Why in BEC we must separate number of particles of ground state?

In summary, the reason for separating the number of particles in the ground state from the total number of particles in Bose-Einstein condensates is due to a subtle issue with the thermodynamic limit. In this limit, as the volume approaches infinity, the singularity at zero momentum for the phase-space distribution disappears, causing a problem for accommodating all particles in the ground state. This leads to the concept of a critical temperature, where the phase transition of Bose-Einstein condensation occurs and the zero-mode occupation density becomes the order parameter.
  • #1
In BEC, why do we separate the number of particles of ground state(E=0) from the integral(total number of particles) when temperature below critical temperature.

Why is the overall integral wrong while the index of sum of number of particle can be considered as continuous?

Is it correct that when a term of sum become very large we can not consider the sum as the integral?
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  • #2
Perhaps at very cold temps the particles act more like particles whereas at higher temps they can more continuous like a fluid.
  • #4
I hear that there is a Euler-Marlaurin formula saying about changing a sum to integral?
  • #5
At critical temperature the exponent{-beta*muy} equal 1 so that the number of particle of boson at ground state very large.But why we still use the integral involved ground state at criticle temperature?
  • #6
It's a subtle issue with the thermodynamic limit, i.e., taking the "quantization volume" to infinity and keeping the density constant. As long as the volume is finite you don't need to take the BEC particles (i.e., the macroscopic numer of particles occupying the ground state) separately, but when taking the thermodynamic limit you have to do so.

Take an ideal gas. Then the total number of particles at finite volume is the sum (sic!) over discrete momentum states (imposing periodic boundary conditions for the wave functions taking the volume to be a cube of length ##L##)
$$N=\sum_{\vec{p}} \frac{1}{\exp[\beta (E(\vec{p})-\mu)]-1}.$$
Obviously you must have ##\beta=1/(k_{\text{B}} T)>0## and ##\mu<E_0##. For non-relativistic particles ##E_0=0## and thus ##\mu<0##. There's no problem to accommodate any particle number though ##mu<0## at any temperature since the zero-mode contribution
$$N_0=\frac{1}{\exp(-\beta \mu)-1} \rightarrow \infty \quad \text{for} \quad \mu \rightarrow 0^{-}.$$
If you now go over to the thermodynamic limit, you naively make
$$\sum_{\vec{p}}=\frac{V}{(2 \pi \hbar)^3} \int_{\mathbb{R}^3} \mathrm{d}^3 p.$$
Since now ##\mathrm{d}^3 p=4 \pi p^2 \mathrm{d}p## the singularity at ##\vec{p}=0## for ##\mu \rightarrow 0^{-}## is gone, and there's a maximal finite number of particles for a given temperature. Thus if you have a fixed number of particles and lower the temperature, at some "critical temperature" you cannot accommodate all particles when taking this naive limit. The finite-volume calculation shows why: You have to keep a macroscopic number of particles occupying the zero mode.

So the correct limit of the phase-space distribution in the thermodynamic limit is not simply the Bose-distribution function but (with the usual convention that the phase-space measure is ##\mathrm{d}^3 x \mathrm{d}^3 p/(2 \pi \hbar)^3##)
$$f(\vec{x},\vec{p})=(2 \pi \hbar)^3 n_0 \delta^{(3)}(\vec{p}) + \frac{1}{\exp[\beta (E(\vec{p})-\mu)]-1}.$$
For a given density ##n=N/V## and energy density you have to adjust ##\beta## and ##\mu## such as to fulfill these constraints. If you cannot find a pair of ##\beta## and ##\mu## without taking into account the ##\delta## distribution, because ##n## is too large to do so, you must set ##\mu=0## and choose ##n_0>0## to accommodate the given density. In the thermodynamic limit you have a phase transition with the zero-mode occupation density ##n_0## as the order parameter, and that's what's called "Bose Einstein Condensation".

FAQ: Why in BEC we must separate number of particles of ground state?

1. Why is it important to separate the number of particles in the ground state in BEC?

In BEC (Bose-Einstein Condensate), all particles are in the same quantum state, known as the ground state. This state is characterized by the lowest possible energy level. By separating the number of particles in the ground state, we can better understand the behavior and properties of the BEC, which can help us in various applications such as creating ultra-cold atoms for precision measurements and quantum computing.

2. How do we separate the number of particles in the ground state in BEC?

To separate the number of particles in the ground state in BEC, we can use a technique called optical pumping. This involves using lasers to selectively remove particles from the ground state, leaving behind a smaller number of particles in that state. Other methods such as radio-frequency pulses and evaporative cooling can also be used to manipulate the number of particles in the ground state.

3. Can we control the number of particles in the ground state in BEC?

Yes, we can control the number of particles in the ground state in BEC through various methods such as optical pumping, radio-frequency pulses, and evaporative cooling. This allows us to tune the properties of the BEC and study the effects of different particle numbers on its behavior.

4. What happens if we do not separate the number of particles in the ground state in BEC?

If we do not separate the number of particles in the ground state in BEC, the properties of the condensate may be affected. For example, if there are too many particles in the ground state, the BEC may become unstable and collapse. By controlling the number of particles in the ground state, we can avoid these effects and better study the behavior of the BEC.

5. Are there any limitations to separating the number of particles in the ground state in BEC?

Yes, there are limitations to separating the number of particles in the ground state in BEC. This process requires precise control and manipulation of the particles, which can be challenging. Additionally, the number of particles that can be separated in the ground state is limited by the available technology and experimental conditions. However, advancements in technology and techniques continue to expand these limitations.
