Why free neutrons are unstable?

  • Thread starter majid313mirzae
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In summary, free neutrons are unstable and have a mean lifetime of 885.7±0.8 s (about 14 minutes, 46 seconds).
  • #1
Outside the nucleus, free neutrons are unstable and have a mean lifetime of 885.7±0.8 s (about 14 minutes, 46 seconds). why??
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Why not?
There is a possible decay, as a proton (plus an electron and a neutrino) is lighter and all conservation laws are satisfied in the decay.
  • #3
Are you asking why the free neutron is unstable, or why the mean lifetime has that particular value?
  • #4
Free neutrons decay because they're not forbidden to decay by any conservation laws.

The mass of a neutron is greater than the sum of the masses of the proton, electron, and antineutrino that are produced in the decay. The energy associated with the extra mass becomes the kinetic energy of the decay products. So energy conservation doesn't forbid it.

The proton and neutron each have baryon number +1. So baryon number conservation doesn't forbid it.

The electron has lepton number +1 and the antineutrino has lepton number -1. So lepton number conservation doesn't forbid it.
  • #5
jtbell said:
Free neutrons decay because they're not forbidden to decay by any conservation laws.

Perhaps I am missing something, but I find this statement slightly strange (or misleading/confusing).

Just because something is not forbidden doesn't mean it has to occur. Reaction (I am thinking in terms of chemistry, but they are not much different on a general level) has to be thermodynamically favorable.

So if the reaction is not forbidden and thermodynamically favorable (if I understand correctly this part was covered by mfb - mass of products is lower that the mass of neutron), the real question is - why it doesn't happen in nuclei, but only for isolated neutrons?
  • #6
I think the OP is asking why neutrons behave differently outside the nucleus as distinct from inside the nucleus. All neutrons have the same half life for beta decay when they are free and outside the nucleus but not so when they are inside the nucleus,the half lives being different for different nuclei.
  • #7
Borek said:
why it doesn't happen in nuclei, but only for isolated neutrons?

With nuclear decay, what matters is not the difference in mass between neutron and proton, but instead the difference in mass between the initial and final nuclei.

Another way to put it: in stable nuclei, the energy released by ##n \rightarrow p + e^- + \bar \nu## is not enough to make up the difference in binding energy between the initial and final nuclei.

Similarly, for a free proton, ##p \rightarrow n + e^+ + \nu## is not allowed because of energy conservation, but some nuclei do decay via that process.
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  • #8
Borek said:
Just because something is not forbidden doesn't mean it has to occur. Reaction (I am thinking in terms of chemistry, but they are not much different on a general level) has to be thermodynamically favorable.
Every reaction that is not forbidden happens at finite temperatures - sometimes it happens extremely rare (up to "probably not within the lifetime of the universe"), or the opposite reaction happens more often, but it happens.

So if the reaction is not forbidden and thermodynamically favorable (if I understand correctly this part was covered by mfb - mass of products is lower that the mass of neutron), the real question is - why it doesn't happen in nuclei, but only for isolated neutrons?
It is forbidden inside some nuclei, because there the neutrons and protons have a different energy.
  • #9
mfb said:
Every reaction that is not forbidden happens at finite temperatures - sometimes it happens extremely rare (up to "probably not within the lifetime of the universe"), or the opposite reaction happens more often, but it happens.


Yeah, Murphy's Law for neutron decay: "If it can happen it will happen." ;))


FAQ: Why free neutrons are unstable?

1. Why are free neutrons unstable?

Free neutrons are unstable because they have a higher mass than the sum of a proton and an electron. This excess mass can be converted into energy, causing the neutron to decay into a proton, electron, and anti-neutrino.

2. Can neutrons be stable in certain conditions?

Yes, neutrons can be stable when they are bound inside an atomic nucleus. In this case, the strong nuclear force is strong enough to overcome the excess mass of the neutron, making it stable.

3. How long do free neutrons typically last?

The average lifetime of a free neutron is about 15 minutes. However, some neutrons can last for up to 15 minutes and 30 seconds before decaying into a proton and other particles.

4. What is the consequence of neutron decay?

The decay of neutrons has important consequences in nuclear physics and cosmology. It is responsible for the production of elements heavier than hydrogen in the early universe and plays a crucial role in nuclear reactions and energy production in stars.

5. Are there any proposed explanations for the instability of free neutrons?

There are several theories that attempt to explain the instability of free neutrons, such as the Standard Model of particle physics and Grand Unified Theories. However, the exact reason for the instability of neutrons is still not fully understood and remains an active area of research in physics.

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