Why Haven't We Outgrown Our Childish Nature?

  • Thread starter Schrodinger's Dog
  • Start date
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In summary, the author wonders why we haven't moved beyond being children, and wonders if women have any input into this question.

Does mankind have a point at the moment?

  • Mankind is solid we are on the right track

    Votes: 2 10.0%
  • Mankind is somewhat misguided but we'll get there eventually

    Votes: 5 25.0%
  • Mankind is ok but could do better

    Votes: 5 25.0%
  • we're just a pointless waste of space at the moment

    Votes: 5 25.0%
  • other: pleaase explain?

    Votes: 2 10.0%
  • x: I have no idea, and frankly I have no idea about your idea.

    Votes: 1 5.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
  • #1
Schrodinger's Dog
When you look at the sheer breadth and depth of human achievement; in philosophy, in science, in theology and in every medium, are you not puzzled by why we haven't moved on beyond being children?

We are now at the age where we know enough that we are teenagers: got through the early years had a few wars blah blah blah; do you look at us and say, oh Good lord grow up? Or do you think we never will.

I'm asking the ladies here as well because you know how childish men are: and don't foresake your responsibility either, get us to grow up, in politics in life.

Can we grow up, can we get over our baser instincts, or are we doomed to play each other off in some facile war game that no one understands and no one's grown up enough to play anyway?
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Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
“The biggest waste of water in the country is when you spend half a pint and flush two gallons.”
- Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh
  • #3
Nah, no pints here, just the bottled stuff. :wink: :biggrin:
  • #4
It takes a certain element of psychosis to get anything really useful done, I find. Imagination is a transient of turmoil, not to be found in a steady state.
  • #5
I picked waste of space. I'm not entirely convinced we serve any purpose other than reproduction. If that is the case then our place in the universe is no different than anything else and, like most things, we simply take up space.
  • #6
If we can realize ourselves, there is something more to us than just space
  • #7
SticksandStones said:
I picked waste of space. I'm not entirely convinced we serve any purpose other than reproduction. If that is the case then our place in the universe is no different than anything else and, like most things, we simply take up space.

Actually with current populations reproduction isn't even an issue as a significant minority of us could just not bother. Essentially unless you believe in God there is no point to life, no magic, no mystery it just is.:eek:
  • #8
Schrodinger's Dog said:
I'm asking the ladies here as well because you know how childish men are
Does mankind have a pint at the moment?
Mankind is solid we are on the right track
Mankind is somewhat misguided but we'll get there eventually
Mankind is ok but could do better
I don't think that women can possibly have any valid input to this question, any more than men could possibly have any input to the question of abortion.
  • #9
jimmysnyder said:
Does mankind have a pint at the moment?
Mankind is solid we are on the right track
Mankind is somewhat misguided but we'll get there eventually
Mankind is ok but could do better
I don't think that women can possibly have any valid input to this question, any more than men could possibly have any input to the question of abortion.

I don't follow your reasoning?

Are you saying women have no way of determining or commenting on the progress of humanity?

I'll have a pint of lager thanks :smile: if you're offering :-p

hehehehe sorry my wicked sense of humour, I've been dying to say that :smile:

Can a mentor correct the typo in the original poll question?
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  • #10
Schrodinger's Dog said:
I don't follow your reasoning?

Are you saying women have no way of determining or commenting on the progress of humanity?

I'll have a pint of lager thanks :smile: if you're offering :-p

hehehehe sorry my wicked sense of humour, I've been dying to say that :smile:

Can a mentor correct the typo in the original poll question?
I thought it was some weird British thing.
  • #11
This reminds me of Immanuel Kant and the Renaissance. We have grown up - it is just that we need to make others on outside do it as well.
  • #12
Evo said:
I thought it was some weird British thing.

If it is it went straight over my head obviously, thanks and thanks for correcting the typo :smile:

Moridin said:
This reminds me of Immanuel Kant and the Renaissance. We have grown up - it is just that we need to make others on outside do it as well.

Well great minds think alike:wink::smile: I'm afraid I haven't read much Kant except about moral duty and his theory of ethics, I have read bits and pieces but only of the more mainstream philosophy.
  • #13
Schrodinger's Dog said:
When you look at the sheer breadth and depth of human achievement; in philosophy, in science, in theology and in every medium, are you not puzzled by why we haven't moved on beyond being children?
I think it has something to do with the lack of achievement in philosophy and theology.
  • #14
Mankind is OK but could do better. Amof, everything is always OK but could always do better. :wink:

Actually, I don't fully understand your question. Do you wonder why there are still negative things happening in the world (in the most general way) and why some of us are still acting/living on a very primitive/low level, while, on the other hand, we have such great achievements in science/art, etc., i.e. how can these two facts be true at the same time?
  • #15
radou said:
Mankind is OK but could do better. Amof, everything is always OK but could always do better. :wink:

Actually, I don't fully understand your question. Do you wonder why there are still negative things happening in the world (in the most general way) and why some of us are still acting/living on a very primitive/low level, while, on the other hand, we have such great achievements in science/art, etc., i.e. how can these two facts be true at the same time?

Yes technologically we are superior, artisticly even culturally but socially and morally we are still operating at the same level as primitive scocieties under a thin surface of technological and cultural sophistication, now I know this may well change with globalisation and the internet etc. But the question is why are we so backward, philosophically whether theologically or secularly inspired, why are our morals in the stone age still? And why therefore socially are we so backward?

That's human nature I'm afraid is no longer a valid reason for acting like a caveman :smile: we unlike many other animals can change our natures by will.
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  • #16
Schrodinger's Dog said:
But the question is why are we so backward, philosophically whether theologically or secularly inspired, why are our morals in the stone age still? And why therefore socially are we so backward?

