hovering stationary at that point (which is a non-inertial world line)."

Sorry, I don't understand this. To 'hover stationary' at the point on the orbit would entail using a force such as a constant rocket thrust to prevent falling towards the sun, so as you say it is a non-inertial world line. It involves acceleration. Isn't this acceleration OFF the geodesic in spacetime? How would this be a geodesic? Why would the proper time be more than that of the orbiting body?
  • #7
Colin Mitch said:
Quoting PAllan "However, in general relativity, there are examples for material bodies. Consider an orbiting body. Consider the event of passing a certain point on the orbit, and the event of passing the same point one orbit later. The orbit is an an inertial path between these events. However, it will entail less proper time than the path representing hovering stationary at that point (which is a non-inertial world line)."

Sorry, I don't understand this. To 'hover stationary' at the point on the orbit would entail using a force such as a constant rocket thrust to prevent falling towards the sun, so as you say it is a non-inertial world line. It involves acceleration. Isn't this acceleration OFF the geodesic in spacetime? How would this be a geodesic? Why would the proper time be more than that of the orbiting body?

What was unclear? I said the orbital path was inertial. I said the hovering path was non-inertial. It's right there in what you quoted! Then I said the non-inertial (I thought it was self evident by definition that this means non-geodesic) path has longer proper time. Thus this example clearly shows a violation of the dictum that a geodesic path between two events maximizes proper time. The rest of the example goes on to show that between the particular chosen events we can display two geodesics G1 (orbital), G2(ballistic), and a non-geodesic path H (hovering), such that the proper time along the paths is ordered as follows: G1 < H < G2. Clearly, this shows that in GR, geodesics do not (in general) maximize proper time. They are just extremal (stationary with respect to variation). G1 is not even a local maximum among nearby paths between the chosen events, yet it is still, without any doubt, a geodesic.
  • #8
I don't currently see any obvious flaw in Pallen's earlier comments about my example being bad, though I need to think about them a bit more, and I'm not sure when I'll have the time.

I definitely agree with Pallen's point about the orbital path. You might actually have to calculate the numbers to convince yourself it's true.

If you consider (for convenience) a non-rotating Earth with no other gravity sources nearby you can do the caclulations by assuming a Schwarzschild metric and by integrating the proper time along the path.

You'll find that tossing a clock straight upwards generates a path of maximal proper time (one that always exists) between two points at the same altitude some delta-t apart.

The orbital path doesn't even exist unless delta-t is at least one orbital period.

Direct calculation also shows the remarks about the hovering clock are true.

Related to Why extremal aging, not just maximal? (for an inertial body in spacetime)

1. Why is extremal aging important for an inertial body in spacetime?

Extremal aging refers to the phenomenon where an inertial body experiences the maximum amount of time dilation in a given reference frame. This is important because it allows us to understand the effects of time dilation on objects moving at high speeds, which has implications in fields such as relativity and space travel.

2. How is extremal aging different from maximal aging?

Maximal aging refers to the concept that an object moving at a constant speed will experience the most amount of time compared to any other reference frame. This is different from extremal aging because it takes into account the effects of acceleration and deceleration, which can also affect time dilation for an object.

3. Can an inertial body experience both extremal and maximal aging?

No, an inertial body can only experience one type of aging at a time. If the body is moving at a constant speed, it will experience maximal aging. However, if the body accelerates or decelerates, it will experience extremal aging.

4. How does extremal aging affect the aging process of an inertial body?

Extremal aging causes time to pass slower for an inertial body compared to a stationary observer. This means that the inertial body will age at a slower rate than the observer, resulting in a "time dilation" effect. This effect becomes more significant as the speed of the inertial body approaches the speed of light.

5. Are there any real-world examples of extremal aging?

Yes, one example is the famous "twin paradox" in which one twin travels in a spaceship at high speeds while the other remains on Earth. When the traveling twin returns, they will have experienced extremal aging and will have aged less than the twin who stayed on Earth. Additionally, the aging of atomic clocks on GPS satellites is also affected by extremal aging due to their high speeds in orbit.

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