Why Gods exsistence will not ever be answered?

  • Thread starter Genius of Physics
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In summary, the question of God's existence cannot be definitively answered because it falls outside the realm of scientific inquiry. Since we cannot go beyond our visible universe and study what lies beyond, we define it as non-existent. Similarly, God, being unknown and unexplained, cannot be studied or explained. The discussion of God's existence is often linked to the debate of fate versus free will, but ultimately, it is a topic that cannot be proven or disproven. Therefore, it is suggested to move on from this debate and focus on more practical matters.
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Genius of Physics
Why "Gods" exsistence will not ever be answered?

First of all we look aside from religion and go straight to physics
As we all now universe is expanding like a "sphere" which is gettin greater in diameter for every second with the speed of light. We can not get faster than speed of light therefore we can't get out of our visible universe, but there is a possibility to create a wormhole which will create a shortcut but only inside the universe/system. What is outside of our universe is not interestin because we don't know what it is in there or which physical laws are there to follow, therefore we define that place as not EXISTING. The same goes with the God, something that is 100% unknown can never be studied or explained.
Because i believe in God doesn't mean that i believe in any of the religions. I think discussion about Gods existence will follow the discussion of the Fate vs Freewill, cos only by changing the past you can proof that Fate does not exist, which is as we know not possible.
So i suggest we leave this God or no God and go do something usefull.
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  • #2
  • #3

I must approach this topic from a scientific perspective. The existence of a higher being or deity is a philosophical and spiritual question, not a scientific one. Science deals with empirical evidence and observable phenomena, and the existence of a deity is not something that can be tested or observed in a scientific manner.

Furthermore, the concept of a deity is a subjective and personal belief, and it is not something that can be proven or disproven by scientific methods. Each individual has their own understanding and interpretation of a higher being, and it is not something that can be universally defined or measured.

Additionally, the idea of a deity is often intertwined with religious beliefs and faith, which are not based on scientific evidence. Religion is a matter of faith and personal belief, and it is not something that can be proven or disproven by scientific means.

In conclusion, the existence of a deity is a matter of personal belief and faith, and it is not something that can be answered or explained by science. As scientists, it is important to focus on tangible and observable phenomena and leave the discussion of a higher being to philosophy and spirituality.

FAQ: Why Gods exsistence will not ever be answered?

1. Why can't science prove the existence of God?

Science is a field that relies on empirical evidence and the scientific method to explain and understand natural phenomena. The existence of God is a philosophical and spiritual concept that cannot be tested or measured using scientific methods. Science and religion operate in different realms, and while science can provide explanations for many things, it cannot prove or disprove the existence of a higher power.

2. If God exists, why hasn't science been able to detect or measure it?

The concept of God is often described as being beyond human understanding and existing outside of the physical world. Therefore, it cannot be measured or detected using scientific tools and methods. Additionally, God is often seen as a spiritual or metaphysical entity, and science is limited to studying the physical world.

3. Can't we use scientific theories to explain the existence of God?

While some people may try to use scientific theories to explain the existence of God, this goes against the fundamental principles of science. Scientific theories are based on observable and testable evidence, while the concept of God is based on faith and belief. Trying to use science to explain God's existence would be like trying to use a ruler to measure emotions.

4. Is it possible that science will one day find evidence for the existence of God?

It is unlikely that science will ever be able to prove or disprove the existence of God. As mentioned before, science and religion operate in different realms, and the concept of God is beyond the scope of scientific study. Additionally, faith and belief are personal and subjective experiences that cannot be measured or tested.

5. Why do some people believe in God while others don't?

Belief in God is a personal and individual decision. It is influenced by a variety of factors such as upbringing, culture, personal experiences, and philosophical beliefs. While science can provide explanations for many things, it cannot dictate one's beliefs or lack thereof in a higher power.

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