Well, the ones that are 'backward' are minimizing our 'average value'. The reasons behind are either lack of received love, lack of information, or lack of intelligence. But often, all of these three are mixed together into a very problematic concoction. That's all to it, I guess.

Schrodinger's Dog said:
That's human nature I'm afraid is no longer a valid reason for acting like a caveman :smile: we unlike many other animals can change our natures by will.

I wouldn't blame it on nature. Human nature is, essentially, beautiful.
  • #17
Schrodinger's Dog said:
Yes technologically we are superior, artisticly even culturally but socially and morally we are still operating at the same level as primitive scocieties under a thin surface of technological and cultural sophistication, now I know this may well change with globalisation and the internet etc. But the question is why are we so backward, philosophically whether theologically or secularly inspired, why are our morals in the stone age still? And why therefore socially are we so backward?
I think the answer is we are working on it. Ethics, for example, may be approachable through a study of evolution and game theory. Or we can work on programs which do a primitive form of cognitive processing. That is simply the only way to do it. The grand explanations of theology just don't work & 2000 years of still quoting aquinas should have proved it to anybody's satisfaction. The scientific approach has paid big dividends in learning about the world, although it is mostly slow, technical and requires some competence at mathematics. (This is not a commercial, it just comes out that way.)
  • #18

im just trying out the LaTex feature, I am very new to this
  • #19
loverly it works, sorry to spam this topic
  • #20
reidy said:
loverly it works, sorry to spam this topic

I don't think it really matters in GD, np :smile: since the latex programs that are used to test latex have been revised, you might want to test those though. I have been there though, I did the same at first when I discovered the original test program was flawed, just delete the post when you've finished if you like or whatever it doesn't really matter.:smile:


Also there's plenty of stuff on this thread you can cut and paste which makes it even easier to write out even the most challenging of equations. Playing around with that thread you can learn latex in a few hours pretty much. Or at least be competent enough to post.
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  • #21
Since this thread talks about dreams, I'll tell you one I had last night, because it was one hell of a weird dream. I was laying on my stomach with my arms out like superman, only I could move really fast but I stayed on the ground. So I was going down the road as fast as I could, (like 240mph) doing this stupid superman thing. And then I zoom by these cops and they put on their blinkers and start chasing me. And I am going and going and then I loose them and get home. But then the next day I wake up and find I have a speeding ticket... but the speeding ticket reads that I went 100 degrees in 2 seconds and has a picture of an angle of 100 degrees with 2 seconds underlined a bunch of times.

Im laughing right now because I am saying to myself, what the helll was that all about? :confused: :smile:

Ok, off topic, but I just thought Id share.

Oh, and I voted pointless waste of space.
  • #22
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  • #23
Btw my http://www.mathphyswiki.com/index.php?title=Latex_extension" is superior. Well once I fix the crashing, anyway. That DLL is horribly complex.
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  • #24
All ninja or pirate placement advertising is strictly monitored by the Church of the FSM. You have been warned.:-p


OK let's at least try and stay on topic :smile:


Thrice said:
:smile: Oh and I am so going to steal that, that's excellent :biggrin:

Thrice said:
Btw my http://www.mathphyswiki.com/index.php?title=Latex_extension" is superior. Well once I fix the crashing, anyway. That DLL is horribly complex.

What this one, just don't use tex tags cut and paste whatever you want to copy and Bobs your uncle.

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  • #25
Thrice said:

:smile: Nice.
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  • #26
jimmysnyder said:
... any more than men could possibly have any input to the question of abortion.
This, and the point that inspired it, are actually (an albeit gentle and general) form of the ad hominem attack. It attempts to base the validity of an argument on the person speaking it.

In fact, an argument's validity is based on its merits alone, regardless of who speaks it.

To correct an ad hominem: attack the argument, not the arguer.
  • #27
DaveC426913 said:
This, and the point that inspired it, are actually (an albeit gentle and general) form of the ad hominem attack. It attempts to base the validity of an argument on the person speaking it.

In fact, an argument's validity is based on its merits alone, regardless of who speaks it.

To correct an ad hominem: attack the argument, not the arguer.

I think the thread drifted into ad hominems and spam anyway, but thanks for your efforts, I did try although not very hard admittedly to keep it on topic:smile:

FAQ: Why Haven't We Outgrown Our Childish Nature?

1. Can we really overcome our inherent childish nature?

Yes, we can. While our childhood experiences and environment may shape our behavior and thought patterns, it is possible for us to consciously work towards personal growth and maturity. It requires self-reflection, self-awareness, and a willingness to change and improve.

2. How do we know when we have achieved true maturity?

Maturity is a subjective concept and can mean different things to different people. However, some common indicators of maturity include emotional stability, responsibility, and the ability to handle challenging situations with grace and composure.

3. Is it ever too late to mature and grow as a person?

No, it is never too late. Personal growth and maturity are ongoing processes that can happen at any stage of life. It may require more effort and determination in later years, but it is always possible to make positive changes and evolve as a person.

4. Can our environment or upbringing hinder our ability to mature?

Our environment and upbringing can certainly play a role in shaping our behavior and thought patterns. However, it is up to us to take responsibility for our actions and actively work towards overcoming any negative influences. With dedication and effort, we can rise above any hindrances and continue to grow and mature.

5. How can we encourage others to mature and grow?

We cannot force others to mature, as it is ultimately their own journey. However, we can lead by example and offer support and guidance to those who are willing to work towards personal growth. We can also create a positive and nurturing environment for others to thrive in and provide constructive feedback when necessary.
