Why iPad opens Gmail into emails?

  • Thread starter kyphysics
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In summary: Pad users may find it difficult to type longer email addresses.Summary:The author has difficulty using an iPad for work and school. He questions why Gmail opens the first email in the list and worries he may have opened malware. The author also finds no right-click options on the iPad and no toolbar in Safari. He wants to throw the iPad in the pool because it sucks.
  • #1
This is my first time using an iPad for work and school. They suck in terms of intuitiveness to me. Or I suck.

My q is why is it when I open Gmail it automatically opens the first email in my list? On a PC, it just goes to a screen listing your emails to choose from. On my iPad, it goes into a specific email and I can,t ever get that list screen. I’m worried I,lol accidentally open malware.

Lastly, why are Apple keyboards so freakin small? I,m not a dwarf!
Computer science news on Phys.org
  • #2
If you register th gmail account with the iOS mail app then you get the list or email which ever state you last used. There’s also a gmail app but I resist adding more apps to my screen,

With respect to the keyboard, iPads are elven technology and so only social people may use it. Basically the keyboard fits the device screen and can’t be larger.
  • #3
jedishrfu said:
If you register th gmail account with the iOS mail app then you get the list or email which ever state you last used. There’s also a gmail app but I resist adding more apps to my screen,

With respect to the keyboard, iPads are elven technology and so only social people may use it. Basically the keyboard fits the device screen and can’t be larger.

I hate these machines already.

Re: I never registered my mail. How can I undo that if I accidentally did so. Who in their right mind would want to auto open emails? That is stupid and dangerous! Malware anyone?! Apple is stupid!
  • #4
Also, what the hell. Why is there no Safari tool bar up top?
  • #5
and there are no right click ( to get options ) on these dumb machines and operating systems. I hate Apple!
  • #6
jedishrfu said:
If you register th gmail account with the iOS mail app then you get the list or email which ever state you last used. There’s also a gmail app but I resist adding more apps to my screen,

With respect to the keyboard, iPads are elven technology and so only social people may use it. Basically the keyboard fits the device screen and can’t be larger.

I’m sorry for my angry tone. It has been a rough week with no computer use during a critical phase of my life.

I looked into this issue with Google searches and cannot understand it. I never registered my Gmail acct with iOS’ mail app.

In settings I can see this. And I clicked mail app and don’t see Gmail (it has other options, but not Gmail.com. Is there no way to just get a big list of unopened emails like when using a PC. Why would Safari in iPad give a split view of the list to the left and an automatically opened mail on the right? Who would want their mail auto opened that way? If I delete that email, it just auto opens the next unread message on the right. There are no buttons in Safari to change this.

I want to throw this machine in the pool. It sucks!
  • #7
Yes, I see hat you mean. It has never bothered that it opened the current mail and yes that’s a difference between iOS mail and gmail from a web browser.

Personally, I don’t mind it opening the current email. I think you can set it to not expand urls which is what actually causes the malware issues that folks get caught by.

I think the gmail app for iOS may work the same as the gmail web Client so you could check it.

One thing though is if you think the iPad can replace a laptop you’ll be sadly disappointed. If instead you want to browse the web, take some notes ala notability, draw something with Procreate, or make music with GarageBand then the iPad is for you otherwise stick with a laptop.
  • #8
jedishrfu said:
... With respect to the keyboard, iPads are elven technology and so only social people may use it. ...
Hahaha ... :rolleyes: :cool:
  • #9
Me: Oops the iPad changed Special to social. That’s what I mean by elven tech. It has a mind of its own. Bad iPad bad, bad, bad! ...

iPad: but that sounds nicer.
  • #10
Try some other email apps and see if they work more to your liking. Since you have a Gmail account, the Gmail app would seem to be the logical place to start. There are others, but my wife and I have never used anything other than iOS Mail on our iDevices because we're satisfied with that, even though most of our email accounts are based on Gmail.

On an iPhone, iOS Mail doesn't use the split-screen layout that always opens one message, with the list of messages at the left. Because of the limited screen space, it shows either a list of mailboxes, or a list of messages in a mailbox, or a single message (or a thread of messages if you have "display by threads" enabled). So an expensive solution to your problem would be to buy an iPhone. :rolleyes:

Related to Why iPad opens Gmail into emails?

1. Why does my iPad automatically open my Gmail into emails?

The default setting on iPads is to automatically open the Gmail app into the emails tab. This is to provide a seamless experience for users who primarily use their iPad for accessing their emails.

2. Can I change the default setting to open Gmail into a different tab?

Yes, you can change the default setting to open Gmail into a different tab. To do this, go to the Settings app on your iPad, select Gmail, and then choose the tab you want to open when you first open the app.

3. Why do I have to enter my login information every time I open Gmail on my iPad?

If you have to enter your login information every time you open Gmail on your iPad, it is likely because you have not enabled the "Stay signed in" option. This option can be found under the "General" section in the Settings app for Gmail. Enabling this option will allow you to stay signed in to your account and not have to enter your login information every time.

4. How can I disable the automatic opening of emails in Gmail on my iPad?

To disable the automatic opening of emails in Gmail on your iPad, go to the Settings app, select Gmail, and then toggle off the "Open Emails" option. This will prevent the app from automatically opening to the emails tab and will instead open to the default tab of your choice.

5. Is there a way to set a different default tab for different Gmail accounts on my iPad?

Yes, you can set a different default tab for different Gmail accounts on your iPad. Simply go to the Settings app, select Gmail, and then choose the account you want to change the default tab for. From there, you can select the tab you want to open when you first open the app for that specific account.

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