Why in general speaking the mass of gauge boson is zero?

In summary, the mass of gauge bosons is zero except for the W and Z bosons, which get their mass from the Higgs mechanism.
  • #1
Please teach me this:
Why in general speaking the mass of gauge boson particle is zero(except W,Z bosons)?Because if we consider the self-energy of the bosons,we might think of the mass of gauge bosons.
Thank you very much for your kind helping.
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  • #2
ndung200790 said:
Please teach me this:
Why in general speaking the mass of gauge boson particle is zero(except W,Z bosons)?Because if we consider the self-energy of the bosons,we might think of the mass of gauge bosons.
Thank you very much for your kind helping.

Well, both EM and gravitational radiation propagates at the speed of light; that means that their force carrying vector bosons must travel at the speed of light, therefore their rest mass must vanish. There are other, deeper, more mathematical reasons as well, but this I think is the simplest and most straightfoward explanation.
  • #3
But how about gluon and why we know the speed of graviton is c(meaning speed of the propagation of gravity interaction is c)?
  • #4
  • #5
ndung200790 said:
But how about gluon and why we know the speed of graviton is c(meaning speed of the propagation of gravity interaction is c)?
We can analyse the classical, linearized field equations and we find a standard wave equation with

[tex]\partial_0^2 - \nabla^2[/tex]

This is interpreted as a free, massless field propagating with c (plus interaction terms which have been neglected due to linearization)
  • #6
I think the better way to think of it is 'why do the W and Z bosons have mass'? Gauge bosons are always massless unless something special happens to give them mass.
  • #7
The reason gauge bosons are massless is exactly because they are GUAGE bosons. That is they obey a gauge symmetry which forbids mass terms in the Lagrangian (since we require the action to be gauge invariant - not change under gauge transformations).

However the mass terms in the Lagrangian only represent tree level masses. It is, as the question asks, not so obvious that self energy diagrams would not contribute to the gauge boson masses. The fact that they don't is again down to gauge invariance but is more subtle and is seen via the Ward identities (themselves a result of gauge invariance). This is all nicely explained on pages 20-23 of Willenbrock's excellent review of "Symmetries of the Standard Model".

The fact that the Ws and Z can have masses is because the gauge symmetry is spontaneously broken by the Higgs vev, but that is a whole other story...

FAQ: Why in general speaking the mass of gauge boson is zero?

1. Why are gauge bosons considered massless in the Standard Model of particle physics?

The Standard Model, which is the current theory of elementary particles and their interactions, assumes that all gauge bosons (except the Higgs boson) have zero mass. This is because the Standard Model is based on the principles of symmetry and gauge invariance, which require that the equations describing the interactions between particles be unchanged when certain transformations are applied to them. These symmetries and gauge invariance are only preserved if the gauge bosons have zero mass.

2. How does the concept of gauge symmetry relate to the masslessness of gauge bosons?

Gauge symmetry is a fundamental principle in the Standard Model, which states that the equations describing the interactions between particles must remain unchanged under certain transformations. These transformations are called gauge transformations. If the gauge bosons were to have mass, the equations would not be invariant under these transformations, violating the principle of gauge symmetry. Therefore, the masslessness of gauge bosons is a consequence of gauge symmetry.

3. Are there any experimental evidences for the masslessness of gauge bosons?

Yes, there is strong experimental evidence for the masslessness of gauge bosons. The most compelling evidence comes from the precision measurements of the properties of the W and Z bosons at particle accelerators such as the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). These measurements have shown that the W and Z bosons have masses very close to zero, consistent with the predictions of the Standard Model.

4. Is it possible for a gauge boson to acquire mass in certain situations?

Yes, it is possible for a gauge boson to acquire mass in certain situations. One such situation is through the mechanism of spontaneous symmetry breaking, which is how the Higgs boson acquires its mass. In this mechanism, the Higgs field interacts with the gauge bosons, giving them mass while still preserving the principles of gauge symmetry and gauge invariance.

5. What would be the implications if gauge bosons were found to have non-zero mass?

If gauge bosons were found to have non-zero mass, it would challenge the current understanding of the fundamental interactions between particles in the Standard Model. It would also require a revision of the theory to incorporate the concept of massive gauge bosons and the mechanism by which they acquire mass. Additionally, it could have implications for the behavior of particles at high energies and in extreme conditions, such as the early universe, where the effects of massive gauge bosons may become more apparent.

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